The "Golden Olympus" VI-th International Contest
I. General Provisions
Goals and objectives of the contest:
- wide involvement in the music art;
- identifying new names and improving their professional skills;
- the formation of a highly artistic taste and the maintenance of interest in art.
The contest is open to:
- students of music schools, children's art schools;
- students of secondary and higher professional academic institutions;
- graduate students and professional musicians with no age restrictions.
Due to the epidemiological situation, the
contest is to be held in online format
Contest regulations:
Applications and videos of the contest performances shall be accepted:
from May 20 to June 25, 2021.
The results will be published on July 10, 2021
on the contest website:
Informational support of the contest:
- group in VKontakte:
- group in Odnoklassniki:
- contest website:
E-mail address of the contest:
II. Nominations, age groups,
categories and program requirements
The contest has 10 nominations:
1. Solo performance
2. Ensemble performance
3. Concertmaster class
4. Chamber ensemble (strings and (or) wind instruments, piano)
5. General piano
6. Vocal art (academic vocals)
7. Orchestral performance
8. Choral art
9. Music history and theory
10. Variety arts nomination
Age groups:
Students of institutions of further professional education for children:
- up to 8 years old
- 9 - 11 years old;
- 12-14 years old;
- 15-17 years old;
Students of secondary vocational educational institutions:
- Year 1-2;
- Year 3-4;
Students of higher professional educational institutions:
- Year 1-2;
- Year 3-5;
Postgraduate students and professional musicians.
Age groups for the "Recorder Flute" category:
- junior group - up to 8 years old (inclusive)
- middle group - from 9 to 10 years old (inclusive)
- senior group - from 11 to 12 years old (inclusive)
1. "Solo Performance" Nomination
"Solo Performance" nomination has 7 categories:
- piano;
- stringed bowed instruments;
- recorder flute
- orchestral wind and percussion instruments;
- folk instruments (including national);
- guitar (classical, pop, jazz);
Program requirements: 2 various compositions (to be performed by heart).
2. "Ensemble Performance” Nomination
"Ensemble Performance" nomination has 6 categories:
- duets;
- ensembles from 3 to 14 people;
- teacher-student (students);
- family ensemble;
- pedagogical ensemble
Program requirements - 2 various compositions
The age group shall be determined by the age of the majority ensemble members, pop - jazz compositions and groups are allowed. The nomination allows playing the music score.
3. "Concertmaster Class" Nomination
Program requirements - 2 various compositions.
In this nomination, accompanists of the contest participants with the contester’s program may be registered. The nomination allows playing the music score and illustrators participation.
4. "Chamber Ensemble" Nomination
Program requirements - 2 various compositions. The nomination allows playing the music score and illustrators participation is allowed. Both participants shall be evaluated in this nomination.
5. "General Piano" Nomination
Program requirements - 2 various compositions. Students of any departments and faculties, except for the Special Piano may participate in the General Piano nomination.
6. "Vocal Art" (Academic Vocals) Nomination
The "Vocal art" nomination has 3 categories:
- solo
- duet
- ensemble
Program Requirements: 2 various compositions.
Illustrators are allowed to participate in this nomination.
7. "Orchestral Performance" Nomination
The "Orchestral Performance" nomination has 6 categories:
- Wind Band
- Folk Orchestra
- Pop orchestra;
- Jazz orchestra;
- Chamber orchestra;
- Symphony orchestra
Age groups:
- Children's orchestra;
- Orchestra of secondary vocational educational institutions;
- Orchestra of higher professional educational institutions;
- Professional orchestra
Program requirements: 3 compositions
Illustrators are allowed to participate in this nomination without restriction of illustrators’ number.
8. "Choral Art" Nomination
The "Choral Art" nomination - Academic Choir;
Age groups:
- junior school choir;
- middle class choir;
- high school choir;
- choir of secondary vocational educational institutions;
- choir of higher professional educational institutions;
- professional choir.
Program requirements - 3 compositions
Illustrators are allowed to participate in the nomination without restriction of illustrators’ number.
9. Nomination: "History and Theory of Music"
The nomination: "History and Theory of Music" has 6 categories:
- research papers;
- journalism and publicism;
- lecturer's work;
- methodical work;
- video works, multimedia works;
- design work.
Requirements for the design: printed work done in Word format, A4 size paper, portrait orientation; margins - all 2 cm, Times New Roman font, size 14, one and a half spacing, alignment to the width of the page. Mandatory structural elements: title page (indicating the educational institution, category, age group, topic, author and curator).
Program requirements:
Research papers: printed works (up to 15 pages for schoolchildren, up to 30 pages for students of secondary vocational education institution, higher professional education institution, graduate students, professionals). Required structural elements: introduction; main part; conclusion; reference sources; appendices (if needed).
Journalism and publicism: printed works (free size). Illustrations are desirable.
Lecturer's work: lectures scripts, concerts, holidays, compositions. It is desirable to have an appendix with used musical, art materials; information about the audience for which the event is designed, about event holding; providing photo, video and other evidence (if any), feedback from listeners.
Methodical works: methodical development, chrestomathy, video lesson, electronic textbook, etc. The genre, addressee, purpose and justification of the work relevance, the results of testing this methodical work in practice shall be indicted in obligatory form.
Video, multimedia works: electronic presentation, slide show, video clip, video film, etc. Editor's selection at the discretion of the contestant. Free size.
Design work: printed work (free size). It is obligatory to indicate a goal, tasks, justification of relevance, hypothesis, expected results, source support, an action plan, regional significance, innovative direction of the participants' work.
The contestant of grades 6-8 only may participate in the age group: "Students of additional education institutions for children".
