
Bayakhynova Nailya Yakhievna


Nationality: Republic of Kazakhstan

Contact information:


Mobile phone: +7-701-738-52-56

Position: assistant professor

Science degree: 

The name of speciality and code: «Piano № 069313».

Full-time employee                          


 1. EDUCATION:                                                                   

High/teacher, concertmaster, soloist of chamber ensemble: 1977, KazSSR, Almaty State Conservatory named after Kurmangazy.


 2. AWARDS:                                                                         






 Concertmaster skills Diploma on the Republican student Olympic Games

 KNC named after Kurmangazy



 Concertmaster skills Diploma on the Republican student Olympic Games

 KNC named after Kurmangazy



 Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

 Ministry of Education and Science



 A letter of thanks for the high professionalism and skill in the jury of the I International Competition of Instrumental Performance named after Eva, Joseph and Semyon Kogan from RGU KNC.

 KNC named after Kurmangazy



 A letter of thanks for pedagogical skills, high professionalism and a great contribution to the development of culture and art from the jury of the "MAESTOSO",  II International Piano Art Competition .

 International Art Center, Kazan



 3. WORK EXPERIENCE:                                                    

1. Jan 1975 Almaty State Conservatory named after Kurmangazy – concertmaster;

2. Feb 1979 Almaty State Conservatory named after Kurmangazy – teacher, Chair of the concertmaster mastery;

3. Sep 1985 Almaty State Conservatory named after Kurmangazy – Senior Lecturer, Chair of the concertmaster mastery;

4. Sep 2003-2019 – Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy – assistant professor, Chair of the ensemble art.

Students (outstanding):

Titova T

Olexenko I

Issenova A

Dolzhenko (Azizkhanova) A


1. Khamitova Saida. Diploma (concertmaster) of the International Competition of woodwinds, Almaty, 1994;

2. Kadyrhanova Rimat Kadyrhanovna. Diploma (concertmaster) of the National Festival "Shabyt" performers on wind instruments, Astana, 1998;

3 .Kadyrhanova Rimat Kadyrhanovna. Diploma (concertmaster) of the National Festival performers on wind instruments, Almaty, 2001;

4. Kadyrhanova Rimat Kadyrhanovna. Diploma (concertmaster) of the International Competition "Siberian Assembly" performers on woodwind instruments, Novosibirsk, 2002;

5 .Kusainov Bakhtiar. Diploma (concertmaster) of the International Competition for woodwinds "Shabyt", Astana, 2002;

6. Konysbaeva Almagul Kolybekovna. Diploma (concertmaster) of the International Competition for woodwinds "Shabyt", Astana, 2002;

7 . Dolzhenko Alla. Diploma (concertmaster) XXIV National Contest of music colleges in the category "String Instruments", Almaty, 2003, Diploma of the best concertmaster at the International Violin Competition 1 Astana -. VIOLIN. March 2005 Diploma of the best concertmaster at 3 int. Competition for string instruments. Novosibirsk, March 2006, Diploma of the best concertmaster at the International Competition of performing musicians devoted to the 100 anniversary of A.Zhubanov. Almaty, 2006;

8. Isenova Aigerim. Diploma of the best concertmaster at the First International Music Festival-competition "Kazan Kremlin" (oboe specialty) in Kazan, 2007;

9. Poluektova Marina. Diploma of the best concertmaster at the 5th International Competition for wind and percussion instruments in Orenburg 2010;

10 .Poluektova Marina. Diploma for concertmaster skills at the Republican Olympic Games in Almaty, 2013;

11. Baynesh Gauhar. concertmaster Diploma on the Republican Student Olympic Games in Almaty, 2015;

12. Alpysbaeva L. Diploma for concertmaster skills at the Republican Student Olympic Games in Almaty, 2018;

13. Muratali Rakhat. “The best concertmaster” diploma in II International brass and percussion competition named after B.Shukenov, Almaty 2019;

14. Muratali Rakhat. “The best concertmaster” diploma in Music Oympic Games, Almaty, 2020;

15. D. Kuatkyzy - laureate of the International Competition named after Eve, Joseph and Semyon Kogan. Almaty 2021;

16. A. Kamaldinov – laureate of the International Competition named after Eve, Joseph and Semyon Kogan. Almaty 2021;

17. Kuatkyzy D. – laureate of the "MAESTOSO", II International Piano Art Competition. Kazan, 2022.

 CONCERT AND CREATIVE WORKS:                                  

Many concerts were performed in in the concert halls of KNK named after Kurmangazy, State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after Abay, State Philarmony named after Dzhambyl, Kazakhconcert, Organ Hall of Musical academy in Astana, concert halls of St. Peterburg conservatory, concert halls in Minsk, Odessa,  Baku, Tambov, Tashkent, Aktobe, Aktau, Atyrau.


