Musical Art of Kazakhstan: High Talent Drawn from Nature (for the 80th Anniversary of Y.P.Aravin)
The name of the musicologist, lecturer, critic, TV and radio host, Honored Art Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan Aravin, Yuri Petrovich is widely known to professionals and amateurs of musical art. Yu.P.Aravin received his fundamental education in Russia and Kazakhstan. He graduated from the History and Theory Department of the Novosibirsk Conservatory in 1968. In 1972, he completed his doctoral degree studies at the Alma-Ata Conservatory under the supervision of Professor B.G.Erzakovich. His popularity as an author of interesting and informative television and radio programs, an innovative lecturer, whose activity counts about a thousand lectures and commentaries on concert programs of soloists, orchestral and choral groups is very high. Several hundred introductory speeches before the performances of the State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater, lecture and concert subscription cycles organized by the Musical Society and the Knowledge Society. He is an honorary member of the Composers’ Union of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Musical Workers’ Union of the country.
Yuri Petrovich's amazingly rich and full-blooded creative life is connected with the musical culture of Kazakhstan. His father, Aravin, Pyotr Vasilyevich was a Professor, member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Art History PhD, a talented teacher and researcher who connected his active work with the search and analysis of the music of the Kazakh people and its systematization. It was he who formed the musicology of Kazakhstan in the last century by enriching the invaluable work of Alexander Zataevich with new information.
Dignifiedly continuing the legacy of his father, Yuri Petrovich devoted himself to educational work. His numerous broadcasts gave an unforgettable pleasure by telling about music, its history, he aroused a big interest in the great classics among all kinds of people.
His 40-year teaching experience includes teaching in academic institutions of Almaty at all levels including music schools and Kurmangazy State Conservatory.
Yuri Petrovich published dozens of articles including annotations to gramophone records of the "Melodiya" company, booklets of the Composers’ Union of Kazakhstan, opera and ballet librettos and much more in periodicals and specialized scientific collections. Yuri Petrovich is difficult to describe only as a musicologist. For many years he was the host of television and radio programs about academic music, Kazakh classics, the author of numerous concerts. Since the late 60s, Yuri Petrovich has been collaborating with Kazakh television and Radio, being a music editor, sound engineer, director and author of radio and television programs.
Fruitful activity in this field was quite successful. It worth to note major works in this area such as his own "Museum of Sounds" show operating on the Republican Television since 1990, telling about Kazakh musical culture, instruments, great composers and performers in Russian and Kazakh languages for TV viewers of all nationalities inhabiting this second largest CIS country. During 1994, the show was broadcasted on the first channel of the All-Russian Television and it was awarded the Golden Star Prize as the best educational program in 1997. At the same time, he has another own TV show: "Small Anthology of Kazakh Music".
Radio "Totem" aired his own show: "Steppe Constellations" (62 programs were broadcasted live), then it was continued on "Khabar" radio (where 21 more episodes were aired).
An important place in the creative biography of Y.P.Aravin on Kazakh television is taken by the promotion of Kazakh music, both folk and professional. In broadcasts of various genres, he presented creative portraits of outstanding personalities of the country - G.Zhubanova, E.Rakhmadiev, S.Mukhamedzhanov, E.Serkebaev, B.Tulegenova, A.Musakhadzhaeva and many others.
The first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nazarbayev, Nursultan Abishevich, spoke about his achievements in the field of culture and art:
“Musicologist Aravin, Yuri Petrovich broadcasts wonderful programs about Kazakh music, folk composers and akyns on television and radio. I have never met a representative of another nationality who would be so in love with Kazakh music! How he talks about it! You are under the impression of this amazing storyteller - a subtle artistic person - and you learn so much new, interesting things about what it would seem known to everyone for a long time. This is all about love to Kazakh music and knowledge! Awesome!"
The list of the master's awards is quite solid. In 1995, he was awarded the title of Honored Worker of Kazakhstan for outstanding services in the field of the musical art of the Republic. He got the Golden Star Award in 1997 and the Parasat Order in 2001.
The year 2014 in the creative life of Y.P.Aravin was marked by getting the RK President’s Scholarship in the field of culture. In 2015, he was awarded the Honorary Badge: "For Merit in the Development of Culture and Art" (CIS IPA).
Scientific and educational activities include numerous publications in special musicological collections, on the pages of newspapers and magazines. His works are a deep and accessible for the reader involved in research of the masterpieces of Kazakh folk and professional music.
The scientific works include the "Lyric Poem in Memory of Abai", "On the Topic of Symphonic Poems of Kazakhstan", "Three Poems about Folk Characters", "Poem of M.Tulebaev "Kazakhstan", "At the Origins of Modern Uyghur Symphonism", "Back to the History of Song Symphonism", "Steppe constellations". Annotations to gramophone records of the "Melodiya" company, booklets of the Union of Composers of Kazakhstan, opera and ballet librettos, essays and studies on Kazakh music, and many others. etc. He is actively involved in the creation of textbooks on the history of music.
However, the diversity of Yuri Petrovich's activities was manifested not only in his work but also in his hobbies. During his 25-year alpinism and professional mountain tourism, he did many mountain passes in the northern Tien Shan, ascents including four and five-thousanders (i.e.Elbrus). At one time, Yuri Petrovich led a bard and a jazz club in Alma-Ata, he flew on a hang glider of his own design. His hobbies can be listed endlessly.
He loves the country where he lives, its people and culture.
And the people of Kazakhstan love him back.
In 2021, the community plans to hold a number of events dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Yu.P.Aravin. This includes a 26-minute documentary film: "I Had an Opportunity", (April 2, 2021), to be demonstrated for his birthday on the "Khabar" TV channel, a special release about the activities of the master on the "Abai TV" channel within the framework of the "Names" program (April 2021), a scientific and practical conference and round tables are planned.
Y.P.Aravin received the Otan Order from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev for his services to the country on the occasion of his 80th anniversary.
Summing up the above, we would like to congratulate Yuri Petrovich on a glorious anniversary and wish this talented, deeply decent and completely creative person great health and creative longevity for many years to come!!!
Musagulova, Gulmira Zhaksybekovna
of Art History PhD, Professor
Dean of the Faculty of Musicology, Composition,
Art Management and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines
Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory,
Member of the Composers’ Union of the Republic of Kazakhstan,
RK IIA Academician
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