
Competition for Participation in the Academic Mobility Program to Moscow for 2nd- and 3rd-Year Art Management Students

The International Department of the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory, based on the Regulations on Academic Mobility, announces a competition among 2nd and 3rd year undergraduate students of the Art Management Educational Programm to participate in the academic mobility program at the expense of the republican budget. The studies will take place during the second semester of the 2024–2025 academic year at the partner institution, the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music (Moscow). 2 scholarship places are available. The conservatory will cover the cost of airfare, accommodation for 120 days, and health insurance. Additionally, the student’s stipend will continue if they successfully pass their exams.


Stage I. Compliance with Document Requirements.

1)      Application addressed to the rector — a statement justifying the desire to study abroad;

2)      Questionnaire of a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan traveling abroad for studies;

3)      Motivation letter (in free form) with the student’s signature and date;

4)      Recommendation letters from the Head of the Department and the Dean of the Faculty; 

5)      Copy of passport;

6)      Copy of transcript;

7)      Certificates, awards, and letters of appreciation showcasing the student’s significant achievements during their studies at the Conservatory.

All documents must be duplicated as scanned copies stored in a cloud storage and submitted to the International Department.

Stage II. Interview and Meeting of the Competition Committee.

The International Department will form a list of participants whose documents meet the requirements of Stage I.

Candidates will then be invited to the Competition Committee’s meeting for an interview.

Evaluation Criteria:

·           Applicants must be 2nd and 3rd year undergraduate students;

·           Must be citizens of Kazakhstan (in accordance with clauses 7 and 9-1 of the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 613, dated November 19, 2008, "On Approval of the Rules for Sending Students Abroad, Including Under Academic Mobility, as Part of State Educational Orders");

·           Academic performance throughout their studies (current transcript to be provided via the department and registrar’s office);

·           Completion of the previous semester with grades of “A,” “A-,” “B+,” “B,” or “B-”;

·           No academic debts;

·           Persuasive motivation letter briefly explaining the reasons for studying abroad in Russian or Kazakh;

·           Possession of diplomas from national or international competitions and other certificates in their specialty (+1 point for each achievement);

·           Active participation in the Conservatory’s public life.

Students who are not on a state scholarship can participate in the program at their own expense, provided they pass the competition.

Stage I Deadline: November 26, 2024 – December 6, 2024.

Stage II Deadline: December 11, 2024, at 15:00 in the Conference Room (Aud. 103)

For further information, contact the International Department:

Phone: +7 (727) 338 44 83, +7 777 582 61 71 (Vladislav)

Office: 004 (Building Б)

Email: (please include your full name in the subject line and mark the email as "Academic Mobility"


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