Absatarova Gulsara Bekturganovna
Contact data:
e-mail: sarah070@mail.ru
Academic position: Associate Professor
Academic degree: Master of pedagogical science
Name of speciality and code indicated in the diploma of higher education: "Teacher of English and German languages"
Staff (Full-time)
Education / qualification (year, country, educational institution):
1.Master's degree – (2012-2014, Kazakhstan, Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai)
2.Higher education / teacher: (1992, Kazakhstan, APIA)
Work Experience:
2007 - English teacher at the Kurmangazy National University of Economics
2002 – 2007 English teacher – Almaty College of Construction and Management
2000 -2002 No. 36 Linguistic gymnasium - Deputy Director for Academic
affairs 1996-2000 English teacher – secondary school No. 12. Almaty
1993-1996 English teacher - Secondary school in Beriktas, Almaty region
Honors, awards (national, international):
2019 - The medal "Best Teacher" for his great contribution to the development of the country's higher education system and for dedicated work in training highly qualified specialists. - Association of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2019 - Letter of thanks from the rector in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Kazakh National Conservatory. Kurmangazy.
2014 - Letter of thanks from the rector in honor of the 75th anniversary of the Kazakh National Conservatory. Kurmangazy.
1. 2024 Bayturganova Sabizhan, Piano, 1st year, Diploma of the II degree. Annual interuniversity scientific and practical conference "The science of the young in the spiritual renewal of society", KNK. Kurmangazy. Zhukov Egor, Diploma of the II degree, Mukusheva Assel, Diploma of the III degree, Artemy Pestov, Diploma of the III degree, Interuniversity subject Olympiad in language disciplines "Music is the universal language of mankind".
2. 2023 Akbergenov Nurken, Diploma of the II degree, Olympiad-competition on public speaking skills in English “Speech Contest", KazNAI named after T.Zhurgenev. Aziza Zhumazhanova, Diploma of the III degree, Interuniversity subject Olympiad in language disciplines "Music is the universal language of mankind". Aitbek Ayanat, Diploma of the II degree, Takisheva Jamila Diploma of the III degree, Annual interuniversity scientific and practical conference "Science of the young in the spiritual renewal of society", KNK. Kurmangazy.
3. 2022, Yessimbayeva Miriam, Subject Olympiad among creative universities in Almaty, Diploma of the II degree, T.Zhurgenev Academy of Art, Almaty 2021. Mukhanova K., Subject Olympiad among creative universities of Almaty, I-degree diploma, T.Zhurgenev Academy of Art, Almaty
4. 2021, Chandich J., VI International Competition of student scientific papers
in the field of art and art education - Winner of the III degree. – Russia. Kazan Federal UniversityScientific papers, editions, publications (2019-2024)
- Publications (foreign and local):
Title of the article // Output data
1. The linguistic status of a professional language. Science and peace. International Scientific Journal, Volgograd, No.1(5), 2014. ISSN 2308-4804
2. Culture is one system of values in the whole way of science. International Bilingual Scientific Journal (No. 8(8), November 2014, Moscow.
- Publications in peer-reviewed journals:
Title of the article // Output data
1.Journal of scientific aspect "Musical notes as a means of interpreting text and determinants of musical intonation signs" - No. 5 (volume 58). 7896 p. / 7758 – 7795 p. May 2024
2. Shamanic ritual and accompanying music as the ideological basis of traditional culture. Journal of the Science of Cultural Heritage Preservation. Scopus. SJR 0,137 Universita di Bologna (Ravenna). Italy. The main subject areas are Culture and Art (all sciences). Museum work. The percentile is 56.54, 2nd quarter 2023.July. Database of scientific periodicals: "Scopus".
3. The cultural aspect of ethics and moral norms in intercultural communication
Current scientific research in the modern world. International Scientific Journal. 1 (93) issue part 2. January 2023-ISSN 2524-0986-08400, Ukraine, Kiev region, Pereyaslav RSCI
4. Features of self-study of the language. Bulletin of the University of International Relations and World Languages. Abylaikhan. -ISSN-2709-9245. September-2022, Almaty. KKSON NBM
5. Features of self-study of the language. Bulletin of the Abylaikhan Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages-ISSN-2709-9245, 305-3018bb.
September-2022, Almaty-KKSON of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
6. "The effectiveness of using musical compositions in teaching a foreign language” - "Professional science", Lulu Inc., USA, Detroit. 2021, 43 p -ISBN 978-1-005-59771-9
7. Semiotic signs of the state and performing interpretation in the paradigm of national concepts of Kazakh musical pedagogy
Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 8(11B), pp. 6192 – 6199, 2020.
DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.082257-database of scientific periodicals: "Scopus".
8. Language through the prism of culture. Science and Life of Kazakhstan No.3/3, pp. 249-254.
International Scientific Journal. KKSON OF THE Ministry OF Education AND Science OF THE Republic OF Kazakhstan. Astana 2020.