The works of the participants must be sent by June 25, 2021 to the contest mail address:
For more details on the nomination: "History and Theory of Music" please contact a jury member, Professor, Urvantseva, Olga Alexandrovna, tel. 8-900-063-02-16,
10. "Variety" (Phonogramed Performance) Nomination
Program requirements - 2 various compositions. Any instrument may participate in the nomination
III. Contest Conditions
Conditions: online format based on video recordings of concert or competitive performances, academic concerts or tests made not more than a year ago, posted on the YouTube channel or Yandex disk.
Contest performance video recording requirements:
- the video must be posted on YouTube or Yandex disk and signed - name,
age, program.
For example: - Ivan Ivanov, 16 years old, M.Glinka. "Skylark".
- please send high-quality video;
- no processing of video and audio recording is allowed
Performances may be recorded in different files.
Participation in the contest implies the participant's consent to the use his/her data and photos in the documents and on the contest website.
The organizing committee reserves the right to make changes and additions to the conditions of the contest.
IV. Jury work
The contest jury membership shall be approved by the Center management. The jury's decisions are final and not subject to revision. Those jury members whose students participate in the contest shall not participate in the discussion of their performance. Participants' performances shall be assessed based on a 100-point system. The assessment sheets and jury members comments shall be confidential information and shall not be displayed or given out.
V. Rewarding
By the jury decision the contest winners shall be awarded:
- the title of the Grand Prix laureate,
- the title of the Laureate of the I, II, III degree,
- the diploma winner.
The jury has the right to:
- award not all prizes;
- share the prizes between the performers;
- award teachers, ensembles and groups leaders, accompanists and academic institutions heads the letters of appreciation:
The contest results: diplomas of laureates or diploma winners, letters of appreciation to the heads of academic institutions, teachers and accompanists may be downloaded on the contest website on July 10, 2021.
Vi. The applications submission and target fees payment procedure
To participate in the contest, it is necessary from May 20 to June 25, 2021 (inclusive) to send to the email: the following documents:
1) A completed application
2) Link to the video on a channel
3) Scan (photo) of the birth certificate or the first page of the passport
4) Scan (photo) of the payment receipt.
The application shall be deemed as registered from the moment when the target fee is paid.
Full name: Autonomous Non-Profit Organization "Star Olympus" Center of Culture and Arts
Abbreviated name: ANO" Star Olympus "
Legal address: 640023, Kurgan region, Kurgan city, 1 microdistrict, building 33, apt. 1.
Director: Eyberhard, Nikolay Andreevich
Phone: 8-900-086-15-88
Current account No. 40703810403100000921, INN 4501177662, BIK 044525201
Purpose of payment: Target fee for participation in the "Golden Olympus", the VI International contest
When paying, please indicate the contest PARTICIPANT’s name
The target fee size for participation in the contest:
Solo (in all categories) - 1500 rubles;
Concertmaster class - 1500 rubles;
Vocal art:
- solo – 1 500 rubles;
- duet – 2 500 rubles;
- ensemble – 3 000 rubles,
Duet, chamber ensemble - 2 500 rubles;
Ensemble Performance - from 3 to 8 persons - 3000 rubles
- from 9 to 14 persons - 4000 rubles
Orchestral Performance, Choral Arts - (from 15 people):
- children's group - 5000 rubles
- Secondary vocational organization’s group - 6000 rubles,
- Higher professional organization’s group - 8000 rubles,
- Professional group – 10 000 rubles
History and theory of music- 1 500 rubles;
Variety art nomination- 1 500 rubles
For all details please contact us through the following e-mail address:
or the following phone numbers:
Director and Art Director of the Contest:
Eyberhard, Nikolay Andreevich, tel. 8-900-086-15-88
Chairman of the Organizing Committee:
Shishkoedova, Marina Nikolaevna, tel. 8-951-268-48-67
Deputy PR Director:
Eiberhard, Maria Nikolaevna, tel. 8-904-305-92-19
Executive secretary of the contest:
Oleinikova, Irina Vadimovna, tel. 8-922-675-07-47
Contest Jury:
N.A.Eyberhard (Kurgan city) - General Director of ANO "Star Olympus" Culture and Arts Center, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Director and Art Director of the Сontest
M.G.Lyudko (St. Petersburg) - Professor of N.A.Rimsky-Korsakov St. Petersburg State Conservatory, D.Hvorostovsky Krasnoyarsk Institute of Arts, Chongqin Normal University, Ph.D. in Art History, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.
E.V.Mikhailov (Kazan) - Professor of N.G.Zhiganov Kazan State Conservatory, People's Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan, People's Artist of the Udmurt Republic, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.
A.S.Duysenbaev (Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan) - Professor of the Kazakh National University of Arts, laureate of international contests, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
N.N.Malygin (Chelyabinsk) - Professor of the FSI HPE Chelyabinsk State Institute of Culture, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Associate Member of the Petrovsk Academy of Sciences.
O.A.Urvantseva (Magnitogorsk) - Professor of the Federal State Institution of Higher Education “M.I.Glinka Magnitogorsk State Conservatory, Doctor of Art History
A.I.Vinitsky (Israel, Russia, Moscow) - guitar player, composer
Tomasz Krol (Poland) – Professor, Grazyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz University of Music, laureate of international contests
V.Goloukhov (Passau, Germany) - vibraphone player, composer, Leader of the Pervoe Solnce group and the KLE2Go trio, laureate of international contests
Georges Devdariani (Netherlands) - actor, director, musician, laureate of international contests
D.G.Duisenbaeva (Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan) - teacher, PhD of the Kazakh National University of Arts, laureate of international contests
Eyyubov, Ilgar Natik Oglu (Adana, Turkey, Azerbaijan) - teacher of Chukurov State Conservatory, laureate of international contests