Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Kazakh National University of Arts
Information letter
Dear colleagues!
We invite you to take part in the work of the International Scientific and Practical Conference: "The Great Steppe and Kazakh Music: Modern Approaches and New Views", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the 65th anniversary of the Doctor of Art History, Professor of the Kazakh National University of Arts, Zhumabekova, Dana Zhunusbekovna.
The conference will be held online on June 23, 2021 in Nur-Sultan city. Scientists, teachers, students, undergraduates, doctoral students of higher educational institutions are welcome to participate.
The conference starts at 10.00 o'clock in the class 238 of KazNUI.
The main scientific directions of the conference:
Section 1 "Famous names of the Great Steppe: string-bowed music of Kazakhstan"
Section 2 "Contemporary instrumental music of Kazakhstan"
Section 3 "Opera and vocal music of Kazakhstan at the turn of the XX-XXI century”
Section 4 "Contemporary Kazakhstani journalism"
Section 5 "Scientific and methodological activities of the lead teachers during the period of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
The organizing committee of the Conference plans to post the reports on the Web-page (
Based on the Conference results an electronic collection of materials which may be downloaded in PDF format on the main page of KazNUI News at the following address:, will be made.
Working languages of the conference: Kazakh, Russian, English.
The deadline for materials submission is May 23, 2021 (inclusive).
The Conference participation and an article (in an electronic collection) posting fee is:
Registration fee - 4000 tenge (registration fee includes payment for posting on the site, layout, text editing).
The article size shall be no more than 5 pages. The collection may be downloaded in 2 weeks on the KazNUI News main page.
For Europe and Asia participants the funds shall be transferred as follows:
Transfer Method to KasPI bank card:
5169 4971 3173 3416
Dana Zhumabekova
Articles Arranging Template
Doctor PhD Petr Ivanov (Kazakhstan, Almaty)
Scientific advisor (for students,
undergraduates, doctoral students):
Doctor of Art History
Petrov, Yuri Mikhailovich
Section No. 1 "Famous names of the Great Steppe:
string-bowed music of Kazakhstan"
Text of the article
Course References [1, p. 25]
Literature: S. Efremov, Boris Levitin // S.Efremov Selected Writing: Scientific Exploration Articles. Monograph - Kiev: Scientific Thought, 2002. - 76 p.
After the literature sources the information about the authors of the article shall be submitted (full name, phone number, e-mail, place of work or study, position, academic title, academic degree.
Articles no more than 5 pages in length will be accepted for the conference (papers more than 5 pages are not accepted), typed in the WORD format in the form of a computer file with the * doc extension.
Times New Roman font 14. Line spacing 1, margins on all sides 2 cm, paragraph indentation - 1.25 cm. Materials for the conference shall be sent by e-mail:,
Along with the sending the scientific article by e-mail, a scanned copy of the registration fee receipt shall be sent. After sending the article and the receipt, the following message will be received: Your article has been received and accepted. If such a response has not been received a day after sending, please call the organizing committee and report the situation.
Organizing committee address:
010000, Republic of Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan city, 50 Tauelsizdik avenue, Kazakh National University of Arts
Contact person:
KazNUI Science Department,
Candidate of Philosophical Sciences,
Associate Professor, Shaimerdenova, Saule Kairkenovna
tel. 8-707-859-88-00
Zhumabekova, Dana Zhunusbekovna
cell phone 8-777-231-12-32