
Saryn Journal Webinar for Lecturers

On August 23, 2023, a webinar for students and teaching and research staff of the Conservatory for the Saryn journal website was held in the VC mode on the Zoom platform.

The webinar was conducted by Galiya Begembetova, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Creative Activities and International Cooperation, Editor-in-Chief of Saryn, and Damir Urazymbetov, Head of the Quality Management Sector, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Saryn.

The issues of the functioning were discussed, the system of submitting a manuscript to the journal's editorial office, the rules for the formatting and preparation of articles, as well as the work of the peer reviewer on the journal's website. The webinar participants focused on citing high-quality scientific publications in journals included in national and international databases.

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