
Dear colleagues! You are invited to take part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference

Dear colleagues! We invite you to take part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference: ART, SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM: PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS".

The Conference will be held on April 7, 2021 at
Zagir Ismagilov State Institute of Arts in Ufa.
The main conference subjects:
• Sociocultural and research problems of the educational system in a creative university.
• Pedagogy of music education: traditions and innovation processes.
• Art education: painting, sculpture, design, graphics, scenography.
• Problems of theater education: acting, directing, history and theory of theater.
• Choreography: academic and folk dance in the professional development of a teacher-choreographer.
• The principle of interdisciplinarity in the pedagogical activity of a creative university.
• Educational technologies: application experience, integration into learning, new opportunities.
The organizer of the conference is after Zagir Ismagilov State Institute of Arts in Ufa.
Specialists in the field of art, science, education - scientists, teachers of academic institutions of art and culture (specialized schools, colleges, universities), graduate students and university students are invited to participate in the conference. The results of the conference are planned to be published in an electronic collection of materials with publication on the institute’s website and in the interuniversity network library. Conference materials are entered into the system of the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) of the Scientific Electronic Library (elibrary).
The presentation may be accompanied by an electronic presentation made in the form of a slide show in PowerPoint, Sway, or a video clip including photographs, reproductions and other materials; it is also possible to use audio, video recordings and other electronic developments (these accompanying materials will not be included in the publication). Time limit for speeches - up to 15-20 minutes (including presentation).
Within the framework of the conference, classes for advanced training courses students, master classes by the university’s leading teachers, students’ and teachers’ exhibitions, performances and the university soloists’ and collectives’ concerts, are planned. The best, most interesting, promising developments can be awarded with special diplomas and conference certificates.
Those wishing to take part in the conference are kindly asked , please, to send their applications, an article and a presentation (if any) by April 4, 2021, by e-mail to the organizing committee’s e-mail address: with indication of the subject of the letter (“International Scientific and Practical Conference dated April 7, 2021") and the name of the participant.
Inquiries may be sent by e-mail to the organizing committee or made by phone: 8-906-103-23-01, contact person: Gordeeva, Elena Vladimirovna.
Application, articles registration requirements are provided in the Conference Regulations.

Best regards,

The Conference Organizing Committee.

 International Conference Regulations

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