Department of electronic resources of library
Head of the electronic resources department of the library - Akylbek Firuza

Tel : +7 7772062071
2004-2006 – Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty – International Relations, Master of International Law, Almaty;
1999-2003 – Kazakh Humanitarian Law University, Faculty - International Law, specialist – Jurisprudence, Almaty;
1989-1999 –Lyceum school No.131 named after B.Momyshuly, Almaty;
1992-1997 – Almaty Music School No. 1 named after A.Kashaubayev, class – dombra, Almaty.
01.02.2021 – Scientific and Information Library Service of the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory, Position - Head of the electronic resources department of the library.
01.09.2014 – 31.01.2021 Scientific and Information Library Service of the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory, Position - Librarian of the Electronic Resources Department: (search for electronic music databases on the Internet, description of electronic music works, creation of electronic video exhibitions, creation of video guides, project manager).
03.01.2007 – 01.09.2014 State Institution "Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy", International and Concert Department, position – specialist of the highest qualification level without category (international relations specialist): project manager (correspondence, invitations, visas, tickets, reservations), assistant to the vice-rector for Educational Work and vice-rector for scientific and creative work (coordination of current work).
01.10.2005 – 01.05.2006 Notary of Almaty, position – assistant notary.
MS-Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat XI Pro, ABBYY FineReader, Windows Movie Maker, Adobe InDesign, FotoShowPRO, Video Converter, CorelDRAW, Corel PHOTO-PAIN.
- Providing information on access to professional databases, information reference and search systems through a system of catalogs, file cabinets and other forms of library information.
- Consulting assistance in the search and selection of information sources.
- Compilation of bibliographic literature manuals, recommended collections and other documents.
- Implementation of thematic, factographic and other bibliographic references.
- Organization and holding of events (information days, master students’ days and others), revealing and advertising the funds structure.
- Organization of access to professional databases, information reference and search systems in accordance with license agreements signed with resource providers, Terms of Use, the Conservatory regulations, the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Organization of seminars, trainings in registration, search and use of information resources of national and international databases.
- Teaching users modern methods of searching for information, its application in the educational process and scientific work, the ability to navigate in the reference and bibliographic tools of the library and information resources.
- Ensuring the electronic library functioning in local and online mode, documents digitizing and attaching a scanned document to a bibliographic record, support and development of sections of the web pages (website) of the library.
- Coordination of their work with Departments, faculties, other structural divisions of the Conservatory.
Quality objectives for the 2024-2025 academic year
Quality objectives for the 2023-2024 academic year