
Ungarova Sholpan Shakirovna


      Nationality: Kazakhstan 


      Contact information:


       Mobile phone: +7-777-215-77-50

      Position: Associate professor

The name of speciality and code: «piano»


Full-time employee                          


 1. EDUCATION:                              

1. 1985, Kazakhstan, Almaty Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory/concert performer, teacher, accompanist, soloist of chamber ensemble;

2. 2005, Kazakhstan, Almaty Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory/postgraduate-course.


 2. AWARDS:                                   






The Best Accompanist Diploma

The Second International Violin Competition "Eurasia"

Kazakhstan, Almaty


The Best Accompanist Diploma

The Second International Violin Competition

Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan


Honored Cultural Worker

The Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan



Order of Excellence in Cultureof Kazakhstan
Commendable Diploma

The Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan



Letter of thanks

The Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan




1. Jan. 1982 - aug. 1998, Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory, Accompanist;

2. Aug. 1998 - sep. 2000, Kuliash Baiseitova Republican Special Music School for gifted children, Head of Department of Accompaniment skill;

3. Since sep. 2000, Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory, Teacher;

4. Since sep. 2013, Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory, Docent.


1. Concert of chamber music, 02.03.2010, Chamber Hall of Kurmngazy Kazakh National Conservatory;

2. Concert of violin music, soloist - K. Jumabayeva, 01.06.2010, Small Hall of the Zhambyl Philharmonia;

3. Concert of violin music, soloist - Y. Saparbayev, 29.10.2010, Small Hall of Kurmngazy Kazakh National Conservatory;

4. Concert of contrabass music, 18.11.2010, Small Hall of Kurmngazy Kazakh National Conservatory;

5. Concert of violin music, soloist - D. Bazarbayeva, 4.5.2011, Small Hall of Kurmngazy Kazakh National Conservatory;

6. 115 years of S. Kozhamkulov concert, 10.05.2011, Small Hall of Kurmngazy Kazakh National Conservatory;

7. Concert of violin music, soloist - Z. Bekmoldinova, 29.12.2011, Small Hall of Kurmngazy Kazakh National Conservatory;

8. Concert of Russian music, 28.02.2012, Great Organ Hall of Kurmngazy Kazakh National Conservatory;

9. Concert of French music, 26.03.2012, Great Organ Hall of Kurmngazy Kazakh National Conservatory;

10. Concert of French music, 17.05.2013, Great Organ Hall of Kurmngazy Kazakh National Conservatory;

11. Concert of violin music, soloist - M. Yesetova (France), 17.05.2013, Small Hall of Kurmngazy Kazakh National Conservatory;

12. 90 years of F.D. Mavridi concert, soloist - Y. Mavridi (Greece), 18.10.2013, Great Organ Hall of Kurmngazy Kazakh National Conservatory;

13. Concert with G. Bisengaliyeva, Sh. Bonneton (France), conductor - N. Krause (France), 21.12.2013, Central Concert Hall of Zhambyl Philharmonia;

14. "The music of the Baroque and Classicism" concert, soloist - B. Tynybekova, 07.02.2014, Small Hall of the Zhambyl Philharmonia;

15. Hitchcock film festival, the opening and accomaniment of the "Pleasure Garden" movie, conductor - C. Ostin (England), 21.05.2014, The Republic Palace Square;

16. Concert of Y. Kulibayev (violin), 18.09.2016, Hall of Kazakh Concert;

17. Concert of "Young Soloists of Eurasia" Chamber Orchestra soloists, Y. Ozolina (Latvia), A, Yumi (Japan), D. Smirnov (Russia), 15.05.2015, Grand Hall of Tchaikovsky College of Music, Almaty;

18. Class and Solo students concerts of G. Murzbekova, A. Karmysova, B. Kozhamkulova, T. Nuraliyeva professors;

19. Concerts and Festivals as part of national ensemble of classical music "Camerata of Kazakhstan" in concert halls of Almaty, Astana, and other cities of Kazakhstan and foreign countries - Germany, England, France, Italy, Czech Republic, Japan, Turkey, and others;

