Address of the Head of State Discussed at the Conservatory
On January 20, 2022 in an online format at the initiative of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of Kurmangazy KNC discussed the speech in the Majilis of the Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokaev.
Presentations were made by Professor of the Social and Humanitarian Disciplines Department, Ph.D. T.M.Satybaldina and Senior Teacher, Master of Arts K.K.Matzhanov who explained the main provisions of the statement made by the President. The participants of the meeting analyzed the reasons for the January events and the decisions that the country's leadership made shortly after. According to the Head of the Kobyz and Button Accordion Department, Professor B.A.Kosbasarov and Associate Professor of the Department of Mesology and Composition, A.R.Berdibay, urgent measures made it possible to quickly overcome the troubled period in the history of the country and played a significant role in harmonizing the situation in society. Other participants of the online conference emphasized that maintaining peace, unity and stability is an important factor in the development of Kazakhstan.
The entire teaching staff took part in the work of the round table which supported the decisions of the Head of State aimed at stabilizing the situation and strengthening the independence of the country.