
Kosbasarov Bazarkhan


       Contact information:


       Academic position: Professor

        Academic degree: Professor (Higher Attestation Commission)


Name of speciality and code indicated in the diploma of higher education: «Alma-Ata State Conservatory named after. Kurmangazy, kyl kobyz.»


Education / qualification (year, country, educational institution):

- 1967 - RK, school named after N. Krupskaya;

- 1968-1975 - RK, Alma-Ata State Conservatory named after. Kurmangazy


Work Experience:

- 1975 - present - Professor of the Department of «Kobyz and Bayan» of the Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy


Honors, awards (national, international):

- 1990 – Associate Professor / Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy / Kazakhstan

- 2006 – Professor (Higher Attestation Commission) / Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy / Kazakhstan

- 2011 – Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan / Kazakhstan

- 2015 – Medal «550 years of the Kazakh Khanate» / Kazakhstan

- 2016 – medal «25 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan» / Kazakhstan

- 2019 – «Algys Khat» from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K. Tokayev / Kazakhstan

- 2024 – medal «Veteran of Labor» / Kazakhstan



Akmolda Sayan Kurmangazy International Folk Instrument Competition (Astana, 1997), 2nd degree laureate

Kosbasarova Zhuldyz Kurmangazy International Folk Instrument Competition (Astana, 1997), 2nd degree laureate

Karsakbaeva Aigerim International Festival of Traditional Performers named after Korkyt (Astana, 2012), 1st degree laureate

Tazhibaeva Akerke International Festival of Traditional Performers named after Korkyt Astana, 2012), 3rd degree laureate

Karabalaev Samat X International Festival of Creative Youth "Shabyt" (Almaty, 2012), 3rd degree laureate

Borangazieva Raushan I Republican Competition named after Zh. Kalambaev (Almaty, 2010), 3rd degree laureate

Saduakasova Erkezhan Republican Subject Olympiad of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty, 2011), 2nd degree laureate

Manasbaeva Makpal. International Festival of Traditional Performers named after Korkyt (Astana, 2012), 2nd degree laureate

Manasbaeva Makpal IX Republican Competition of Performers on Folk Instruments named after Kurmangazy (Astana, 2012), 3rd degree laureate

Manasbaeva Makpal V Republican Competition of Performers on Folk Instruments named after Tattimbet (Karaganda, 2013), 2nd degree laureate

Oralbaeva Fariza Republican Subject Olympiad of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty, 2012), 1st degree laureate

Sarimanova Nursulu Republican Subject Olympiad of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty, 2012), diploma winner

Mazhibaeva Zhanel Republican Subject Olympiad of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty, 2013), 3rd degree laureate degrees

Zhetpisbaeva Ayaulym V Republican Competition of Performers on Folk Instruments named after Tattimbet (Karaganda 2013), 2nd degree laureate

Tleubaeva Madina International Festival named after Shabyt (Astana, 2016), 3rd degree laureate.

Tleubaeva Madina Republican Subject Olympiad of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty, 2016), 1st degree laureate

Tleubaeva Madina Republican Competition of Performers on Folk Instruments named after Erden Sandybayuly (Astana, 2016), 3rd degree laureate

Maidanova Samal Republican Subject Olympiad of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty, 2024) 1st degree laureate

Mukhamedkhanova Alua Republican Subject Olympiad of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty, 2024) winner of the 2nd degree


Scientific papers, editions, publications (2019-2024)


- Publications (foreign and local):


- Publications in peer-reviewed journals:

Title of the article // Output data


- Participation in conferences

Conference name, institution, country, date

·     Korkyt and Uly dala sazy, TURKSOY, Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan, 2011

·     Traditional Musical Cultures of the Peoples of Central Asia, Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory, Almaty Kazakhstan, 2014

·     Traditional Musical Culture: Past and Present, Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory, Almaty Kazakhstan, 2015


- Studies, monographs, textbooks:

Output data

«Kobyz sazy» – Almaty «Oner», 1979

«Konyrzhay» – Almaty «Oner», 1988

«Kobyz Oneri» – Almaty, «Sanat», 2001

«Kyl kobyzga arnalgan shygarmalar» – Almaty, «Oner», 2010

«Kobyz Oneri» - «Alla Company» / 2016 ISBN 97979-0-803855-31-0 Almaty «Kyl-kobyzga layyktalgan shygharmalar» - «Alla Company» 2015 ISBN 979-0-803854-10-8 Almaty

«Kobyz Oneri» – «Aiganym» ed. 2018 5000 copies ISBN 978-601-03-0528-1



Research interests:

Professional development (internships, trainings, seminars, courses):

- December 26-30, 2011. Participation in Master classes of Honored Artist of Russia L. Torgasheva (40 hours);

- November 16-21, 2011. Participation in Master classes of Honored Artist of Russia, Associate Professor of the Moscow State Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky R. Balashov (56 hours);

- November 20-26, 2011. Participation in master classes of music producer, author and host of television programs O. Nesterov (56 hours).

- November 22-12/15/2021. Kazan State Conservatory named after N.G. Zhiganov (72 hours)

- February 1, 2022 - to February 14, 2022. "Management in Education" (72 hours)


Foreign Language Proficiency:

English - B1