Registrar's office
Head of the registrar's office - Akbayan Amangeldy

Tel: +7 (727) 261-57-48
2011-2015 International Kazakh-Turkish University named after H.A. Yasawi. Faculty of Economics and Law, specialty. "Financier" Bachelor's degree.
2016-2018 International Humanitarian-Technological University. Faculty "Economics" specialty, "Economist" Magistracy.
Work experience:
1) "Public Service Center" Turkestan, - position: assistant manager (09/01/2014 - 06/25/2015 under the contract);
2) JSC "Xalyk Bank", Almaty, - cashier: (07/16/2015 - 04/08/2016);
3) BTA Bank JSC , Almaty, Human Resources Department. Management assistant. (04/11/2016 - 08/12/2017 under the contract);
4) KNK named after Kurmangazy, Almaty:
- Registrar Statistician of the Office of the Registrar (08/14/2017 - 09/18/2022);
- Head of Department Office Registrar 18.09.2022.;
The total work experience is 9 years.
The main purpose of the OR activity is registration of students for academic disciplines, accounting of mastered credits, organization of intermediate and final attestation and maintenance of the whole history of educational achievements of students.
The main directions of OR activity are:
Realization of credit technology of training.
Planning and organization of intermediate and final attestation.
Maintaining the entire history of educational achievements of students.
Organization of registration of students for academic disciplines.
Organization and conduct of the summer semester.
Provision of services to students.
In order to achieve the set goal, the OR ensures the following tasks:
organization and coordination at the Conservatory level of activities on planning and organization of interim and final attestation of students, analysis and monitoring of their results;
organization, coordination and control of activities to maintain a history of educational achievements of students,;
provision of public services and services of the Conservatory to students;
realization of educational process of the Conservatory on credit technology of training, including registration of students for disciplines, formation of individual educational plans;
organization, coordination and control of activities to implement the recognition of the results of formal and informal learning.
The OR performs the following functions:
participation in the formation of the Academic Policy of the University and its implementation;
participation in the development of internal normative and instructional documents aimed at improving interim and final attestation, registration procedure for academic disciplines, recognition of the results of formal and informal education, movement of the contingent of students;
organization, conduct and control of intermediate and final attestation;
maintenance of documentation on the results of interim and final attestations (preparation of statements);
analyzing and monitoring the results of students' academic performance on the results of interim and final attestation;
organization, conduct and control of the summer semester;
control over the history of students' academic achievements;
calculation of grade point average (GPA);
execution and issuance of transcripts to students;
supervising the implementation of formal and informal learning recognition activities;
ensuring the storage of documentation on the recognition of the results of formal and informal learning;
control over registration of students for disciplines, formation of individual training plans;
formation of draft orders on contingent movement;
correspondence with external organizations regarding the competences of the OR;
interaction with the University units on the issues of the educational process;
making proposals to improve the educational process, the process of interim and final attestation, the registration procedure for academic disciplines, the recognition of the results of formal and informal education, to the Educational and Methodological Council, the Academic Council, the Vice-Rector for Academic and Methodological Work, the Rector;
providing information and services at the request of students on academic activities;
ensuring timely and correct input of information into the University information system.
Quality objectives for the 2022-2023 academic year
Admission 2024