Suleeva Gulzhan Sozakbaevna
Academic position: professor, Associate Professor (CCES)
Academic degree: candidate of philology
Name of the specialty given in the diploma: Kazakh language in Russian schools: «10.10.02 – Kazakh language».
Education/qualification: (year, country, institution)
High education, philology, teacher of Kazakh language and Kazakh literature.
1989-1994-Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, Kazakhstan
Work experience:
17.10.1994-26.08.1997- Almaty State Medical University named after Asfendiyarov teacher. Since 1997- Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy; assistant professor.
Honors, awards (national, international):
2014 - Badge «Y.Altynsarin». Ministry of Education and Science of the RK. Kazakhstan.
2015 - Medal «550 anniversary of Kazakh kingdom». Ministry of culture and sport. Kazakhstan.
2017 - Certificate of honor. Ministry of Education and Science of the RK. Kazakhstan.
2017 - Certificate of accreditation. Accredited as a subject of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities. Ministry of Education and Science of the RK. Kazakhstan.
2018 - winner of the grant "best university teacher – 2018". Ministry of Education and science. Kazakhstan.
2020 - Certificate of Honor. Ministry of Education and Science of the RK. Kazakhstan.
2023 - Gold Medal named after A. Baitursynov. Association of Higher Education Institutions of RK. Kazakhstan.
LAUREATES (students)
1. 2019, Beisenova A. 2nd traditional scientific-practical student conference between universities "Young scientist on the way to renewal", 1st degree diploma
2. 2020, Konyratbay S., "Al-Farabi and Modernity" international competition, 1st degree diploma
3. 2020, Zhakenova F., "Al-Farabi and Modernity" international competition, 3rd degree diploma
- 2021, Akhmedyarova A., the winner of the III Republican Olympiad in the Kazakh language, 1st degree diploma.
5. 2022, Nurzhankyzy A. New Kazakhstan: present and future. Student scientific and practical conference between universities, 1st degree diploma
6. 2022, Akhmedyarova A. New Kazakhstan: present and future. Student scientific and practical conference between universities, 2nd degree diploma
- 2023, Mukhambetova E. the 2nd degree diploma. Annual inter-university student scientific and practical conference "Science of the Young in the spiritual renewal of society". Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory.
- 2023 - Torosyan A. the 1st degree diploma. Language Olimpiad among students of higher educational institutions “Music is the universal language of mankind.” Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory.
- 2023 - Gadieva Sh. the 2nd degree diploma. Language Olimpiad among students of higher educational institutions “Music is the universal language of mankind.” Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory.
- 2023 - Rybalkina A. the 3rd degree diploma. Language Olimpiad among students of higher educational institutions “Music is the universal language of mankind.” Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory.
- 2024 - Shevchenko B. Interuniversity linguistic Olympiad “Music is the universal language of humanity”, 1st degree diploma.
- Germantseva A. Interuniversity linguistic Olympiad “Music is the universal language of humanity”, 2nd degree diploma.
- Mishchenko Yu. Interuniversity linguistic Olympiad “Music is the universal language of humanity”, 2nd degree diploma.
- Mukusheva A. Scientific and practical conference of interuniversity students “Young scientist on the path of renewal”, 1st degree diploma.
Scientific papers, editions, publications 2019-2024.
Publications (foreign and local):
1. The functional versatility of musical gesture and its semantic nature. VOL 4, No 59 (59) (2021) The scientific heritage (Budapest, Hungary) The journal is registered and published in Hungary. ISSN 9215 — 0365. 3-8 p., 2021.
