
Doctor of Philosophy ( Phd ) diplomas were awarded

On April 27, 2022, by the decision of the Dissertation Board of Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory Aizhan Bekenova was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Phd) under the Instrumental Performance academic program and teacher of the Art Management Department Aigerim Ospanova as well. Diplomas were presented by the Chairman of the Dissertation Board of Kurmangazy KNC Utegaliyeva, Saule Iskhakovna.

Aizhan Slyamovna successfully defended her dissertation on the topic: "Transcriptions in the viola repertoire: history, theory and practice." The dissertation was written in Russian and drafted at the Department of String Instruments.

Scientific consultant for Aizhan Bekenova was a Doctoral Candidate of Art History, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Academic and Teaching and Methodological Work, Abdrakhman Gulnar and Doctoral Candidate of Art History, Professor of Professor Pancho Vladigerov National Academy of Music (Bulgaria), Emilia Kolarova.

Aigerim Maratovna successfully defended her dissertation on the topic: “Traditional Music Management as a Special Art Direction: Analysis and Future". The dissertation was written in Kazakh and drafted at the Department of Art Management.

Scientific advisers for Aigerim Ospanova was the Doctoral Candidate of Art History, Associate Professor of the Musicology and Composition Department, R.K.Dzhumaniyazova and Doctor of Arts, Head of the Department of Science and Art at the Sorbonne University (France), Professor Olga Kiseleva.

We congratulate our colleagues on the award of a scientific degree and wish them further creative success!

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