Tel: +7 (727) 272 63 84
Information about himself:
· Date and place of birth: 21.06.1983, Almaty region.
· Nationality: Cossack
· Family position: married
Place of registration: Almaty, Alatau district, Sayaly district, house 37.
2001 - 2005 Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute. Specialty: Informatics, computer science teacher
1. Kazakh National Research Technical University named after KI Satpayeva
since 10.2005 on 01.2017 - Registrar's office
Position: manager.
2. Kazakh National Medical University named after SD Asfendiyarova
from 01.2017 at 10.2017 - Registrar's office
Position: Statist.
3. Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy
from 10.2017 nyneshnee vremya - Department of educational planning
Position: Senior Manager. From 10.09.2020 Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy - Head of the Department of Educational Planning.
Computer skills: Experienced user: MS Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Access, Outlook), Internet skills (Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla Firefox) and e-mail (Outlook Express), graphic editors (Photoshop, CorelDRAW), operating system knowledge Windows and Linux.
Knowledge of languages:
· Kazakh (native), Russian (free), English (with dictionary)
Personal qualities:
· Initiative, quick learning, creative approach to problem solving
· Communicativeness, ability and desire to work in a team
The main prerequisites for searching for work:
· Improve their knowledge and skills;
· Find yourself an interesting and constant work and friends;
Constant development of the horizon.
Functional job responsibilities of PMO
1. Organizes and coordinates the work of the departments for the development of curricula, working curricula (RUE)
2. Takes part in the development of the academic calendar, the schedule of the educational process and the norms of time for calculating the teaching load of the teaching staff.
3. Forms, together with the Office of the Registrar, academic groups and streams for calculating the teaching load of the teaching staff and drawing up a class schedule.
4. Conducts an examination of working curricula, taking into account the requirements of the State Educational Standard, standard curricula (TUPL) of specialties.
5. Controls and is responsible for the formation and updating of information on the RUE of specialties in the database of the AIS "Platonus" program.
6. Takes part in checking the compliance of the calculation of the teaching load of the departments of the RUE.
7. Takes part in the verification of compliance with the norms of the distribution of the teaching load of the teaching staff of the departments
8. Takes part in checking the implementation of the teaching load of the teaching staff of the departments in accordance with the planned indicators
9. Supervises and is responsible for the formation of the schedule of classes, exams, the schedule of the SSSP in accordance with the approved working curricula of specialties, educational programs, courses, and language departments.
10. Controls the process of collecting and including in the general schedule of individual lessons.
11. Controls the organization of the provision of the approved schedule of classes, examinations to the dean's offices of faculties.
12. Controls the process of forming the summer semester schedule.
13. Carries out control of the established order of conducting training sessions, compliance with the schedule of the educational process, the schedule of training sessions and exams.
14. Controls the optimal use of the auditorium fund.
15. Brings to the attention of deans and heads of departments information about violations of the teaching staff of the order of the educational process (late arrivals, disruptions of training sessions, exams and their unauthorized postponements).
16. Consults and assists departments on planning and organizing the educational process.
17. Assists the departments in the formation of a package of documents for obtaining a license for new specialties.
18. Carries out work on the preparation of contracts and synchronization of working curricula (RUP) with partner universities in the framework of the implementation of internal academic mobility.
19. Organizes work and is responsible for the preparation of documents (transcript, individual curriculum) of students within the framework of internal academic mobility.
20. Prepares draft orders together with the Registrar's Office for the implementation of internal academic mobility.
21. Advises the departments and the International Department on external academic mobility in terms of transfer and credit transfer in the ECTS system.
22. Develops internal regulatory documents on the rules of the educational process in accordance with credit technology.
23. Prepares summary materials of a reference nature, statistical data at the request of higher organizations.
24. Assists the educational and methodological department of SPiOUP in the preparation and participation of the conservatory in the ratings of universities.
25. Participates in the work on the formation of a catalog of elective disciplines in the context of specialties of bachelor's, master's and doctoral programs.
26. Assists the Registrar's office in verifying the accuracy of information in the documents of graduates (graduation diploma, transcript, diploma supplement).
27. Develops proposals to improve the efficiency of planning the educational process.
28. Fulfills the instructions of the Head of SPiOPP on the issues of the Service.