
Pedagogy of Conservatory received the highest awards in the VI A.Nemtin international competition in Perm, Russia

November 15 to 18, the VI-th International Competition named after A.Nemtin was held in Perm, Russia, where teachers of the Conservatory received the highest awards:

Grand Prix of the competition - Altukhova Marina Igorevna (piano-solo)

1st place in the nomination "Piano Duo" - Altukhova Marina Igorevna and Melnikova Anna Yuryevna.

November 14 to November 19, 2018 the teachers of the Department “General Piano” underwent advanced training in the individual training program “Actual problems of piano pedagogy” within the framework of the VI International Competition named after A. Nemtin. The program includes lectures by B. B.Borodin  (Doctor of Arts, Professor. Ekaterinburg), L.V. Latishova (organist KazNUI, Astana), D.P. Rutgers (arranger, pianist, Moscow).

Master classes of the National Artist of Belarus, Professor I.V. Olovnikov, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Professor I.V. Chukovskaya.





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