
International scientific and practical conference «Actual Problems of Modern musical Turcology»






International scientific and practical conference

«Actual Problems of Modern musical Turcology», Almaty, May 28-30, 2018

(to the 60th birthday of Professor, Doctor of Art SciencesSauleUtegalieva)


Dear colleagues!

We have a pleasure to invite you to participate in the work of International scientific and practical conference, which is devoted to the actual problems of modern musical Turcology.


The following sections are planned:

1. Musical Instruments and Instrumental Music of the Turkic-speaking peoples of Eurasia

·         Musical Instruments of Turkic-speaking peoples: problems of studying

·         Folk Instrumental music of the Turks in the 21st century

·         Kazakh Dombra music: regional, local, individual styles


2. Phenomenon of Sound and Sound pitch organization in the music of the Turkic-speaking peoples

·         Sound ideas of the Turkic-speaking peoples in Traditional musical terminology

·         Sound Models in the Music of the Turkic peoples

·         Computer sound research in the music of the Turkic peoples


3. Musical-poetic and theatrical Arts of the Turkic-speakingpeoples. Museums

·         Song and epic heritage of the Turkic-speaking peoples

·         Puppet theater among the Turkic-speaking peoples of Eurasia

·         Music and musical instruments of the Turkic peoples in Museum collections

·         Museums of Art as a spiritual Heritage of the Turkic-speaking peoples


4.Music of the Turkic-speaking peoples in the educational process

·         Ethno-solfeggio on the material of Turkic peoples music: problems and perspectives

·         Problems of teaching of Historical and Theoretic courses on the Traditional music of Turkic-speaking peoples


Forms of presentation: message – 10 minutes, report – 15 minutes, demonstration of video materials.

The official languages of conference are Kazakh, Russian, English.

Master-classes of famous world scholars and presentations of books as well as a concert of traditional music of the Turkic peoples will be held during the conference.      

          Abstract submissions

The application formfor participation should be submitted by April 10th, 2018 (see below). It includes fullname, academic status and degree, workplace, address (postal and electronic), field of activity, the prospective form of participation, a theme, technical equipment.

Theses of message or reportsshould be submitted by April, 20th 2018.

The collection of theses is planned to publish. Theses of message should be no more than 2-3typewritten pages, reports – up to 8 pages (a computer set in format Word, font Times New Roman, 14 size, an interval – single space, all fields - 2 cm, footnotes on the page) in the Kazakh, Russian or English languages.

A numbered list of the literature used in alphabetical order after the main text. References to the literature should begiven in square brackets, through the colon (the first digit is the edition number, the second is the page number) [6: 78]. Figures, graphics, musical examples should be sent in a separate file (in the form of a picture jpg, 300 dpi). The material should be presented with key words, as well as a short annotation for English (250 words).

The Organizing Committee of the Symposium reserves the right to reject texts sent not in the form.

All materials should be sent only in an electronic version to the next e-mails: (for Ass. Prof., Dr. AizhanBerdibay), Mag. AigerimKarsakbaeva) or Prof., Dr.SauleUtegaliyeva)

The contribution for publication is 4000 tenge.

Travel and accommodation are paid by the participants themselves.

Address of the organizing committee for the conference:

         Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory

                            Ablai Khan 86,

                            Kazakhstan, Almaty 050000

                            Tel. 7 (727) 261-76- 40, 7 (727) 272-72-34

                            Fax: 7 (727) 272-63-48

                            Mob. +7 (701) 165-87-72 (AizhanBerdibay)

                                      +7 (707) 842-00-00 (AigerimKarsakbaeva)

                                      +7 (701) 487-20-21 (SauleUtegaliyeva)