
Presentation of Saryn at the ICTMD International Symposium in Baku

On September 19, 2024, in Baku (Azerbaijan), as part of the symposium "Echoes of Heritage: Navigating the Legacy of Music and Dance" under the aegis of ICTMD research groups, teaching staff of the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory presented the international peer-reviewed Saryn journal.

Vice-Rector for Scientific and Creative Activities and International Cooperation Galiya Begembetova, Head of the International Department Damir Urazymbetov, and Associate Professor of the Musicology and Composition Department Valeriya Nedlina introduced Saryn to symposium participants from 12 countries, highlighting its importance to the global academic community. The primary focus of Saryn publications is on articles that address and discuss research and methodological issues in the arts within the context of national culture, cross-cultural interaction of traditions, and their current relevance.

The audience praised the quality of the journal, the strong editorial board, and wished success in its future development. The editorial board of the journal separately discussed the prospects for the development of the journal with foreign members of the editorial Board Anna Oldfield and Abdullah Akat.

More detailed information and author guidelines can be found at the following link:



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