Scientific and Information Library Service
Head of scientific and information library service - Baygonusova Galiya

Tel: +7-727-272-55-01
Has a university degree in Library Science - Bibliography.
Proficient in Kazakh and Russian languages. English at “Elementary” level.
1994 - 1st category bibliographer at the "Center of bibliography and scientific information" of National library of the Republic of Kazakhstan; leading bibliographer of Center of information resources; chief bibliographer of Center of information resources;
2008 - Head of the Department of Arts;
2011 - Head of Readers' Registration Department; 2011;
2015 - Head of Dissertation Department.
2019-2022. - Librarian of Miras International School;
February 2022 Head of Scientific Information Librarian Service of Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory.
- Republican conference "Library capital" (Shymkent, 2007);
- Seminar-training "Machine-readable Cataloguing" (St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts of Russia, June, 1-10, 2009);
- Congress of International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Information Centres (IAML) (Moscow, 27 June - 2 July, 2010);
- 75 years of the National Library of the Kyrgyz Republic. Anniversary event (Bishkek, 2010);
- Management of educational organization for managers" in the volume of 72 hours (in online format from November 14 to November 29, 2022, Association of Higher Education Institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan).
Professional achievements (Development of bibliographic and methodical books, publication of articles):
- 1998-2008. Was a compiler of bibliographical indexes such as "Social Literature", "New literature about Kazakhstan" in Kazakh and Russian languages;
- 2009 г. Compiled the bilingual bibliography "Ermek Serkebayev";
- Published articles in the National Library magazine:
- Өнер қызметінің өресі кең.- 2010.- № 2(4).- p. 56-62.
- ҚР Ұлттық кітапханасы Өнер қызметінің 2010 ж. есебі.- 2010.- № 4(6).- p. 19-21.
- current and retrospective acquisition of the library collection with documents on different media in accordance with the profile of the university, its educational programs, areas of scientific activity and information needs of the readers;
- Inventory and summary records of the documents coming in and going out of the library collection;
- Cataloguing ( organisation, maintenance, updating the electronic catalogue with bibliographic records for new acquisitions)
- editing of the reference and retrieval system of the library;
- Maintenance and editing of the card index of the book supply of the educational process;
- monitoring of book supply by disciplines;
- studying the book-publishing market, preparing requests;
- Interacting with chairs, advising teachers on working with the index of book supply;
- Indexing and systematizing the documents coming to the library;
- Technical processing of documents and transfer of documents to library departments.
Quality objectives for the 2024-2025 academic year
Quality objectives for the 2023-2024 academic year
Shamshyrak debating club activities regulations