The intercultural creative interaction of Kazakhstan and Tatarstan
On February 12-14, 2019 year the 5th All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference «The Traditional Culture of the peoples of Volga Region» was held in the Kazan city of RF. Many scientists were attended there from various regions of the Russian Federation.
On February 12-14, 2019 year the 5th All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference «The traditional culture of the peoples of Volga region» was held in the Kazan city of RF. It was attended by many scientists from different regions of Russia and countries of Turkic area.
Within the framework of the conference, a celebration in honor of the famous scientist, ethnographer R.G. Mukhamedova was quite logical and natural in the gallery of modern art. The director of the Republican Center for the Development of Traditional Culture, the Candidate of Philological Sciences Fanzilya Khakimovna Zavgarova thoroughly acquainted the present guests with the rich creative fate of the leading figure of the Tatar ethnographic art. Ramzia Giniatovna, who was attending there, with a huge intuziazma, goodwill talked about the difficult path of mastering the profession, and shared invaluable experience. An impressive arsenal of expeditionary works and, as a result, large-scale published works testify to to hard work and energy, which can only envy. The acquaintance with this amazing person made an indelible impression on young scientists who actively participated in the discussion. The program of the event consisted of informative and interesting scientifically interesting reports.
The Republic of Kazakhstan was represented by publications of musicologists from the Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy in the person of the candidate of art history, professor G.Zh.Musagulova «The study of issues of national-specific in Russian musical culture» and candidate of art history, associate professor of the department A.R. Berdibay «Musicology and composition», «Song creativity of Zhayau Musa and Abay as a new stage in the development of the Kazakh musical and poetic form».
The dean of the faculty G.Zh. Musagulova made a report at this scientific event «Musicology, Art Management and Social Sciences», which presented the process of researching the issues of mutual involvement and interaction of folklore traditions with modern Kazakh musical culture. In it, she demonstrated the study of the fundamental processes that underpin Kazakh professional art.
The presented scientific meetings directly provide fruitful assistance in acquaintance with the current state of the ethnographic heritage and musicology of various nations. The scientists with great interest received information about various aspects in the study of the spiritual culture of different nationalities.
The candidate of art history, professor
Dean of the Faculty of «Musicology,
Art management and
Social and Human Sciences» G.Zh. Musagulova