Raushan Malaуeva
Contact details:
E-mail: Rauka.ru@mail.ru
Academic position: Associate Professor
Academic degree: Ph.D. in Economics
Name of speciality and code indicated in the diploma of higher education: «Economics and Management »
Education / qualification (year, country, educational institution):
- 2010 - defence of a candidate's thesis on speciality 080005-Economics and management of national economy;
- 2000-2004 - RK, KazNAU, speciality ‘Economics and Management’.
Work Experience:
Since 2018 - Associate Professor of the Department of ‘Art Management’ at Kurmangazy KazNITU named after K.I.Satpayev
2017-2018- Lecturer of the Department of ‘Business and Management’ KazNITU named after K.I.Satpayev.
2011-2017- Senior Lecturer of the Department of ‘Management and Marketing in Industry’ K.I.Satpayev KazNTU.
2006-2011- Lecturer at the Department of ‘Finance and Banking’ KazNAU.
2005-2006 -Laboratory assistant of the department ‘Finance and Banking’ KazNAU.
Honors, awards (national, international):
2024- Letter of Gratitude from the National Innovation Research Centre of the Republic of Kazakhstan for preparing students for the forum ‘Talented Youth of New Kazakhstan’
2022- Certificate of Honour for preparing students for the XIV Republican Subject Olympiad, Ministry of Culture and Sports of Kazakhstan
2020- Letter of Appreciation, Chamber of Entrepreneurs of Almaty, NPE RK ‘Atameken’, Kazakhstan
2019-Acknowledgement letter, Ministry of Culture and Sports of Kazakhstan
2019 - Certificate of Honour for preparing students for the XI Republican Subject Olympiad, Ministry of Culture and Sports of Kazakhstan
- 2024г. - A. Rakisheva - Republican Subject Olympiad of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, laureate of II degree
-2022, Rakisheva A., Zhubanysh diploma 3rd degree in the XIV Republican Subject Olympiad
-2021г. Toleu R., Grand Prix in the scientific student competition at KazNUI
-2019, Umbetov N., 1st degree diploma in the XI Republican Subject Olympiad
Scientific papers, editions, publications (2019-2024)
- Publications (foreign and local):
1. The Potential of Scientific and Educational Centres as a Tool for Sustainable Innovative Development// Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship ECIE 2021. Hosted By ISCTE Business School, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal;
2. ‘Ways of development of modern marketing in the Republic of Kazakhstan’ // Bulletin of ROO ‘National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan’. PF ‘Halyk’ ISSN 2518-1467 (Online), ISSN 1991-3494 (Print) №5 (405) 2023, 419-436, November 2023;
3. ‘Kazakstandagy jastar arasyndagy zhumysysyssyzdyk maselesininң sheshilu zholdary’ // Bulletin of ROO ‘National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan’ PF ‘Halyk’ ISSN 2518-1467 (Online), ISSN 1991-3494 (Print) №4 (404) 2023, 531-545, January 2023;
4. ‘Investments in human capital and company's financial stability: is there any relation?’ // Centralasian economic review Volume 4 (151) 2023 ISSN 2789-4398 e-ISSN 2789-4401, Narkhoz Universityi, KOCSON, January 2024;
5. ‘Ways of development of modern marketing in the Republic of Kazakhstan’, Academy of Sciences, KOCSON, November 2023;
6. ‘Classification and evaluation of the methodology in human capital analysis at a company level’, Narkhoz Universityi, KOCSON, March 2024;
7.Conditions and factors of development of entrepreneurial activity in tourism// VESTNIK Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade, 2024 - No.1 (54);
8.Scientific principles of effective innovation management at the enterprise, Proceedings of International Satpayev Readings Kazakhstan, Almaty 2019.
- Publications in peer-reviewed journals:
1.Economy and Management of an Innovative Enterprise// The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Organizational Studies, February 09, 2023 https://cgscholar.com/bookstore/works/economy-and-management-of-an-innovative-enterprise?category_id=cgrn&path=cgrn%2F255%2F274
- Participation in conferences:
1. Арт-нарықтағы коммуникация құралдарының әсері ///Collection of reports of the international scientific-practical conference ‘Great personalities of the great steppe’, held in the framework of the week of science-2024
2. ‘Müziğin Geleneksel İletişim Araçları Üzerindeki Etkisinin Analizi"// International Scientific and Practical Conference “Baris icin kucuk bir sey yap” organised by Guzal sanatlar Faculty of Akdeniz University, Akdeniz, Antalya. Antalya
3. Экономикалық басқару талдауының факторлары, Materials of the III international conference. Japan, Kyoto 2018
4. Қазақстан Республикасының аймақтық дамуының негізгі мәселелері, ІҮ жаһандық ғылым және инновациялар, Kazakhstan, Almaty 2019.
5. Арт-менеджмент бизнес және өнерді байланыстырушы орта ретінде, Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference ‘Prospects for the development of science and education in the conditions of the third millennium’,Kazakhstan,07 December, 2018
6. Мәдениет және өнердегі арт-менеджменттің қызмет ету ерекшеліктері, ‘Promotion of modern Kazakh culture in the global world’ collection, Kazakhstan, I INPK, 2019
7. Stages of increasing the efficiency of development of regions of Kazakhstan, collection of IV International Scientific and Practical Conference ‘Global Science And Innovations 2019:Central Asia’.- Kazakhstan, ASTANA-2019: association of legal entities in the form of association ‘Bobek’, - 254b.
8. Methodology of practical classes in the disciplines of the specialty ‘Art Management’, international scientific-practical conference ‘Art Management in the strategy of modernisation of society: challenges, practices, personnel’, Kazakhstan, 29-30 November 2022 Almaty, Kazakhstan, 37b
9. Modern state and trends of development of creative industry in Kazakhstan, collection of materials of the international scientific-practical conference ‘Art-management in the strategy of modernisation of society: challenges, practices, personnel’, Kazakhstan, 29-30 November 2022 Almaty, Kazakhstan, 70b
10. Analysis of the activity of art management in the field of musical art, collection of the International scientific-practical conference Spiritual heritage of Abai and actual problems of modern art history, Kazakhstan, dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abai Kunanbaev, Almaty 2020, 301b.
- Studies, monographs, textbooks:
Output data
Research interests:
marketing in the sphere of culture and art, management, economics.
Professional development (internships, trainings, seminars, courses):
1. Bolasak Programme, 500 Scholars in Art Management (Turkey, Akdeniz University);
2. 19.04.2024 - certificate of participation in the master class ‘Art-managementti okytudyң zamanaui әdistemeleri’;
3. ‘Distance Education’, Moscow 2024;
4. ‘Basics of Financial Literacy’ Seminar training (36 hours), Almaty 2024.
5. ‘Innovatsiyalk tekhnologii lardy paidalana otyryp bilim sapasyn kөtereru timdiligi’ RNR Company (72 hours);
6. ‘Technologies of PR-activities and development of PR-materials’, January 2021, “Actual problems of online education system” KU, June 2021 (72 hours);
7. ‘Management in creative industry’, State University of Management, Moscow 2022. (72 hours);
8. ‘Art management and design in creative industries’, Moscow 2023.
Foreign Language Proficiency: