Housekeeping and Buildings Operation Service
Head of Housekeeping and Buildings Management - Kabiden Amangeldy
Tel: +7-727-338-44-88
1. EDUCATION: Higher
Since March 2023, the head of the service of economic support and building maintenance of the Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy.
The main directions of activity of the service of economic support and building maintenance:
1) ensuring conditions for comfortable work of the Conservatory's staff and students studying by carrying out measures for quality maintenance and operation of buildings;
2) control over the effective activity of the subdivisions;
3) monitoring and analyzing the management system within the competence of its processes according to the requirements of ISO management standards, and providing this data to the Conservatory management;
4) implementation of management policies on quality management, anti-corruption and other, effective management systems;
5) interaction with the city's utility organizations in order to provide the Conservatory's facilities with heat, electricity, water and gas supply;
6) elimination of emergency situations at the Conservatory facilities by ensuring the functioning of all life support systems of the Conservatory, repair of heating, sewerage, cold water and electricity supply systems;
7) formation of a corporate culture of anti-corruption;
8) achieving the goals of improving the work of the Conservatory in the field of activity quality management systems, anti-corruption management system and other systems implemented in the Conservatory.
9) solving other tasks in accordance with the goals of the organization.
Admission 2024