Italian Delegation’s Visiting to the Conservatory
From February 29th to March 1st, 2024, a delegation from the Conservatorio Statale di Musica di Roma “Santa Cecilia”, consisting of nine members, visited the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory to discuss issues of joint development in creative education and cultural relations between the countries.
At the Kazakh Conservatory, the guests were warmly welcomed by a small orchestra of Kazakh traditional musical instruments and served with national dishes. During the meeting with the leadership, administration, and teaching staff of the Conservatory, headed by the Acting Rector and Honored Figure of Kazakhstan, Nurken Ashirov, colleagues from Italy, including the Honorary Consul of Kazakhstan in the Republic of San Marino, Giovanni Pomponi, and the Director of the Conservatorio Statale di Musica di Roma “Santa Cecilia”, Composer Franco Antonio Mirenzi, discussed opportunities for collaboration in the field of higher music education.
After the official meeting, the Folk Music Faculty presented Kazakh national musical instruments (such as jetigen, sazsyrnai, sybyzgy, qyl qobyz, and others) to the guests from Italy. Following this, the guests attended the celebratory concert "Tabysqa Toly 80 Zhyly" dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Conservatory, held in the Ye. Rakhmadiyev Grand Concert Hall. On the same day, the Italian delegation visited the legendary and historically significant opera "Qyz Zhibek" by E. Brusilovsky at the Abai Kazakh National Opera and Ballet Theater.
On March 1st, masterclasses conducted by professors from the Conservatorio Statale di Musica di Roma “Santa Cecilia” started for students and teaching staff of the Conservatory.
At the Special Piano Department, the masterclass was conducted by Pianist and Consultant on International Relations with Foreign Embassies and Cultural Institutions, Lea Pavarini. At the String Instruments Department, the masterclass was led by Violin Professor Liliana Bernardi. The Wind and Percussion Instruments Department had a session with Clarinet Professor and Composer Umberto Scipione. The Chamber Music Department received a masterclass from Professor of Chamber Music, Roberto Galletto. The masterclasses were conducted at a high level, providing valuable insights to students and teaching staff of the instrumental performance department about the characteristics of the pieces performed, the importance of tonal variety, and many other professional comments.
Composer and Director of the Conservatorio Statale di Musica di Roma “Santa Cecilia”, Franco Antonio Mirenzi, conducted a separate masterclass. Mr. Mirenzi shared insights with students and teaching staff about contemporary trends in composition in Italy and the distinctive features of composition education at his conservatory. He also listened to student compositions, provided recommendations, and pointed out significant errors. The masterclass was conducted at a high level, providing valuable additional information to students of the Musicology and Composition department, complementing their core professional knowledge acquired during their studies.
On March 1st, the guests also visited the research library of the Kazakh Conservatory, followed by a guided tour of the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan as part of their visit program.
Full delegation list:
1. Giovanni Pomponi – Honorary Consul of Kazakhstan in the Republic of San Marino;
2. Franco Antonio Mirenzi – Composer, Director of the Santa Cecilia Conservatory;
3. Roberto Giuliani – Musicologist, Head of the Department of International Relations, Academic Advisor;
4. Lea Pavarini – Pianist, Consultant on International Relations with Foreign Embassies and Cultural Institutions;
5. Leonardo de Angelis – Guitarist, Member of the Commission for International Relations, Board Member;
6. Emanuela Salucci – Singer, President of the Choral Courses Council;
7. Liliana Bernardi – Violinist, Professor of Violin;
8. Umberto Scipione – Clarinetist, Professor of Clarinet and Composer;
9. Roberto Galletto – Chamber Music, Full Pr.![](/upload/medialibrary/96a/96a57d94e1bd14ca8e1d068a1524a0dc.png)