
Aigerim Karsakbayeva

                           Contact information:


                           Academic position: docent

                           Academic degree: master of arts


Name of speciality and code indicated in the diploma of higher education:

ЖБ №0001348 «5В040400 – Traditional Musical Art»

ЖООК-М № 0014640 «6М040400 – Traditional Musical Art»


Education / qualification (year, country, educational institution):

- 2018-2021 - RK, Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory, doctoral studies in the educational program «8D040400 - Traditional Musical Art»

- 2009-2011 - RK, Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory, Master's degree in educational program «6M040400 - Traditional Musical Art».

- 2004-2009 - RK, Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory, bachelor's degree in the educational program «5В040400 - Traditional Musical Art».


Work Experience:

2024-present docent of the «Kobyz and bayan» Department of the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory

- 2022-present. - Head of the department «Kobyz and bayan» of the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory

- 2018-2019 - Academic Secretary of the Academic Council of the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory

- 2016-2018 - Head of the department «Kobyz and bayan» of the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory, senior lecturer

- 2011-2016 - teacher of the department «Kobyz and bayan» of the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory

- 2003-2014 - artist-instrumentalist of «Almaty Auenderi», FEA «Sazgen Sazy».


Honors, awards (national, international):

- 2023 - medal «ҚР мәдениет саласының үздігі» Ministry of Culture and Sports of RK / Kazakhstan



- Nusipbek Kumіs - Republican competition named after Ykhylas Dүkenuly «Zhez kіik» (Taraz, 2012), winner of the І prize;

- Nusipbek Kumіs - ІІІ Republican Student Subject Olympiad (Almaty, 2012), winner of the ІІІ prize;

- Nusipbek Kumіs - I Festival of traditional performing arts of Turkic-people countries named after Korkyt (Astana, 2012), diploma;

- Erbolina Togzhan - IV Republican Student Olympiad (Almaty, 2013), winner of the ІІ prize;

- Kubatov Kuanysh - IV Republican Student Olympiad (Almaty, 2013), winner of the II prize;

- Sultangalieva Gulmarzhan - IV Republican Student Olympiad (Almaty, 2013), winner of the II prize;

- Nursagitova Aigerim - VI Republican Student Olympiad (Almaty, 2016), winner of the second prize;

- Magazova Gulsaya - VI Republican Student Olympiad (Almaty, 2016), winner of the second prize;

- Magazova Gulsaya - ІV Republican competition named after. Ykhylas Dukenuly «Zhez kiik» (Taraz, 2016), winner of the ІІ prize;

- Mukhamedjanova Madina - VІІІ Republican Student Olympiad (Almaty, 2016), winner of the ІІІ prize;

- Nauryzova Akmaral - VІІІ Republican Student Olympiad (Almaty, 2017), winner of the ІІ prize;

- Aikyzhan Aigansha - VIII Republican Student Olympiad (Almaty, 2017), winner of the II prize;

- Taiypova Aidana - II International Competition of National Instrumental Performance «Navruz Taronalari», (Kokand, Uzbekistan, 2022), winner of the ІІІ prize.



Scientific papers, editions, publications (2019-2024)


- Publications (foreign and local):

1. Kazaktyng kyl kobyz aspabyn ondiru technologiyasinyng maseleleri (T. Sarsenbaev zhane Қ. Kazaqbaev sheberleri ulgilerining salystyrmaly aspects) / Oryndaushylyk oner: tarikh, adistime, tazhiribe: Halykaralyk gylymiye-tazhiribelik conference materials / Edited by G.Z. Begembetova, D.E. Keshubaeva, Y.S. Maksimcheva. - Almaty: Kurmangazy atyndagy Kazak ulttyk Konsrvatoriyasy, 2019. - p. notes, ill. С.82-88.


- Publications in peer-reviewed journals:

1. Kobyz kүylerin zhүyelendiru mәselesi / Science and life of Kazakhstan. Almaty, 10/2 (142) 2020. С. 440-443.

2. Modern kobyz school of Kazakhstan (to the problem of historical connections and prospects) / Problems of musical science / Music Scholarship. 2020. № 4. С.216-223.


Sphere of scientific interests:

«Modern performing kobyz school of Kazakhstan as a subject of complex research».


Professional development (internships, trainings, seminars, courses):

22.11.-15.12.2021 – «Traditions and innovations of musical performance and training on folk instruments» certificate of professional development courses, 72 hours

14.11.-01.12.2022 – «Management of educational organization for managers» certificate of advanced training courses, 72 hours.

11.03-05.04.2024 – «Modern problems of musical performance and training on stringed instruments» certificate of advanced training courses, 72 hours.


Foreign Language Proficiency:

English - B1 Intermediate