
Presentation of the book of works by Nauryzbek Zhyrau

Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory hosted the presentation of the book "Nauryzbek zhyrau shygarmalary", dedicated to the work of the famous akyn-zhyrau, a prominent representative of the traditional Kazakh art Nauryzbek Қarzhaubayuly (1931-1994). The book was published thanks to the hard work of the famous zhyrshy storyteller, High Achiever of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Senior Teacher of Kurmangazy KNC Kunkozha Kayrulla, who also wrote a preface to it. 

The book consists of sections: "Terme, tolgau, olender", "Arnaular, olen khattar", "An matinderi", "Zhyr-dastandar", "Maqalalar", "Estelikter" and "Zhyrauga arnalgan zhyrlar".

Writer-playwright, Professor of T.Zhurgenov Kazakh National Academy Sultanali Balgabayev, noting the importance of the book presented to the public, spoke about the special attitude to the art and culture of the people of Beskal:
“For the past 35 years I have been friends with the Kazakhs from Karakalpakstan. My plays have repeatedly been staged on the stage of the theater in Nukus city. In 1989, my article was published on the contribution of the Karakalpak Kazakhs to Kazakh literature, culture and art. The topic I raised was discussed by the leaders of the communist parties of Uzbekistan. As a result, a long-awaited decision was made to revive (strengthen) the connection between our countries”, he said. The professor is also concerned that many of the works of our talented compatriots often remain in the shadows and are not popularized at the proper level.

The moderator of the event was the winner of the award. T.Zhurgenova, poet Akhmet Omirzak. Together with Nauryzbek Karzhaubayuly’s wife Ziba Otegenkyzy, the presentation was attended by representatives of Kazakhstani art, poets-writers, such as Oserbay Sarsenbayuly, Adaibek Beimbetov, Kutmagambet Konysbay, Sharafaddin Amir, Berik Zhusipov and Aigul Kosanova. At the evening, young zhyrshy Oserbay Sarsenbayuly, Kunkozha Kayrulla and Zhangar Mambetnazarov performed works from the repertoire of Nauryzbek zhyrau.

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