Department of Ensemble Art
Department of "Ensemble Art" is one of the creative performance departments in the Conservatory. In the course of its various range of activities the department continues to develop traditions of musicians generation of who were the originators, and it transfers accumulated experience to its students, educating musicians – specialists of the high qualification.
Training of the chamber ensemble specialists was organized in 1946. The first students graduation consisting of 4 persons was in 1949, whereby it became the start point to train personnel for the ensemble art in the Republic.
During the various years of the department existence in attempts to create new quality directions it has gone through various transformations. Last of all, in order to improve the training of highly qualified personnel and search for new structure in combining major specialties, the following two departments was integrated in 2008: concertmastership, chamber ensemble and string quartet. Later, new name " Department of Ensemble Art" was appeared.
The glorious history of KNC named after Kurmangazy was favored the fact that talented, highly professional masters, enthusiasts of their work, dedicated their entire lives for it . We always remember with deep respect and gratitude our mentors, senior colleagues, who were originators to create this department, having gone through the entire difficult way of becoming a conservatory. Such persons are R.S. Katzman, K.A. Gospodar, F.D. Mavridi, M.K. Romanova, S.S. Gorenman, L.I. Oshkukova, I.V. Shabynina, E.A. Kovaleva, D.I. Kamalieva, G.I. Kononenko, S.V. Kostevich and many others. At that time it was splendid staff of the department and the names of these wonderful musicians are inextricably related with the conservatory history and without them the department would not have value.
The main task of the department is education of highly qualified specialists who master skills in the ensemble performance, trained to accomplish performing, teaching and cultural and educational activities aimed at preserving, developing and disseminating musical and artistic values.
One of the department priorities is creative work. The global project of the department is "Chamber Music Festival", where the famous musicians, recognized authorities in the world of chamber performance, conservatory students and very young talents take part. The festival aim is to popularize classic heritage of chamber music, to attract young talented musicians in order to discover new names.
The annual chamber music festival has confirmed its high status, playing a significant role in the space of national cultures, establishing intercultural contacts and generating mutual influence in the global cultural process. The purpose of the festival is to promote and high-quality way to expose the creative heritage of composers and the best examples of chamber music, to attract young talent musicians, including students, magistrands, young teachers, to discover new names.
At the initiative of the talented musician D. Kurmanalinova, a unique group was created, the ensemble of ancient music D’EL’SA Consort, which performs the works in authentic manner, conveying the aesthetic concept of the Baroque era and presenting forgotten pages from the musical heritage of the past time.
Along with classes with tutors, students have the opportunity to train in master classes with famous musicians of our time. In recent years, the following master-classes have been held by professors of MSC named after P.I. Tchaikovsky T. Alikhanov, A. Bonduryansky, E. Sorokina, A. Galkovsky, V. Ivanov, I. Kotlyarevsky, M. Nikechichev, professors of the St. Petersburg Conservatory named after Rimsky-Korsakov E.Semishina, S.Uryvaeva, Lida-Chen Argerich (Switzerland), the quartet “Sonore” and many others.
The department has educated laureates of international competitions who successfully perform at the concert stages, work in many creative teams and conduct successful teaching activities. Traditional performances of teachers of the department, holding class concerts with participation of the best ensembles awakens students' creative interest, helps them to understand the complicated, interesting world of ensemble playing, helps them to develop a desire to promote the chamber-instrumental art and cultivate a sense of professional relevance.
The department staff conducts scientific research, educational and methodical work - preparation and publication of scientific, methodological papers, articles, teaching aids, preparation and conducting of scientific and methodical conferences, round tables, master classes, reviewing methodological papers. On the initiative of the department, an International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held in December 2016.
The teaching staff of department participate as members of jury at contests and festivals, state certification commissions. Strengthening of creative links with pre-university music education stages as: music schools and colleges, field concerts, master classes, open lessons and consultations with teachers of secondary vocational schools is organized.
The fruitful activity of the department is an inspired work of wonderful musicians, the result of a stubborn and in-depth search for like-minded teachers.
Today, the department has an experienced faculty and represents a large work team in which a truly creative atmosphere reigns.
Pedagogical Staff:
Medeubayeva Saule – head of department, professor
Gulnara Abdrasheva – senior lecturer
Anvar Akbarov – professor, honored worker of Kazakhstan
Gulbadam Bakiyeva – associate professor
Nailya Bayakhunova – associate professor
Elmira Valiyeva – senior lecturer
Gaukhar Yermagambetova – senior lecturer
Marina Ivanova – senior lecturer
Dina Kurmanalinova – associate professor
Svetlana Mukhamedzhanova – associate professor
Maria Omirbekova – senior lecturer
Aleksandr Romanenko – associate professor
Sholpan Ungarova – associate professor
Yelena Yaroslavtceva – associate professor
Dariya Barlybayeva – teacher
Maxim Maximov – teacher
Aliyar Otetileu – teacher
Aiman Davletyarova – teacher
Panargaliyeva Diana - teacher
Atageldieva Sabina - senior lecturer
Naumova Alexandra - teacher
Maximchev Tikhon - teacher
Timoshenko Elena - teacher
Kurmanaev Ermek - associate professor
Malikaidar Kanat - teacher
Muratali Rakhat - teacher