Dzhanseitova Svetlana Sattarovna
Contact data:
Academic position: Professor
Academic degree: doctor of philology
Name of speciality and code indicated in the diploma of higher education: «Teacher of Russian language, literature and pedagogy, 10.02.01 Russian language».
Education / qualification (year, country, educational institution):
- Higher, Russia, Tambov. Tambov state university after G.Derzhavin;
- Post-graduate course of the Al-Farabi National University. "Russian Philology";
- Doctoral candidacy of Al-Farabi National University. "Russian Philology".
Work Experience:
- KNC after Kurmangazy, 1979 to present
- Assistant professor. specialty "Linguistics". The decision of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan. DC №0000656;
- Professor of KNC. Order №145L dated July 11, 2011;
- By authority of the Control Committee in Education and Science under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan a Title of FULL PROFESSOR in Linguistics. November 24, 2016.
Honors, awards (national, international):
- 2013 - Winner of the title of «The best university teacher 2013». MES ROK, Kazakhstan.
- 2014 - For achievements in the field of RoK science was given the medal «For merits in development of science in Kazakhstan» 2014. MES ROK. Kazakhstan.
- 2016 - For active cooperation and diverse scientific researches was awarded with Honorary Certificate in honor of the day of Russian science. 2016. Russia.
- 2016 - Medal of the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Тhe incumbent president republic of kazakhstan
Scientific papers, editions, publications (2019-2024)
- Publications (foreign and local):
Title of the article // Output data
- Publications in peer-reviewed journals:
Title of the article // Output data
1. The communicative nature of the concepts of blessings and curses in the context. Bulletin Kaz. NPU named after Abai. Series Philological Sciences. No. 3 (69) 2019. P. 117-121,252-258.
2. The conceptual role of music in related arts. Bulletin of the KNU named after al Farabi. Series: "Philological Sciences". No. 4 (172) 2019. Almaty. P.293-301.
3. Semiotic Signs and Performing Interpretation of a Kui in the Paradigm of National Concepts of Kazakh Music Pedagogy. Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol. 8(11B): 6192-6199, 2020. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.082257.- SJR - 0.122. India.
4. Genesis, Evolution and Distribution of Stringed Plucked Instruments of Cultural and Historical Processes. «BULLETIN OF THE INTERNATIONAL CENTRE OF ART AND EDUCATION» magazine, № 5-2022y. 8-26 p. Art and Education.
5. The cognitive structure of frames and the way they are categorized in the sublanguage of musicology. Vestnik of PSU after Toraigyrov, Series of «Philological sciences» - №1, 2023, Pavlodar. 320-331p.
6. Nomadic life cycle structured by calendar, representative of age stage semantics and genre system. Journal of Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage. Scopus. SJR is equal to 0.137 Universita di Bologna (Ravenna). Italy. 2023. pp.383-403. Percentile- 78, Quartile 2
7. Shamanistic ritual ceremony and accompanying music as the ideological basis of traditional culture. Journal of Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage. Scopus. SJR is 0.137. Universita di Bologna (Ravenna). Italy. 2023. Pages 307- 322 Percentile-78, Quartile 2.
- RSCI publications:
1. Functional Difference of musical gesture and its semantic nature. Journal The scientific heritage. VO4. - № 59 (59) 2021. , DOI: 10.24412/9215-03652021-59-4-3-8. Budapest, Hungary. С.3-8.
2. Psychological and semantic levels of performance as an independent creative process. "Reflection". Scientific research journal. – Russian Federation. Nazran. - No. 3 . 2023. pp.76-80. RSCI Scientific supervisor.
3. The world–modeling element of music, expressing the original harmony of Sound - Culture – Universe. Scientific Research journal.- RF. The beginning of the Russian world. - No. 1.- 2024. pp. 25-31 Rostov-on-Don. RSCI.
4 Conceptual World Picture of Traditional Music. Lingua universum. Interuniversity Scientific Journal-No.1.2024.pp.8-12 Modern linguistics. Linguistic issues of language teaching. The Republic of Ingushetia. Fearsome. RSCI.
5. Working with text as a communicative activity-based approach to learning a foreign language and a way to control the independent work of teachers. Scientific and practical journal Education from "A" to "Z". - No.1, - 2024. pp.17-21 Ekaterinburg. RSCI.
6. Creativity as a core characteristic of a competitive creative personality. Scientific journal Design. Experience. Result. - No.3, pp. 19-23, 2024. Voronezh. RSCI. Scientific supervisor.
- Participation in conferences:
1. The role of creativity in musical culture. Materials of the III annual interuniversity scientific-practical conference “Kazakhstan: realities and prospects”. Almaty, 2021. P.19-20. Scientific adviser,
2. Specific patterns of interpretative activity. Collection of materials of the Interuniversity scientific and practical student conference “The science of the young in the spiritual renewal of society". Almaty, 2023. pp. 32-35 Diploma 3rd place Scientific supervisor.
