Staff of the Kazakh Conservatory at the ICTMD Symposium in Baku
From September 18 to 22, 2024, a joint symposium, "Echo of Heritage: Navigating the Legacy of Music and Dance," organized by research groups of the International Council for Traditional Music and Dance (ICTMD), was held at the Azerbaijan National Conservatory and the Baku Academy of Choreography (Baku, Azerbaijan). This is one of the largest events in the field of music and dance art, bringing together researchers and specialists from more than 12 countries worldwide. The symposium included plenary sessions, workshops, panel discussions, and book presentations.
Teaching staff and scholars of the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory participated in this important event. Our conservatory was represented by the Vice-Rector for Scientific and Creative Activities and International Cooperation, Professor Galiya Begembetova, Head of the International Department, Associate Professor Damir Urazymbetov, as well as the teaching staff of the Musicology and Composition Department – Professor Saida Yelemanova, Associate Professors Valeriya Nedlina and Aliya Sabirova. The teaching staff presented reports in their respective research areas.
Damir Urazymbetov also presented the international collection of articles "Kazakh Dance Through the Ages," published with the support of the Nursultan Nazarbayev Foundation and the A. Kasteyev State Museum of Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The book includes 29 works by authors from all regions of the country and abroad, specially written for the book, addressing current issues in the field of culture and education in national choreography.