The winners of the «Wind and percussion instruments» nomination were announced
Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory announced the names of the winners in the «Wind and Percussion Instruments» nomination
at the XIV Republican Students Subject Olympiad.
«Woodwind Instruments» nomination:
16 students of Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory (Almaty) and 4 students of the Kazakh National University of Arts (Nur-Sultan).
The list of students who scored a high rating following the results of the Olympiad and presented for Diploma awarding by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
Nomination "Wooden wind instruments"
Diploma laureate of the 1st degree:
Baikozha, Kamila Yerlankyzy - Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory (Almaty), teacher – Nuraly, Tanatar Konyruly, accompanist – Abdrasheva, Gulnara Sakhitovna.
Laureates of the diploma of the 2nd degree:
Akosheva, Hamida Beybitovna - Kazakh National University of Arts (Nur-Sultan), teacher – Tokpanov, Almaz Serikovich, accompanist – Khiduanova, Zhanar Mukhamedgalievna; Bemm, Artur Igorevich - Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory (Almaty), teacher - Safonovm Andrey Valerievich, accompanist – Skripchenko, Elena Anatolyevna.
Laureates of the diploma of the ІІІ degree:
Yernazar, Abdibek Gabituly - Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory (Almaty), teacher – Shubin, Igor Yurievich, concertmaster – Skripchenko, Elena Anatolyevna; Kungaliyev, Nuraly Ardakbekovich - Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory (Almaty), teacher – Ermanov, Zhanat Rakhmetulinovich, accompanist - Atageldieva, Sabina Dalelkhanovna. Dalisheva, Zhamilya Seyfulovna - Kazakh National University of Arts (Nur-Sultan), teacher – Dalisheva, Banu Dukeevna, accompanist – Kosamanova, Gulnaz Gayanovna.
"Brass wind and percussion instruments" nomination
11 students of Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory (Almaty) and 3 students of the Kazakh National University of Arts (Nur-Sultan) participated in the Republican Major Olympiad in the specialty 6B02102 – “Instrumental Performance”. The list of students who scored a high rating at the end of the Olympiad and were presented for Diploma awarding by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
"Brass wind and percussion instruments" Nomination
Laureate of the diploma of the 1st degree:
Shakenov, Aldiyar Bakhytuly - Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory (Almaty), teacher – Karibaev, Bekmukhambet Esirkepovich, accompanist – Skripchenko, Elena Anatolyevna.
Laureates of the diploma of the 2nd degree:
Kopbaev, Adilet Nurlanaliuly - Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory (Almaty), teacher – Fedyanin, Alexander Afanasevich, accompanist – Muratali, Rakhat Kuanyshuli;
Abilkasymov, Azat Rahmanbekuly - Kazakh National University of Arts (Nur-Sultan), teacher – Malinovsky, Alexander Vasilyevich, concertmaster – Kalkenova, Aigul Maratovna.
Laureates of the diploma of the ІІІ degree:
Amreev Bekmukhammed Babakhanuly - Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory (Almaty), teacher – Bisengaliyev, Murat Kumargalievich, concertmaster – Aidabulova, Aizhan Murzagalievna; Berdnik, Zoya Vyacheslavovna - Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory (Almaty), teacher – Sirotin, Vitaly Viktorovich, concertmaster – Skripchenko, Elena Anatolyevna; Erkezhan Bakhytzhankyzy - Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory (Almaty), teacher – Karibaev, Bekmukhambet Esirkepovich, accompanist – Skripchenko, Elena Anatolyevna.