3. The basic principles and methods of artistic work on the work. Collection of materials of the interuniversity scientific and practical student conference “Science of the young in the spiritual renewal of society". Almaty, 2023. pp. 35-37. Diploma 3rd place Scientific supervisor.
4. Music and religion. Music in my life. Interuniversity Olympiad "Music as the universal language of mankind". 2023. Second place. Diploma.
5. Music that unites all the peoples of the world. Interuniversity Olympiad "Music as the universal language of mankind". Third place. Diploma.
6. Music in the modern world. Interuniversity subject Olympiad "Music as the universal language of mankind". Diploma in the nomination "For the relevance of the topic".
7. Music in the life of Dina Nurpeisova. Interuniversity subject Olympiad "Music as the universal language of mankind". Diploma in the nomination "For the relevance of the topic".
8. Tradition as a sacred truth. Zhangyru zholyndagi zhas galym is a student scientific and practical conference of the KNC. Almaty, April 10, 2024. Scientific supervisor. Diploma 1st place.
- RK (Republican and international):
1. Innovation in modern vocal performance. IV International Scientific and Practical Conference Global Science and Innovations 2019: Central Asia. Nur-Sultan. Р.283-286.
2. Psychological foundations of the development of creativity of a creative person in the system of innovative education. VIII Global Science and Innovation 2020: Central Asia. International scientific-practical conference “GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATIONS 2020: CENTRAL ASIA. No. 3 (1), February-March 2020. Nur-Sultan. Р. 52-56.
3. Ethnocultural Marking, Cultural and Historical Significance of Non-Equivalent Vocabulary in Russian Musicological and Literary Texts. Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan. International Conference “The World of Language”, dedicated to the 100 th anniversary of M.M. Kopylenko. Almaty, 2020,p.116-125.
4. Tradition as a fundamental category, which is a universal characteristic of the culture of the future. Materials of the V International Scientific and Theoretical Conference of young scientists and students "The history of the formation and prospects of science development in Central Asia and Kazakhstan", dedicated to the 125th anniversary of academician, outstanding scientist and public figure K.I. Satpayev. Kaz.NAU named after T. Zhurgenov April 2024 Scientific supervisor.
- Far abroad countries:
1. Functional Difference of musical gesture and its semantic nature. Journal The scientific heritage. VOL 4. - № 59 (59) 2021. , DOI: 10.24412/9215-03652021-59-4-3-8. Budapest, Hungary. С.3-8.
2. Musical remarks as determinants of signs of musical-linguistic, linguistic-speech and expressive-stylistic moments of musical intonation. SCIENTIFIC PROGRESS: INNOVATIONS, ACHIEVEMENTS AND PROSPECTS. Materials of the VIII-th International Scientific and Practical Conference. pp. 292-299. Munich, Germany 1-3 May 2023.
3. Psychological patterns of the mechanism Performing activities. International Scientific and Practical Conference International Scientific Conference. Modern Scientific Method. Vienna, Austria.- No.3, 2023. pp.87-90.
4 Ritual and ritual as cultural archetypes. The 7th International Scientific and Practical Conference International “Global science: prospects and innovations" (March 1-3, 2024, pp. 443-452) Cognum Publishing House, Liverpool, United Kingdom. 2024.
5. The artistic heritage of traditional art, reflected in the works and monuments of spiritual culture. Materials of the conference "Fundamentals and trends of research" - 2024. Pp. 77-82. Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Studies, monographs, textbooks:
- Monographs:
1. Musicology in Kazakhstan: Linguistic aspect. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. KNC after Kurmangazy. - Almaty, 2010. – 209p. ISBN 978-601-7232-03-0. Almaty: Inter Press К, 2010.
2. The conceptual and mythological world picture of traditional Kazakh music in linguistic aspect. Kazakh national conservatory after Kurmangazy. Almaty. -177p. ISBN 978-601-7232-67-2. Almaty, 2014.
- Teaching aids, textbooks:
1. Russian language. Kazakh national conservatory after Kurmangazy. Almaty. -225p. ISBN 978-601-7232-69-6.Almaty, 2013.
2. Russian language (for students’ independent work). Kazakh national conservatory after Kurmangazy. Almaty. 2013.-126p. ISB 978-601-7232-68-9.Almaty, 2013.
3. Linguistic analysis of Russian language units. Training manual for non-linguistic university’s national groups. Kazakh national conservatory after Kurmangazy. Almaty. 2013.-102p. ISBN 978-601-7232-66-5. Almaty, 2013
4. Russian language. Practical course. Kazakh national conservatory after Kurmangazy. Almaty, 2014. – 276p. ISBN 978-601-7232-88-7.Almaty, 2014.
5. Professional sublanguage of Russian-language musicology in Kazakhstan. Kazakh national conservatory after Kurmangazy. Almaty, 2011. – 247p. ISBN 978-601-7232-32-0.Almaty, 2011.
