Adenova Altynay Kumisbekova
Contact information:
Phone number: 8-747-919-28-48
Position: lecturer
Science degree: master's degree of pedagogical sciences
The name of specialty and code: «5В010300 - Pedagogics and psychology, 6М010300 - Pedagogics and psychology».
Full-time employee □ Part-time employee □
1. 2013 – 2015 у. Kazahskaya National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy. 6М010300 - Pedagogics and psychology» Speciality: Teacher-psychologist;
2. 2009 – 2013 у. Kazahskaya National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy. 5В010300 - Pedagogics and psychology» Speciality: Teacher-psychologist;
3. 2005 – 2009 у. Musical College named after K. Baiseitov. Specialty: Kazakh folk instruments (dombyra).
1. 2017 y. Head of the department for work with students and graduates;
2. 2014 y. Kazakh National Conservatory. Kurmangazy; Department of Pedagogy and the Art of Management - Lecturer;
3. 2013 y. Kazakh National Conservatory. Kurmangazy; Department of Pedagogy and the Art of Management - assistant.
№ |
Name of publication |
Name of edition, year |
1 |
The historical and psychological aspect of the Kazakh musical education |
Journal «Akikat» № 5, |
2 |
The contribution of the Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy in higher musical education |
Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference. Posveschenny 70th anniversary of the Kazakh National Conservatory. Kurmangazy "Actual problems, experience and prospects for the development of traditional and contemporary music" 2tom |
№ |
Name of the conference |
Name of the organization |
Country |
Date |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Local: |
1 |
International scientific-practical conference. Posveschenny 70th anniversary of the Kazakh National Conservatory. Kurmangazy "Actual problems, experience and prospects for the development of traditional and contemporary music" |
Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy |
Kazakhstan |
19.11.2014г |
1. Educational program of advanced training courses for teachers of pedagogical specialties of universities "Modern pedagogical technologies in higher educational institutions in the framework of the updated content of education", 2-28 April 2018, 240 hours
2. Seminar-training on "Principles of psychological and pedagogical correction in teaching students with special educational needs (in inclusive education), May 30-June 1, 2018, 18 hours;
3. Courses and training of the expert, music producer David Ray "Leadership, Education and Music Management", November 3-30, 2017;
4. Training on teambuilding, November 24-26, 2017;
5. Moscow State Conservatory named. PI Tchaikovsky Research Internship 2015 у.6. Training seminar on the topic "Prevention of Internet addiction and self-willed development of gifted children", in the amount of 24 hours. 2015;
7. The educational project "Workshops 2013" within the framework of the MES program at the invitation of foreign scientists and teachers qualified coach and supervisor Nerbert Caroline: «Art Therapy" Ragamuffin ", Kazakh National Conservatory. Kurmangazy, 15-19 April 2013;
8. Master-class Doctor of Psychology, Professor of Socio-Humanitarian Institute (Tallinn, Estonia) T. Listopad. 2011. The amount of 56 hours.
Language |
Level |
IELTS/TOEFL, others |
Beginning |
English |
Pre-Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Advanced |
Academic writing |