20 Class concerts and solo concerts with the students of G. Murzabekova, A. Karmyssova, B. Kozhamlulova, T. Nuraliyev professors;
21 Concerts with National Ensemble of classical music Camerata Kazakhstan in Kazakhstan concert halls of Astana and Almaty, and far abroad - Germany, England, France, Italy, Czech Republic, Japan, Turkey, Holland, and etc.;
22 Concerts at EXPO 2017, Astana. Concert Hall Energy - June, Astana Ballet - July, Astana Opera - September;
23 'Camerata Music Fest' festival, from September 2017 to November 2017, at Abay Opera House and Zhambyl Philharmonic central concert hall;
24 Violin Music Evening at 15 june 2018, Zhambyl Philharmonic Chamber Hall with Y. Saparbayev as soloist;

25. Concerts of teachers of the department "Ensemble Art";

26. Violin Music Evening, soloist E. Saparbaev, February 29, 2020, Chamber Hall of the Zhambyl Philharmonic;

27. Concert-performance "Awakening" of the State Academic Dance Theater of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the direction of Bulat Ayukhanov, April 30, 2021, the Great Hall of the Zhambyl Philharmonic.


1. M. Altukhova - The winner of the international competition, 2016; diplomas of international and national competitions;

2. R. Kroyter, J. Kazhakhmetova, D. Doskaliyeva, A. Zhumabayeva, J. Botabayeva - diplomas of national competitions.




Name of publication

      Name of edition, year


 Accompaniment class chrestomathy for 1 course, vol. 1 

ISBN 978-601-7232-22-1, 150 p.,2011


 Accompaniment class chrestomathy for 1 course, vol. 2 

 ISBN 978-601-7232-23-8, 168 p., 2016   




Name of the conference

Name of the organization










 Mukan Tulebayev and modern musical culture

 Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory




 Fundamental and applied research of 21st century music

 Kurmangazy Kazakh National  Conservatory




 Performance Art of Kazakhstan in 21st century

 Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory




 Performing arts: history, methodology, practice

 Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory




1. 02.03.2009, development courses of "PROFITSOFT" software;

2. 26.09 – 02.10.2011, master classes of Honored Artist of Russia, Professor of the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory P.Nersesyan;

3. 21-27.10. 2011, master classes of Honored Artist of Russia, owner of international contests diplomas, concertmaster N.Botvinovskoy;

4. 01-07.11.2011, master classes of Folk Artist of Russia, Professor of the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory V.Ivanov;

5. 22-30.05. 2012, lectures and master classes "piano ensembles" Professor of the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory, Honored Artist of Russia, Doctor of Arts E.Sorokina;

6. 01-04.10.2012, master classes of Folk Artist of Russia, Professor of the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory T. Alikhanov (chamber ensemble);

7.  03-05.11. 2016 - "Intertextuality in contemporary European music: question on typology, analysis experience" Lection course of Kazakhstan's Honoured worker of Kazakhstan and musicologist T. Sapargaliyeva (France);
8. 10-15.12. 2016 - Master-classes of M. V. Nishkevitch, Psycological science candidate, Honoured artist of Russia, and Tchaikovkiy Conservatory Chait of Concertmeister Skills professor;

9.  08.02. 2019, Almaty International Masterclasses;

10. 18-24.06. 2020, FPC courses "Online learning: Opportunities and practical application";

11. 01-08.11 .2020, FPC courses of the International Creative School of Vocal and Instrumental Art of the Cultural Center of Elena Obraztsova (Russia, St. Petersburg);

12. 26-30.10. 2021, master classes "Modern performing interpretations in the aspect of solo and ensemble music making";

13. 08.12. 2021, seminar "Peculiarities of teaching on the digital piano in the conditions of the modern musical environment".