-Methodical manuals, materials:
1. Methodical instructions for laboratory works on Russian language. Kazakh national conservatory after Kurmangazy. Almaty, 175p. ISBN 978-601-7232-70-3.Almaty, 2013.
2. Interpretation of scientific musicological text. Style. Text. Discourse. Kazakh national conservatory after Kurmangazy. Almaty, 106p. ISBN 978-601-7232-76-4. Almaty, 2014.
3. A gift of fate. Sketches for a creative portrait of a beloved conductor, editor, person. New music newspaper. Almaty, 2018.
4 The mechanism of unity and features of vens of e[pression in musical, visual and poetic art.. Art and Science Journal Saryn. KNK named after Kurmangazy, Almaty, №3 (20), 2018- 20-31p.
- Author’s books:
1. To roam the temple that is called “the steppe”… Almaty. «Zhibek zholy» publishing house, 2014. 84 P.
2. The house of existence. Western European poetry of the late XIX – early XX centuries. Almaty. «Zhibek zholy» publishing house, 2014.60 P.
- Other (list):
1. Russian-Kazakh explanatory dictionary of musical terms. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Kazakh national conservatory after Kurmangazy.-85p. ISBN 978-601-7232-65-8.Almaty, 2013.
Research interests:
Art criticism and philology.
Professional development (internships, trainings, seminars, courses):
1. Mini MBA in Professional Development Leaders of an Entrepreneurial Start p Companу Program. Making Leadership your Excellence E2 Educational Services, Seattle, USA. Turan universitу. 7 march, 2014 Diploma.
2. Certificate for completing the «Effective Teaching». 72-hour course conducted bу The National Open Universitу «Intuit» from 30 OCTOBER 2014 to 13 november 2014. Moscow.
3. Lithuanian universityу of Educational Sciences Certificate No.BA14-03. Promoting Academic Mobilitу and Development of Internationalitу in Centres for Lithuanian (Baltic) Studies No. VP-1.2-SMM-08-V-02-007 2-14. Level of qualification Duration of studies: 2014. 03.24- 2014. 04.14.Volume of studies: 120 academic hours.
4. Certificate of Attendance. This is to certifу that has successfully completed a 5 –daу 20-hour teacher- training summer seminar English Language Teaching in Higher Education / Damirel Universitу.
5. Certificate "Memlekettik tildi үshtkyrdi talap negizinde ogytu". "Orleu" "BAҮO" AKF Almaty (25.11.05-72 h.). № 0004410. 2014 lived
6. Certificate “Principles of psychological and pedagogical correction in teaching students with special educational needs (in inclusive education)! 19 hours. Seminar - training. Kazakh National Medical University named after S. Asfendiyarov. 2018 year.
7. Certificate of Attendance participated in the 72- hour teacher training seminar «Qualitуin Language Teaching fnd Assessment» 2018 год
International Information Technologу Universitу and Universitу
of Bedfordshire.
8. Certificate "Theory and practice of teaching languages in the system of secondary and higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan" - 72 academic hours. Republican scientific and methodological seminar. International Educational Corporation. Kazakh Architecture and Civil Engineering Academy. Institute for Innovation and Further Education. 2019 year.
9. Certificate "Innovative technologies of language teaching in the system of secondary and higher education" -72 hours. Department of Russian Language and Professional Russian Language. International Medical Faculty of S. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University. 2019 year.
10. Certificate "Principles and approaches of modern teaching methods in the university" - 72 academic hours. Al Farabi Kazakh National University. Faculty of Philology and World Languages. Department of General Linguistics and European Languages. Educational and expert advisory center for linguistic expertise. 2020 year.
11. Certificate "Online Learning: Possibilities and Practical Applications". 72 hours. Kazakh National Conservatory, Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines. 2020 year. ION / MEMBE
12. Certificate “Improving the professional and pedagogical competence of a teacher in the context of updating the content of education” – 80 hours. “Orleu”, “BAUO”, AKF Almaty, from February 1 to 18, 2021.
13. Certificate. “ Scientific and Educational paradigms in the context of digitalization”, 72 hours within the framework of the VIII Eurasian Linguistic School “Epoch and Personality: Language, Culture? Education”. KNU named after Al-Farabi, from September 29 to October 3, 2021
14. Certificate. ”Using the Web of Science Database and Methods”. Clarivate in the countries of the Central Asian region, November 19, 2021.
15. Certificate. "Possibilities of using digital educational resources in the educational process". Kazakh National Conservatory named after. Kurmangazy, 17.01 - 21.01.2022
16. Certificate to the participant of the Republican scientific and methodological online seminar "Topical issues of teaching Russian language and literature at school and university" (72 hours). 2023.
17. Certificate to the participant of the Republican scientific and methodological online seminar "Topical issues of teaching Russian language and literature at school and university" (72 hours). 2024.
Foreign Language Proficiency:
I do not speak foreign languages.