2. Creativity as a component of innovation activity. // Flagship of Science: Scientific Journal. May, 2023. - St. Petersburg, Publishing House of the State Research Institute " National development "-2023. №4(4).p. 544-548 / 1170 p. ISSN 2949-1991; DOI of the journal: 10.37539/2949-1991.2023.4.4.001; DOI of the article: 10.37539/2949-1991.2023.4.4.031
Publications in peer-reviewed journals:
1. Еxpressive-emotional World of Musical Terminoid Remarks in the Works of Kazakhstani Composers. Meddle-East Journalof Scientific Research. 2013. Scopus и ISI Web of Knowledge. Импакт-фактор. IF = 0,365
2. Communicative and pragmatic essence of musical terminoid remarks European Journal of Science and Theology №, Март 2014Vol.9, No.5. Томсон Рейтер импакт-фактор. IF = 0,365
3. Linguistics of Russian-speaking Kazakh musicology. Linguae European Scientific Language Journal 2017, XLinguae, Volume 10, Issue 4, October 2017. Scopus. ISSN 1337-8384, eISSN 2453-711X
4. «Comparative Analysis of the Concept of Beauty in Linguistic Space». Журнал Opción, Año 35, Especial No.20 (2019): Scopus.1155-1171 ISSN 1012-1587/ISSNe: 2477-9385, 2019.
5. Elements of archaic music reflected in petroglyphs as a phenomenon of cultural heritage, the original source of material and spiritual culture. // International peer-reviewed journal «Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage» (included in the Scopus database) - «Science of Preservation of Cultural Heritage» (CSCH) - ISSN 1973-9494 (онлайн), ISSN 1974-4951 (printed version)– Dipartimento dei Beni Culturali – Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna (Ravenna, Italy). Volume.22 (2022) - Published: July 20, 2023 pages 289-306. / 445 p. - 22 (1). – Scopus.
6. Nomadic life cycle structured by calendar, representative of lexical-semantic processes and genre systems. // International peer-reviewed journal «Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage» (included in the Scopus database) - «Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage» (CSCH) - ISSN 1973-9494 (онлайн), ISSN 1974-4951 (printed version) – Dipartimento dei Beni Culturali – Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna (Ravenna, Italy). Volume 22 (2022) - Published: July 20, 2023 pages. 383–403. / 445 p. - 22 (1). – Scopus.
7. The theme of morality in the works of the great sons of the Great Steppe Abay and Shakarim. International scientific journal" Science and life of Kazakhstan". Almaty, 2019 No. 6/3. CQASEME of the RK
8. Participatory nature of the concepts of gratitude wishes and curses in the context. Bulletin of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University in the series" Philological Sciences". Almaty, 2019, (№3(69). CQASEME of the RK
9. Russian speech behavior of bilingual students as an ethno-cultural phenomenon of the polylingual environment. Bulletin of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University in the series" Philological Sciences". Almaty, 2019, (№3(69). CQASEME of the RK
10. Application of the methodology and technology of content and language integrated learning of students. Bulletin of the Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University in the series" Philological Sciences". Almaty, 2019, (№4(70). CQASEME of the RK
11. Religious concept-language characterization of concepts. Bulletin of the Kokshetau university named after Sh . Ualikhanov. №4 (1) 2020. December, 2020. 84-91p. CQASEME of the RK
12. Communicative context and its interpretation in family discourse. Bulletin of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay in the "Philological Sciences" series. Аlmaty, 2020, (№4(74). 98-102 p. CQASEME of the RK
13. Musical remarks as a means of intonation expressiveness. Science and Life of Kazakhstan
№ 12, 2020 ISSN 2073-333X International Scientific Journal. 413-422p. December 2020. CQASEME of the RK
14. The principles of term formation of the Alash intelligentsia and international terms in the field of culture and art. Science and Life of Kazakhstan. 2073-333X International Scientific Journal.
