
Akshpekova Leila Adilovna


       Contact data:

       Academic position: senior lecturer

       Academic degree: master degree of Art study


Name of speciality and code indicated in the diploma of higher education: «6М040200 – Instrumental performance»


Education / qualification (year, country, educational institution):

- 2008-2012 – RK, Kazakh National Conservatory named after. Kurmangazy, bachelor's degree in the educational program «Instrumental Performance»

- 2012-2014 – RK, Kazakh National Conservatory named after. Kurmangazy, master’s degree in the educational program «Instrumental Performance»


Work Experience:

- 2020-present – senior teacher of the Department of «Special Piano» of the Kazakh National Conservatory named after. Kurmangazy


Honors, awards (national, international):



- A.Bubnov - II International Piano and Piano Ensemble ‘The Path to Mastery’ Competition in nomination ‘Solo performance’ (Astana, 2023), 3rd prize;

- I.Zelenaya - IV International Competition of Young Composers and Organists ‘Baikal Toccata’ in nomination ‘Organ performance’ (Irkutsk, 2023), diploma;

- A. Tulepova - XIV Republican Student Subject Olympiad (Almaty, 2022), 2nd degree diploma;

- A.Tulepova - I International Piano Competition ‘Europe-Asia’ (Ufa, 2021), 2nd prize.


Scientific papers, editions, publications (2019-2024)


- Publications (foreign and local):

- Piano miniatures in the works of Nagim Mendygaliev on the example of the poem ‘Legend of the dombra’, ‘Steppe’ // II International Scientific and Practical Conference ‘Consolidation of intellectual resources as a factor in the development of modern research’, 2022, Petrozavodsk;

- Genre of piano concerto in the works of Kazakh composers on the example of the second piano concerto by Tles Kazhgaliev // II International Conference ‘Digitalisation and Educational Process’ 2021, Astana.


- Publications in peer-reviewed journals:



- Participation in conferences:



- Studies, monographs, textbooks:



Research interests:


Professional development (internships, trainings, seminars, courses):

19.04.2024 - professional development courses: ‘Psychological, pedagogical and methodological support of students in conditions of inclusion’, 80 hours;

20.10.2023 - certificate of advanced training: ‘Methodology of effective and inspiring rehearsal’ in the speciality ‘Instrumental performance. Ensemble art’, 36 hours;

22.11.2022 - certificate of advanced training courses within the framework of the V International Chamber Music Festival, 72 hours;

08.11.2022 - certificate of advanced training of the laureate of the International Competition Trushechkin A.M., 36 hours;

17.06.2022 - certificate of advanced training of the professor of KazNUI Kusainov A.K., 36 hours;

30.10.2021 - certificate of advanced training ‘Modern performing interpretations in the aspect of solo and ensemble music-making’ on speciality ‘Instrumental performance. Piano’, 36 hours.


Foreign Language Proficiency:
