
The winners of the Olympiad in the «String Instruments» specialty were announced

22 students from 2 universities participated in the 2022 Republican Olympiad in the specialty «6B02102-Instrumental Performance». 

A list includes:

1) 8 students of the Kazakh National University of Arts

2) 14 students of Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory

The list of students who scored a high rating at the end of the Olympiad and presented for Diploma awarding by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan includes the following:

1st prize (I-degree Diploma):

Aylin Akyner - student of Kurmangazy KNC,

class of Professor G.K.Murzabekova (violin).

2nd prize (II-degree Diploma):

1. Sherali Muhanbetkali - student of Kurmangazy KNC,

class of Associate Professor A.A.Dzhulmukhamedova (cello).

2. Janelle Salamatova - student of Kurmangazy KNC,

class of Associate Professor A.ADzhulmukhamedova. (cello).

3rd prize (III-degree Diploma):

1. Manshuk Kazieva - student of Kurmangazy KNC ,

class of Murzabekova G.K.Professor (violin).

2. Adilet Turarov - student of KazNUA, Nur-Sultan,

class of Professor R.K.Musakhadzhaeva (violin).

3. Aruzhan Abilseit - student of Kurmangazy KNC,

class of Associate Professor N.E.Sagimbaev (alto)

Chairman of the contest committee:

Murzabekova, Gaukhar Kurmanbekovna - People's Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor, Head of the String Instruments Department, Kurmangazy National Conservatory.

Commission members:

Zharasov, Nurlan Salavatovich - Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor, Kurmangazy KNC;

Mahmud, Diana Yerbolatovna – Honorous worker in the field of education, PһD, Associate Professor, the String Instruments Department, Kurmangazy National Conservatory;

Dzhulmukhamedova, Aizhan Ablaykhanovna - Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Associate Professor, the String Instruments Department, Kurmangazy KNC.

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