2020 №12(1) 810-814 p. CQASEME of the RK
15. Suggestion and pragmatics of ‘tilek-bata’ words in kazakh language. Karaganda University named after E.A. Buketova Scientific journal "Bulletin of Karaganda University". Philology Series. №2(102)202. CQASEME of the RK
16. The cognitive structure of frames and the way of their categorization in the sublanguage of musicology. Bulletin of Toraigyrov University Philological series.ISSN 2710-3528 № 1 (2023) Pavlodar. 321-332 p. CQASEME of the RK
17. Genesis, evolution and distribution of stringed plucked instruments - harp, lute in the aspect of cultural and historical processes. Publication in a journal «Bulletin of the international centre of art and education». 2022, Higher attestation Commission (VAK) RK. 7-26 p. VAK RF
18. "Psychological aspects, Optimizing the process of creativity development"."Modern Science: Current Problems of Theory and Practice. Higher attestation Commission (VAK) RF, RSCI, ERIH PLUS Series: Cognition №1 (January) Moscow, 2023 91-94 p. VAK RF
19. "Harmonizing Effects of Traditional Kazakh Music on Psychological Processes." Psychology. Historical and critical reviews and contemporary research. Higher attestation Commission (VAK) RF, RSCI, Volume 12, № 1A, 2023. Moscow Region, Noginsk city. 217-227p. VAK RF
Participation in conferences:
1. The golden nest of Kazakh art. Collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference "professional musical education: history, theory and practice", dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory. Kurmangazy KNC, Kazakhstan, November 27, 2019-op 221-224.
2. Principles of K. Zhubanov and terminology of culture and art collection of materials of the international scientific and theoretical conference" faces of the Great Steppe: the memory of the Zhubanov’s and the reform of writing " RК (Republican, international) Kazakhstan, Almaty, December 19, 2019-op 133-136.
3. Psychological foundations for the development of creativity of a creative personality in the system of innovative education. Modern technologies of teaching in system of RK high education International scientific practical conference. February- March 2020.Astana. 52-56.p
4. Ethnocultural Marking, Cultural and Historical Significance of Non-Equivalent Vocabulary in Russian Musicological and Literary Texts. Triunity of languages: problems of linguistic education in Republic of Kazakhstan International scientific practical conference. November 23‑24, 2020.
5. "The essence of the concept of "FAMILY" in the language picture of the world. "Cultural studies, art history and Philology: modern views and scientific research" XXIII international scientific and practical conference. Moscow, Russia 2019.
6. Questions of competence and moral norms in intercultural communication. «Man in the modern world: identity and intercultural communication». Scientific Center. Dusseldorf, Germany. July 9 – 12, 2019.
7. "Terminological system of the professional sublanguage of musicology as a complex of techniques and means of analyzing sound material".«Innovations and prospects of world» Vancouver, Canada 2022.
8. A. Baytursınulı’nın Fiil Kipi Gruplandırmasındaki İlkeleri. A. Baitursynuly's Principles in Verb Modal Grouping. International Turkish World History and Culture Symposium “History of Turkish Writing” Istanbul-Turkey “In Memory of 150th Anniversary of Ahmet Baitursynuly”. 18-19 July 2022.
10.“Music as a structural and semantic basis of the world picture in the context of cultural and creative priorities”. The 5th International scientific and practical conference “Innovations and prospects in modern science. / ISBN 978-91-87224-02-7. SSPG Publish, Stockholm, Sweden. 2023. 534 p.
Studies, monographs, textbooks:
1. "International Terms in Kazakh Terminology"Printing house: Eltanym”Almaty, 2015.
2. International terms in Kazakh terminology: monograph-152 p.Volume is 9,5 p.p. Circulation-500 copies. ISBN 978-601-7848-378“ARNAU Print” LLP Almaty, 2019.
3. "Kazakh language. For Musical Educational Institutions". Printing house: “Eltanym”. Teaching aids
Almaty, 2014.
4. Professional Kazakh language. For the specialty "Performing Arts". Tutorial. 170 p. ISBN 978-301-7848-36, 10,6 p.s. Printing house “Balausa” Almaty, 2020
5. Kazakh. Textbook. Printing house “Balausa” Almaty, 2021.
6. Kazakh language. Level B2-1. Printing house of KNC named after Kurmangazy. Almaty, 2024.
Research interests:
The profile of scientific activity is terminology, international terminology, culture and art. The direction of scientific activity is to determine the origin and ways of creation of terms of culture and art in the Kazakh language, to expose the role of translation in the process of kazakhization of international terms of culture and art.
