Academic Process Planning and Organization Service
Head of planning service and organization of the educational process - Yertaeva Nesibeli

Tel: +7 (727) 272 63 67
The Head of planning service and organization of the educational process
of the KNC named after Kurmangazy from September 29, 2022.
Has a bachelor degree in 54071400 – Aviation engineering and technology 2004-2008y.
University "Kaynar", Almaty:
Methodist of «Information Systems» department (03.08.2008y. – 02.08.2009y.)
JSC "International Information Technologies University", Almaty:
Manager (dispatcher) of educational department (03.08.2009y – 06.01.2010y.);
Laboratory assistant of «Management and Social Studies» department (06.01.2010y. – 01.09.2010y.);
Methodist of educational department (01.09.2010y. – 01.09.2012y.);
Manager of Register’s Office (01.09.2012y. - 01.09.2015y.);
Manager of the Department of educational and methodological work and academic issues (01.09.2015y. - 01.02.2017y.);
Kazakh American University, Almaty:
Leading Specialist (UNESCO Associated School at Kazakh American University) (from 01.11.2017y. until 01.02.2019y. by the contract)
Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy, Almaty:
Statistic-Registers of the Register’s Office (02.03.2018y. – 08.07.2018y.);
Supervisor SPD (study planning department) (09.07.2018y. – 28.07.2018y.);
Head of Office Register’s department (29.08.2018-28.09.2022)
Working experience - 15 years.