Presentation of the monograph by a research scientist, kuishi Bazaraly Muptekeev
There will be a presentation ceremony of the “Zhetisudyn ontustik-shygysyndagy kuyshilik dastur” monograph, “Kui shakyrtky” collection of kyuis and a CD album by a dombra player, research scientist who glorified the Kazakh tradition of Bazaraly Muptekeev’s kyuis. Main organizer: Research Folklore Laboratory of Kurmangazy KNC.
The ceremony will be attended by well-known folklore scholars, art historians, public and state figures, representatives of the republican media and people of art.
Venue: Great Hall of the National Library of Kazakhstan
Date: May 26, 2022
Start at 14.00.
The celebration will be held in online and offline formats
For online members:
Conference ID: 864 4638 1994
Access code: 281960
Organizational Board
Tel.: Bauyrzhan 8-701-413-02-20
Maksat 8-747-179-27-01
Muptekeev, Bazaraly Zhumagulovich is an outstanding art critic-scientist, a master of the Shertpe Kui school.
He was the first folklorist and scientist who revived the Zhetysu kui school, defended his dissertation on this topic and also wrote textbook collections of kui. During his lifetime, he collected the musical heritage of the kyuis of the Arka, Karatau, Altai, Ili, Bayolka and Zhetysu regions, systematized them, created a professional school and worked hard to introduce them into the scientific environment.