
Conducting the military wind instruments orchestra


of the creative examination

Educational program




1.Execution of the program:

– conducting two different works (part of the symphony, overture, poem);

– playing piano compositions at the commission's choice (by heart);

2. Auditory analysis (intervals, chords, modulation in the key of the 1st degree of kinship).

3. The colloquium includes the following questions:

– on the biography, the creativity of the composers of the program (characteristic of the composer's style, genre, work);

– the general musical outlook on musical and theoretical disciplines and opera and symphonic literature.




Harmony – in writing: a one-tone task in the form of a period with deviations in related tonalities, using alterations, with non-chord sounds.

Solfeggio – in writing: a 3-voice dictation of a harmonic warehouse with modulation to the I degree of kinship.


Evaluation criteria

creative exams for applicants

I - creative exam             

36-50 Excellent:

The entrant must demonstrate the presence of bright musical data, possession of all the technical techniques of manual techniques, fluent command of the instrument, competent reading of the author's text, awareness of the content of the work, broad outlook, in-depth knowledge of the history of music and performing arts.

21-35 Good:

The entrant must demonstrate the presence of good musical data, possession of technical techniques of manual technique, sufficient possession of the instrument, meaningful reading of the author's text, awareness of the content of the work, meaningful, but not complete answers to the colloquium.

5-20 Satisfactory:

The entrant should demonstrate the presence of average musical data and playing the instrument, a poor understanding of the style and content of the performed works, a limited outlook and weak answers to the colloquium.

0-4 Unsatisfactory:

The entrant has no musical data and possession of the instrument. The program does not meet the requirements for admission. Weak knowledge of the colloquium.


Evaluation criteria

creative exams for applicants

II - creative exam


36-50 Excellent:

Absolutely correct dictation recording; deep knowledge of the topics of the course of elementary music theory; accurate definitions of functions in harmonic analysis; fluency in playing the harmonic sequence.

21-35 Good:

The presence of insignificant pitch and rhythmic errors in dictation; good knowledge of the topics of the theoretical course of music theory; good command of the skill of playing a harmonic sequence.

5-20 Satisfactory:

Significant errors in writing dictation; average knowledge of topics in the theoretical course of elementary music theory; inaccurate definitions of functions in harmonic analysis; insufficient skills and skills of playing the harmonic sequence.

0-4 Unsatisfactory:

Lack of skills in writing dictation, playing modulations and sequences; low level of knowledge of the theoretical course of elementary music theory.