Work of the Expert Group on Improving the Internal Quality System
In the period from September 27 to September 29, 2023, an expert group worked at the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory aimed at unifying document flow, reducing time spent on preparing accounting documentation and establishing effective interaction between structural divisions. This measure was taken due to a request from the heads of educational programs. The expert group specially created by the order of the Acting Rector included vice-rectors, heads of the quality management sector, the planning and organization of the educational process, the teaching and methodological department, the HR department, the science department, the Department of advanced training and additional Education, the management of graduate departments.
As a result of the meetings, important decisions concerning the nomenclature of cases, planning and implementation of strategic indicators were taken to improve the quality and productivity of administrative work. The involvement of employees in the work made it possible to take into account the wishes and suggestions of various representatives of structural divisions. As noted in the final Resolution, in order to develop environmental friendliness and reduce printed documents, strategic plans and reports of structural units will be stored in a cloud storage formed by the Quality Management Department with the support of the Information Technology Sector; indicators of the implementation of the Strategic Plan will be requested by one supervising structure under the general administration of the Quality Management Department.