

Фото КНК Анонс.jpg

You are invited to take part in the annual research works contest among students in the “Art” section in the following specialties:

Vocal art;


Instrumental performance;



Traditional musical art.

We accept works until March 10, 2022, in accordance with the rules that are in the information letter.

Works in electronic format (without indicating the full name) and completed applications for participation in the second qualifying round must be sent to the following mail: with a note in the subject: NIRS - 2022.

Works bound and in printed format (without indicating the full name) and completed applications with the participant’s full data shall be sent to the following address: 050000 Almaty, 86Abylay Khan Avenue, RSE Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory, office 112, "Department of Science", building “A”, Dinara Keshubayeva.
We remind that only the title of the work should be indicated on the title page of the research work. The author's name shall not be indicated.

The full participant’s personal data shall be filled in applications No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 ( download here ).

All works shall be checked for anti- plagiarism.

We look forward to your participation! We are waiting for your work!

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