Department of General Piano
History of the department
Since the foundation of the conservatory in 1944 the Piano Department united teachers of special and general piano, concertmaster skill and chamber ensemble. The following teachers worked at the department: prof.G.N.Petrov- head (K.N. Igumnov school), docents L.L.Kelberg, S.E.Ginzburg, M.I.Okun, Z.V.Ivanova, G. I.Greenfeld, N.A. Ramensky, later I.S. Stanishevskaya, K.A. Gospodar, R.S. Katzman, G.D. Neykova, L.B. Dombrovskaya, Z.V. Margulis.
In music education the course of general piano was considered as a discipline of paramount practical necessity, as an important component of a single pedagogical process and addition to the main specialty - performing or theoretical. In 1946, professor E.F.Girovsky was invited from St. Petersburg to take charge of the department, he starts to develop curricula, planning the development of the subject. In 1950 there was a division into two departments, special and general piano.
N.Ramensky has been working as head of the general piano department since 1950, Professor I.S. Stanishevskaya since 1958, graduated from the Tchaikovsky Moscow Conservatory, a highly educated musician and teacher, as a leader, contributed to the further development of the specificity of the department. The teaching staff was replenished with talented musicians, experienced methodologists, who made a number of textbooks and arrangements of piano ensembles from the works of Kazakhstani composers.
These are wonderful names: N.M. Mendygaliyev, G.S.Amanzholova, A.M. Kolesnikova, Kh.S.Saminova, E.E.Loyter E.A.Uzbekova, T.L. Pylaeva, V.I. Sechkar , S.S.Gorenman, L.I.Oshkukova, G.A. Metaksa (Tbilisi Conservatory, pianist, composer, expert in jazz improvisation), V.L. Babajan, N.G.Ivleva, S.M.Muldasheva, A.G. Yurovskaya, G.Musina (Tchaikovsky Moscow Conservatory and Prof. Malinin’s class), T.D.Syrtsova, E.G. Karimbayeva.
From 1971 to 1979, V.G.Pestov (Tchaikovsky Moscow Conservatory, Prof. V.K.Merzhanov’s class) is in charge of the department as a docent. An extraordinary performer, thoughtful organizer, V.G.Pestov intensified concert activities, changed the structure of the department, proposed division into specialties and commissions, which improved the learning process. After V.G.Pestov’s transition to the department of special piano, in 1979 professor N.M. Mendygaliev is appointed to be the head of the department. He was the founder of the national piano music, outstanding composer, professor who managed to build a creative atmosphere in the department. Teachers actively participated in the concert and performing activities at the Conservatory, annually performed solo programs, piano duet concerts, instrumental ensembles, created “General Piano Reading Course” to replenish the repertoire, took part in scientific and methodological conferences, increased publication of works on pedagogy and performance.
The training of teachers at the FBC in the conservatories of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Riga, the Gnessins Academy and other musical institutions contributed to the growth of professional qualities. This generation of original, enterprising teachers, many of whom graduated from postgraduate school and actively joined the work of the department in the years 1972-1985-1997:
I.P.Fedorova, D.T.Daukeeva, E.I. Shin, K.T. Urazaliyeva and L.M. Dzhangalin- studied at the Gnessin Academy, O.G.Kostevich, A.N. Nurpeisova, D.D. Aidarkhanova, L.M.Kokubaeva, A.H.Nurmagambetova, G.Z. Kashkenbaeva, G.G.Battakova, S.G.Romaschenko, A.A.Nurbaeva, E.A.Bychkov, F.N.Kozhabekova, R.M.Churenova, T.O.Zhanguttina (postgraduate of Tchaikovsky Moscow Conservatory- chamber ensemble) B.A.Turdaliyeva (postgraduate of Nizhny Novgorod - organ), A.I. Mustafayeva, A.M. Baymukhambetova, T.Kh. Gafiatullin, A.M. Sagatov, A.M. Bakhtygereeva, I.V. Oleksenko, L.H. Babenova, G.M. Karagulova, E.V.Sevruk.
From 1989 to 1997 the head of the department were docents Pylaeva T.L. , Romanova M.K. From 1997 to 1999 - docent Mustafayeva A.I., who continued the tradition of educational and methodical work. There has been a trend towards a quality in depth study of the subject and the development of curricula with a focus on the student’s specialty.
Experimental work of sections by faculty as carried out earlier at the VCF since 1988 under the guidance of docent Ye.I. Shin, at the MCF - since 1991 under the guidance of docent D.T. Daukeeva. In 1999, the department was split into sections by faculty: Heads of sections: docent Ye.I. Shin at the VCF, professor at the MCF- D.D. Aidarkhanova, at the OF - docent D.T.Daukeeva, at the FFI - docent A.I. Mustafaeva. Productive pedagogical activity was reflected in the work on the study of the individual characteristics of each instrumental, vocal and choral, theoretical and composer specialty.
In 2017, the sections were merged into the department of general piano - A.I. Mustafayeva was appointed to be the docent this department . Teaching staff included young talented pianists - laureates of international competitions who have experience of accompaniment and chamber performance: master students M.I.Altukhova, L.A.Akshpekova, D.I.Bykovskikh, I.A. Gavrilenko,
E. Kurmet, A. Kulsharipov, A.Yu. Melnikov, D.A. Muldagaliyeva, A.G.Naumova, A.A.Otetilyu.
The department of general piano works creatively with students of different specialties, using the methods of teaching solo, ensemble, chamber, accompaniment, taking into account the specifics of each department.
Zhumabek Bekishev – Head of the Department, Senior LecturerAigul Mustafayeva – Professor
Lyailya Kaliakbarova – Professor
Dinara Aidarkhanova – Associate Professor
Igor Aleksenko – Associate Professor
Aisulu Kaldayakova – PhD, Associate Professor
Talshyn Zhanguttina – Senior Lecturer
Galina Karagulova – Senior Lecturer
Aigul Bakhtygereyeva – Senior Lecturer
Yelena Sevruk – Senior Lecturer
Dina Muldagaliyeva – Senior Lecturer
Zhanar Mussapirova – Senior Lecturer
Assiya Ashirova – Lecturer
Eleonora Pak – Lecturer
Lola Babenova – Lecturer
Darya Miller – Lecturer
Kuandyk Azubayev – Lecturer
Almagul Konysbayeva – Lecturer
Saltanat Mashanova – Lecturer
Azhar Omarova – Lecturer
Bota Assylbek – Lecturer
Gulnaz Kossamanova – Lecturer
Yerzhanat Kurmet – Lecturer
Shynar Kokybassova – Lecturer