A solo concert of the Laureate of International Contests, a graduate of the Conservatory, Madina Abildina
On May 12, in Chopin Chamber Hall, a solo concert was held by Madina Abildina, a graduate of Kurmangazy KNC, Laureate of International Contests, a scholarship holder of the Foundation of the First President and E.Serkebaev Foundation, class of Associate Professor Gulnara Asylbekovna Nurgalieva.
The concert featured the most complex and rarely performed works by Handel, Gounod, Debussy, Bellini, Glinka, Donizetti, Rachmaninov, Rimsky-Korsakov, as well as Y.Rakhmadiyev's chorale and Kazakh folk songs. The concert was supported by Madina's friends, young musicians: Laureate of International Contests Aliyar Otetleu, Soloist of the Astana Opera Artur Gabdiev, students’ “Concept choir” under the leadership of conductors, laureates of international contests Arshat Sharip and Nadima Tokhtarova.
The concert for the audience was interesting for its diverse and rarely performed vocal and choir program. For example, "Mireille Waltz" from the "Mireille" opera by Charles Gounod in Kazakhstan was performed only by Bibigul Tulegenova, and Debussy's romance "Silence" was performed for the first time within the Conservatory walls. It is also worth noting that the "Concept choir" and soloist Madina Abildina superbly performed Yerkegali Rakhmadiev 's chorale which was dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the composer, and the "Kusni Korlan" song was performed in the adaptation of Nadima Tokhtarova herself.
The auditorium was attended by leading figures of the opera stage of Kazakhstan, professors and associate professors of the Vocal Department.