First Issue of Saryn Journal for 2023 year
In the first issue for 2023 on the website of the Saryn peer-reviewed journal, which is published by the Science Department of the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory, you can read articles by major researchers from:
A. Kosygin Russian State University (Moscow),
P. Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory (Moscow),
Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory (Almaty),
Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages (Almaty).
Таtiana Portnova (English)
Ballet by Pavel Goncharov and Modernism: at the Intersection of Two Methods of One Style
Таtiana Portnova (Russian)
Ballet by Pavel Goncharov and Modernism: at the Intersection of Two Methods of One Style
Violetta Yunussova (English)
Contemporary Composer and the World Music: Interaction Issues
Almira Naurzbayeva, Dinara Saikeneva (English)
The Semiotic Potential of Mythology: Post-Metaphysical Version
Togzhan Moldalim (English)
“Dance of the Heart. Flight of the Soul”. Exhibition as a Project
2023, ТОМ 11, № 1