- Participation in conferences: Output data
Conference name, institution, country, date
1. “Musical remarks as a means of interpretative reading of the text and the determinants of musical intonation signs” Journal “Scientific aspect" - No. 5 (volume 58). 7896 p. / 7758 – 7795 p. May 2024
2. The 7th International Scientific and Practical Conference ”Global Science: Prospects and Innovations”, Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2024, 619 p. 1-3 March 2024
3. "The effectiveness of using musical compositions in teaching a foreign language" - "Professional science", Lulu Inc., USA, Detroit. 2021, 43 p.
4. Materials of the 2nd MNPC "Culture and education: topical issues of the development of sciences in the 21st century" Nur-Sultan December 26, 2020
5. "Pragmatics of words of blessing and desire" Modern science: prospects and problems.International Conference .Las Vegas, Nevada 2019.
- Studies, monographs, textbooks:
1. Methodological guide for undergraduates on the development of the discipline "Professional English". Methodological recommendations for the development of academic disciplines in higher educational institutions in the field of "Art".
Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy.
ISBN 978- 601- 7848- 58- 3. Almaty: 2019. - 7-12bb.
2. English. Electronic training manual. It is dedicated to the specialties "Musicology", "Composition", "Instrumental performance". Electronic training manual.
Almaty. June 2019. ISBN 978 - 601 - 7848 - 46 – 0.
Research interests: Methodological methods of speech development in a foreign language.
Professional development (internships, trainings, seminars, courses):
07.06.-14.06.2024.“Teaching foreign languages in mixed level classess” Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T. Zhurgenov. Certificate (72 hours)
2-16.04.2023 - Augmented reality in education and training: new learning technologies, Kazusa – Professional Development Center, 72 hours.
07-02-2022-18-02-2022. "Cultural transformation in education: key factors of academic success". Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 72 hours
24-01-2022-04-02-2022. "modern trends in teaching foreign languages"
17-01-2022-21-01-2022 "possibilities of using digital educational resources in the educational process". KNK named after. Kurmangazy, 72 hours.
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 72 hours
29-09-2021-03-10-2021. "scientific and educational paradigms in the context of digitalization". Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 72 hours
17-02-2021 – 05-03-2021"theory and methodology of teaching the subject "English language" in institutions of higher professional education", Russia-Moscow. 72 hours.
01-02-2021 18-02-2021"improving the professional and pedagogical competence of a teacher in the context of updating the content of education","National Center for Advanced Training "Orleu", 72 hours.
02-11-2020-13-11-2020 "the importance of using new technologies in education", Advance Language Center, 72 hours
05-10-2020-16-10-2020 - "methods of integrated teaching of the subject and language in the educational process", including online, Advance language center, 72 hours
18-06-2020-26-06-2020-Online learning: opportunities and practical applications. A refresher course on digital literacy. KNK named after. Kurmangazy, 72 hours.
01-03-2020 03-03-2020-KAU "technologies of pedagogical excellence "Innovation skills" in higher professional, post-secondary education", 72 hours.
01-02-2020 28-02-2020-principles and approaches of modern teaching methods at the university-Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 72 hours
11/30/2018 Methodological seminar "an interactive, hands–on approach to teaching and Learning " Regional Training Coordinator And Teacher trainer Oxford University Press
23-24. 05. 2018 Seminar 72 hours
«Teaching Foreign Languages in the Content of Modernization of Kazakhstan’s Idendity»
T.Kazao National Academy of Arts named after Zhurgenova
01.10.2016 – 12/24/2011 Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylaikhan "English teacher professional development course programmer" Certificate-level C1 (260 hours)
14.10. - 29.10.2016 Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "National Center for Advanced Training "Orleu", educational program of advanced training courses for teachers of pedagogical specialties of universities "modern pedagogical technologies" (72 hours)
January 25-30, 2016 "new educational program within the framework of the competence approach
design " in the amount of 72 hours
training seminar. National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy
21.10.2013-31.10.2013 University named after Adam Mickiewicz, Faculty of Modern Languages and Literature, Department of Asian Studies, Academic Mobility Practice. Poland, Poznan
06/10/2012-06/16/2012 English language teaching in higher educational institutions
Suleimen Dimerel University, Kaskelen, Kazakhstan-72 hours
17-28.01. 2011 "application of multimedia technology in the educational process"
National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy, 72 hours IT
30.05.2005-03.06.2005 Republican Institute for Advanced Training of Managerial and Scientific-pedagogical personnel in the education system, 72 hours
23.01.2001-13.03.2001 "disadvantages of pedagogical work with teachers
of the direction". Retraining of teaching staff in the education system and
the Institute of advanced training
05.04.2001 institutes Institute of Retraining and Advanced Training of teaching staff in the education system "innovative trends in English language teaching". 72 hours
Foreign Language Proficiency:
English - C1