Bultbayeva Aizada Zeikenovna
Full name: Bultbaeva Aizada Zeikenovna
e-mail: aizada-bultbayeva@mail.ru
Academic position: Associate Professor
Academic degree: PhD Candidate of Art History
Name of speciality and code indicated in the diploma of higher education: «Ethnomusicology – 17.00.02»
Education / qualification (year, country, educational institution):
- 2001-2006 – Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, M.O.Auezov Institute of Literature and Art, postgraduate degree in the specialty «17.00.02 – Musical art»
- 1993-1999 – RK, Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory, Master's degree program «Ethnomusicology – 17.00.02»
Work Experience:
- 2017-present – Associate Professor of the Department of Musicology and Composition at the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory;
- 2017-2019 – Head of the Department of Musicology and Composition at the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory
- 2016-2017 – Deputy Director for Academic and Methodological Work at the P. Tchaikovsky Almaty Music College
2012-2015 – Deputy Director of the Educational and Methodological Association of the Almaty Tchaikovsky College of Music
- 2007-2011 – Senior (Junior, Scientific) Researcher at the Department of "Musicology" at the M.O.Auezov Institute of Literature and Art, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Honors, awards (national, international):
- 2011 – Associate Professor of Arts study / Control Committee in Education and Science under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan / Kazakhstan
- 2018 – Certificate of Honor "For active participation in the socio-cultural life of the country" / Minister of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan / Kazakhstan
- 2020 – Gratitude for fruitful work as a member of the jury at the II Republican Master's Readings Competition / Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory / Kazakhstan
- 2021 – Gratitude for active participation in the implementation of the project "Ancient Motifs of the Great Steppe" / M. Auezov Institute of Literature and Art of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan/ Kazakhstan
- 2024 – Gratitude for cooperation with the international peer-reviewed journal Saryn and contribution to the expansion of the scientific world in the field of art and culture / Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory / Kazakhstan
- 2024 – Gratitude for active participation and assistance in organizing the musical evening "Saz alemi sangy" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of S. Mukhamedzhanov / National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan / Kazakhstan
- 2024 – Gratitude for active participation in the work of the Educational and Methodological Council at the Kazakh National Conservatory. Kurmangazy / Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy / Kazakhstan
- 2024 - Certificate for the preparation of the laureate for the International Student Olympiad / Kazakh National University of Arts / Kazakhstan
- M.Zhumabekova – Republican Subject Olympiad of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Astana, 2024), laureate of the II degree
- M.Zhumabekova – International Subject Olympiad of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Astana, 2024), Grand Prix.
Scientific papers, editions, publications (2019-2024)
- Publications (foreign and local):
1. Features of professional activity of a concert pianist (on the example of Kazakhstan) // PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology. – 2020. – Vol.17, Iss.6. – P. 140-159. (Musapirova ZH., Kanap'yanova G...).
2. The song art’s representational functions in the formation of Kazakhstan’s cultural image // Opción, Año 35, Especial No.23 (2019): 1390-1407 ISSN 1012-1587/ISSNe: 2477-9385 (Seisenbekov K., Begalinova G., Bultbayeva A., Ospanova T., Kazybekova Z.).
Publications in peer-reviewed journals:
1. The Musical Language of Tolegen Mukhamedzhanov’s Pop Songs In A Historical And Cultural Context // Central Asian Journal of Art Studies. Volume 9. Issue 2, 2024. – P. 227-243. (Seisenbekov K.)
2. Some features of performance techniques on the Kazakh prima kobyz // Keruen Scientific Journal. Volume 84 №3 (2024). – P. 314-325. (Shugai A.)
3. Music by composers of Kazakhstan for the cello instrument / / Saryn, No. 1. – Almaty, 2021. – P. 31-37. (Esіrkep B.)
4. Creativity of kuishi A. Shinkozhaev / / Saryn, No. 4. – Almaty, 2020. – P. 43-48. (Abduahap S.)
5. About the teaching of Kazakh national dances in choreography lessons // science and life of Kazakhstan // international scientific journal” Science and life of Kazakhstan". – Almaty, 2019. – №4 (81). – P. 339-348. (Serkebaeva G.)
Participation in conferences:
1. Syzyla soilegen «Sarzhajlau» // Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "The role of personality in history" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Sydik Mukhamedzhanov (April 12, 2023). – Almaty: Kurmangazy KNC, 2024. (Қydyrmұrat Ә.))
2. Ulttyk operada korinis tapkan kui oneri // Culture, creativity, education in the conditions of modernity. International scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Kaznui. – Astana, 2023. – P. 108-117. (Saparbekov А.)
3. Kurmangazy jane Kazakh operasy: kompozitorlyk interpretacia // Kurmangazy and the spiritual world of the Turkic peoples of the XXI century: history – century – personality: materials of the international scientific-theoretical and scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Kurmangazy Sagyrbayuly (October 19, 2023) / comp.: Kaztuganova A. Zh., Omarova A. K. – Almaty, 2023. – P. 129-133. (Saparbekov Ә.)
4. K voprosu obshchnosti epicheskih kul'tur // International scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 85th anniversary of S.A.Kuzembai "Praising the beautiful – eternal spiritual values". – Almaty, 2022. – P.236-242.
5. Osobennosti formirovaniya sovremennyh vokal'no-ansamblevyh kollektivov // Musical VUCA world: from performance and artistic understanding of space to society. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference. – Almaty, May 14, 2021. – P. 59-66. (Мендалиева А.)
6. Proizvedeniya kazahskogo ustnogo narodnogo tvorchestva kak sredstvo obucheniya i duhovnogo vospitaniya studentov // Modern art and education in the era of globalization. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference. – Almaty: A.Seleznev Almaty Choreographic College, 2019. – P. 98-103.
Studies, monographs, textbooks:
1. Ancient motifs of the Great Steppe. – An anthology. Volume 3. – Vol. 2: Ancient instrumental motifs. The traditional art of kuy (among the compilers). Almaty: Brand Book, 2020. – 1400 p.
2. Ancient motifs of the Great Steppe. – An anthology. Volume 3. – Vol. 1: Musical folklore. Traditional song art (among the compilers). – Almaty: Brand Book, 2019. – 752 p.
3. Epos zhәne muzyka (monograph). – Almaty: Olzha, 2008. – 165 p.
Research interests:
Research interests include the problems of performing features of the Kazakh epic and the history and theory of musical folklore. In her research, he coordinates the musicological and philological issues of domestic and foreign scientists, summarizing historical and theoretical literature with musical art's artistic and interpretative nature, and identifying the main functions and forms of their implementation in the past and present.
Professional development (internships, trainings, seminars, courses):
1. March 20-30, 2023 – certificate of participation in the scientific and practical online seminar "Musical heritage of the peoples of Central Asia: history, theory, practice". Institute of Art Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 72 hours;
2. January 17-21, 2022 – certificate of completion of advanced training courses within the educational and methodological seminar "Possibilities of using digital educational resources in the educational process". Kurmangazy КNC, Almaty, 72 hours;
3. June 18-24, 2020, an advanced training course on digital literacy. Topic: "Online learning: Opportunities and practical applications." Kurmangazy КNC, Almaty, 72 hours.
4. October 29 - November 10, 2018, an advanced training course in the additional professional program "Psychological and pedagogical problems of professional development of a musician". Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory, Moscow, 72 hours.
Foreign Language Proficiency:
English - C1