Professional development: (internships, trainings, seminars, courses):
1. 10.10.2014 - State and public school of politics. Almaty Management University. Effective management at educational institutions; 72 hours.
2. 28.03.2015 - University teachers of Kazakhstan Training program «Orleu»; 240 hours. Training center «Orleu» № 005202602.
3. 2015- Effective management in educational institution, Almaty, Almaty Management University, 72 hours, Certificate.
4. 25-30.01.2017 - New design of educational programs in the context of the competence approach. KNC named after Kurmangazy, 72 hours, certificate.
5. 3-30.11.2017 - 13 Leadership, Education, and music business management by David Ray, an expert invited as part of the Fulbright Specialist (USA) program. KNC named after Kurmangazy, certificate.
6. 3.03.2018 - Republican seminar training "Innovative technologies of language education in the system of secondary and higher education", 72 hours conducted by the Department of Russian and professional Russian language with the Latin language course of the International Medical Faculty of the Kazakh National Medical University named after Asfendiyarov, CERTIFICATE № 2194
7. 02.04.2018-28.04.2018 - Republican Institute of advanced training of leading and scientific-pedagogical workers of the education system of the RK - "Modern pedagogical technologies in higher educational institutions" CERTIFICATE № 0279572
8. 08-18.07. 2019, a scientific internship on the topic "Quality Management in Education /quality of Management in education" at the Friedrich Wilhelm Rhine University (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn) in Bonn, Germany. Certificate.
9. 27-31.05.2019 - the Kyrgyz National University named after Zh.Balasagun took advanced training courses on the topic "Improving pedagogical mastery".
10. 13-17.05. 2019 - 72-hour international training seminar "language education programs: strategic integration and technologies", organized by the International Association of teachers of the Kazakh language, Nazarbayev University, Certificate.
11. 25.10.2019 - the Republican methodological seminar-training on the topic: "The content of effective teaching of the Kazakh language in higher education institutions (from determining the purpose of training to evaluating the results of training)" was held at KIMEP. Certificate.
12. 15-28.04.2019 - Republican scientific and methodological 72-hour online-offline seminar "Updated educational programs: risks, opportunities, theory and practice", at the Al-Farabi National University. Certificate.
13. 26.11.2019 - Republican scientific and methodological online-offline seminar "Theory and practice of teaching languages in the system of secondary and higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan", KazSACA. Certificate.
14. 28.02.2020 - Principles and approaches of modern teaching methods in the University. KazNU named after al-Farabi, 72 hours, certificate
15. 18.06-24.06.2020 Online Learning: Opportunities and Practical Application of Digital Literacy, KNC named after Kurmangazy, Almaty, Professional development course for the subject 72 hours, certificate
16. 2022- Modern methods of language teaching. KazUIR & WL named after Ablai khan, Almaty, 72 hours, certificate
17 2020 August- Lecturing at the summer course "Scientific Paradigms of A.Baitursynov's Research". Kyrgyzstan, Issyk-Kul, 72 hours
18. 20.02-03.03.2023- International Seminar" Guided Language Education: Integration, Innovation, Technology”. Nazarbayev University, 72 hours
19.“Methodology of Teaching Service-Semantic Paradigms of the Kazakh Language”
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Philology, Department of Kazakh Linguistics named after A. Baitursynov (72 hours), July 10-20, 2023.
20.«Current issues of the Kazakh language».
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Institute for Advanced Studies and Continuing Education. (48 hours) October 19-21, 2023.
21.“Psychological, pedagogical and methodological support for students in conditions of inclusion” Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University. 80 hours 04/19/2024.
Foreign Language Proficiency:
English – A2