The First Issue of Saryn for 2024 Year
The editorial board of the peer-reviewed Saryn journal has released the first issue for the year 2024. The release of this issue is marked by the publication of significant works by colleagues covering areas of artistic culture, theater, and music. These works are focused on the study of interpretations of works and experiments in art.
The issue includes the following five articles:
Shoyista Ganikhanova
Timbral Experiments by Igor Pinkhasov and His Electronic Music
Nigora Akhmedova
The Formation of National Painting in Central Asia – Abylkhan Kasteyev and Ural Tansykbayev
Malika Bulembayeva and Marlena Koilybayeva
Case Study: Piano Repertoire on the Example of the Kazakh Philharmonic in 1935–1960
Saniya Kabdiyeva
Chinghiz Aitmatov’s Mythopoetic Picture of the World through the Context of Modern Stage Interpretations (in English)
Saniya Kabdiyeva
Chinghiz Aitmatov’s Mythopoetic Picture of the World through the Context of Modern Stage Interpretations (in Russian)
We would like to remind you that the journal is included in the list of journals recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.