Foreign Researcher and Composer Sebastian Ładyżyński gave Workshops at the Conservatory
From April 22nd to April 26th, 2024, workshops were held by Sebastian Ładyżyński, a composer and the Head of the Music Studio for Theater and Cinema at the Karol Lipiński Academy of Music in Wrocław (Poland). Sebastian Ładyżyński is a Dr. Habil. who arrived in Kazakhstan under the Erasmus+ program. This Academy is a partner of the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory.
The Musicology and Composition Department and the International Department organized lectures and workshops where S. Ładyżyński shared his knowledge and experience in the field of composing. During his stay, the composer delivered several open lectures on the following topics: "The Role of Music in Cinema Today," "Music in Chinese Cinema," and "Technologies as Tools of Film Music for the Modern Composer." In addition to this, he conducted workshops where, working individually with each student, he provided valuable recommendations for the pieces they presented. Furthermore, S. Ładyżyński visited the sound recording studio at AlmaU, where he shared new insights into achievements in the field of film music.
The composer came to the Conservatory with a dual mission: in addition to giving lectures and conducting workshops, he also served as the Chairman of the Jury at the XVI Republican Subject Student Olympiad and the XVI Republican Small Olympiad of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Kazakhstan of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the specialty of "Composition." His participation as an expert and authoritative member of the jury ensured a high level of competition among the students, undergraduates and doctoral students. Young composers, eager to showcase their talent and gain recognition in the field of musical art, were able to receive an evaluation from an international colleague.
S. Ładyżyński's visit had a positive impact on the students, undergraduates and doctoral students and facilitated the exchange of experience with the teaching staff and professors of the Musicology and Composition Department.