Dear applicants of the Kazakh national Conservatory named after Kurmangazy!
17 june 2020
In accordance with the instruction letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (No. 14-3 / 517-ВН dated June 11) on the admission to higher education institutions in 2020, entrance exams at our institution will be held in a traditional format, at the base of the conservatory at the address: Abylai khan Str., 90. The exam schedule can be seen here: поставить ссылку. Schedule of consultations can be seen here поставить ссылку. Consultations will be held on June 20 in the in the remote mode. Starting from July 1, there is an opportunity to rehearse with the scheduled accompanist. In case of changing the format for passing the entrance exams due to the sanitary-epidemiological situation, the information will be provided on our Conservatory website. Stay posted! Good luck in the entrance tests!
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