
Postgraduation Education Department

                                                     Head of the department of postgraduate education - Zhazira Musayeva


             CONTACT DETAILS:


            Tel: +7 (727) 272 59 97




Graduated from Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University in the direction - ‘Philology’.

She speaks Kazakh, Russian and English. 


Heads the postgraduate education department of KNC named after Kurmangazy since 2018. She started her labour activity in KNC named after Kurmangazy in 2002.  

The Department of Postgraduate Education is established in accordance with the organisational structure of the Conservatoire approved by the Rector's order.

The Department ensures the functioning and improvement of the educational process on educational programmes of Master's and Doctoral studies.

The structure of the Department includes the Head, Senior Manager and Manager, whose job responsibilities are defined by the Regulations of the Department and Job descriptions.

The Department in its work is guided by:

  • External normative documentation having the status of legislative and regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, national, departmental and industry standards, requirements of higher authorities;

  • Standard rules of admission to training in educational organisations implementing educational programmes of higher and postgraduate education.

  • Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 31 October 2018 No. 600.

  • Rules of awarding educational grant for payment of higher or postgraduate education with the award of the degree ‘bachelor’ or ‘master’ Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 23 January 2008 N 58.

  • Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 31 October 2018 No. 604 ‘ On approval of state obligatory standards of education of all levels of education;

  • ‘Rules of appointment, payment and amounts of state scholarships to students in educational organisations’ with reference to the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 7 February 2008 N 116.

  • Rules of appointment of scholarship of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Yelbasy in the field of education, approved by the order of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 1 April 2011 № 470;

  • Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 30 October 2018 No. 595 ‘On Approval of the Model Rules of Activity of Educational Organisations of the relevant type and kind’ when organising the issuance of documents of own sample;

  • International standards ISO (International Organisation for Standardization) in the field of quality management of activity, anti-corruption management system and other systems implemented in the Conservatory;

  • Internal normative documents regulating the Conservatory's activities in general.