The performance repertoire includes the piano parts in the compositions of west-European, Russian,  Kazakh composers for voice, violin, viola, cello, flute, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, trombone, kobyz.


 4. PUBLICATIONS, SCIENTIFIC WORKS:                           


Name of publication

Name of edition

ISBN, place, year





The issues of scientific articles, parts, chapters in monoworks


 Sound balance in concertmaster work

 Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, pedagogical science series, #29.

 Almaty, 2010


 Outstanding professionals od chamber singing

 The works of international science-practical conference “Chamber music: genre, performance, interpretation history”

 Almaty, 2010


 B. Bayakhunov, Piano Sonate #2

 B. Bayakhunov “Dayrabay”

 Performance edition. In Piano music chrestomathy. Author Baysakalova A. B.

 Almaty, KNC, 2012


 B. Bayakhunov “Yangar”

 Performance edition in “Sun” Piano works collection

 Moscow, “Music”, 2016


 “As by notes”

 Article in paper

 “The evening Almaty” 27.04.2019

Methodical works


 Standard study program (postunivercity studying – magistracy).

Speciality: (Concertmaster class ).

 KNC named after Kurmangazy printing office.

 Almaty, 2013


 Standard study program (postunivercity studying – magistracy).

 Performance practice: (Concertmaster class).

 KNC named after Kurmangazy printing office.

 Almaty, 2013


 Standard study program (postunivercity studying – magistracy).

 Specialty: (Concertmaster class) 1 Credit.

 KNC named after Kurmangazy printing office.

 Almaty, 2016


 Standard study program: (postunivercity studying – magistracy).

 Specialty: (Concertmaster class) 2 Credits.

 KNC named after Kurmangazy printing office.

 Almaty, 2016


 Standard study program: (postunivercity studying – magistracy).

Specialty: (Concertmaster class) 3 Credits

 KNC named after Kurmangazy printing office.

 Almaty, 2016


 Methodical recommendations for self-study work and tasks for practical work on “Concertmaster class” for master students on 6МО40200 “Instrumental performance” speciality

 KNC named after Kurmangazy printing office.

 Almaty, 2019


 Bakir Bayakhunov. Concert works for piano. Performance edition. Almaty 2021.

 Printing house of KNC named after Kurmangazy

 Almaty 2021

 5. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT:                               

1. 21-27 Sept 2011 – Russia Honored Artist N.Botvinovsky masterclass. KNC named after Kurmangazy certificate;

2. 22-30 May 2012 – MSC named after Chaikovsky RF Honored Artist, art science doctor, professor E. Sorokina masterclass. KNC named after Kurmangazy certificate;

3. 1-4 Oct 2012 – MSC named after Chaikovsky Honored Artist, professor T. Alikhanov masterclass. KNC named after Kurmangazy certificate;

4. 25 Oct- 4 Nov 2013 - MSC named after Chaikovsky professor I. Kotlyarevsky masterclass. KNC named after Kurmangazy certificate;

5. 26 Oct - 30 Oct 2021 - "Modern performing interpretations in the aspect of solo and ensemble music" master class - advanced training (36 hours). "Instrumental Performance" branch. Piano;

6. 1 Nov – 8 Nov 2019-- training at "House of Folk Art", the State Budgetary Institution of Culture of the Leningrad region. The program "International Creative School of Vocal and Instrumental Arts". Cultural Center of Elena Obraztsova (72 hours);

7. 3 Dec – 7 Dec - a course of lectures "Several problems of modern concertmaster performance" by I. Mogilevskaya, the laureate of International competitions, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor of the Odessa National Academy of Music named after Nejdanova.

 6. Languages:                           




 IELTS/TOEFL, others 


