Sholpan Rauandina
Contact information:
Academic position: professor
Academic degree:
Name of speciality and code indicated in the diploma of higher education: Kurmangazy Almaty State Conservatory (concert performer, teacher)
Karaganda State University named after E. Buketov, specialty «Psychology». Qualification: «Psychologist», «Teacher of Psychology»
Education / qualification (year, country, educational institution):
-1979-1984 - RK, Kurmangazy Alma-Ata State Conservatory, specialty «Kobyz» Qualification: «Concert performer», «Kobyz teacher». Kurmangazy, specialty «Kobyz» Qualification: «Concert performer», «Kobyz teacher».
-2003-2005 - RK, Karaganda State University named after
Е. Buketov, specialty Psychology. Qualification: «Psychologist», «Teacher of Psychology»
- 2018-2021 - KR, enrolled in the postgraduate program of the Institute of Philosophy of Political and Legal Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, specialty 17.00.00. «Art History» on the basis of the agreement on training and retraining in the system of postgraduate education (postgraduate and doctoral studies) between the Institute of Philosophy and Political and Legal Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic and KNC named after Kurmangazy (Enrollment Order № 11 from 14.12.2018, № 60)
Work Experience:
- 1984-present - Professor of the department of kobyz and bayan of the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory
Honors, awards (national, international):
- 2005 – RK Madeniyet kairatkeri / Department of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan / Kazakhstan
- 2014 – badge RK Bilim Beru Isinininң kurmetti kyzmetkeri / Department of Education and Science of the RK / Kazakhstan
- 2016 – RK, medal «25 Years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan» / President of the Republic of Kazakhstan / Kazakhstan
- Dzhanshina Aigerim - XI Republican competition of performers on folk instruments named after Kurmangazy (Astana, 2010), laureate of III degree
- Dzhanshina Aigerim - III Republican Subject Olympiad (Almaty, 2011), laureate of II degree.
- Ildyrymly Babek - Republican contest named after Tattimbet (Karaganda, 2011), laureate of II degree. Tattimbet (Karaganda, 2013), laureate of III degree
- Ildyrymly Babek - IV Republican Subject Olympiad (Almaty, 2012), laureate of II degree.
- Ibatova Shynyr - Republican Subject Olympiad (Almaty, 2013), laureate of III degree
- Svanbava Gita - I Republican Subject Olympiad (Almaty, 2011), laureate of I degree
Suleimenova Zhazira - IV Republican contest named after Tattimbet (Karaganda, 2011), laureate of the first degree. Tattimbet (Karaganda, 2016), laureate of the III degree
Abdrazakkazy Nazerke - IV Republican Subject Olympiad (Almaty, 2013), laureate of II degree.
Әdilkhan Akzhol - III Republican competition «Zhez Kiik» named after Ykhylas, (Taraz, 2016), laureate of III degree
Әdilkhan Akzhol - VI Republican Subject Olympiad, (Almaty, 2016), 1st prize-winner.
Imanbai Saltanat - VI Republican Subject Olympiad, (Almaty, 2016), III degree laureate
Sultanova Nazym - V Republican Subject Olympiad, (Almaty, 2015), laureate of II degree
Shoinbai Zhanar - IX Republican Subject Olympiad, (Almaty, 2017), laureate of III degree
Itkulova Aigul - X Republican Subject Olympiad, (Almaty, 2018), laureate of the I degree.
Berikkyzy Guldana - X Republican Subject Olympiad, (Almaty, 2018), laureate of III degree
Aydana Utilova - XI Republican Subject Olympiad, (Almaty, 2019), laureate of III degree
Kүntayeva Ғalia - XIII Republican Subject Olympiad, (Almaty, 2021), laureate of II degree
Erman Әsel - XI Republican Subject Olympiad, (Almaty, 2021), laureate of III degree
Yerkin Alima - XV Republican Subject Olympiad, (Almaty, 2023), laureate of III degree
Medet Ayim - XVI Republican Subject Olympiad, (Almaty, 2024), laureate of I degreeScientific papers, editions, publications
Research papers, editions, publications (2019-2024)
- Publications (foreign and local):
- Stringed instruments in the culture of Turkic peoples of Central Asia: issues of genesis. In Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference «Abai's Spiritual Heritage and Actual Problems of Modern Art History» To the celebration of the 175th anniversary of Abai Kunanbaev November 19, 2020-Almaty: KNC named after Kurmangazy, 2020.-404str.
- Methodical recommendations for studying the discipline «Methodology of teaching special disciplines» For specialty 5В040400-Traditional musical art (kobyz) In the materials of the international scientific-methodical conference «Modern technologies to ensure the quality of education in higher educational institutions», dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Faculty of International Law KazNU named after Al-Farabi Almaty: Kazak University., 2021,271 pp
- The history about the Kazakh musical instrument «kobyz-prima» and improvement stages (Modern Science:Problems and Perspectives. International Conference. Volum 4. Las Vegas, NV, USA. April15,2013 p505)
- Kazakh Kurmangazy Orchestra: from tradition to the new forms of performance (Modern Science: Problems and Perspectives. International Conference. Volum 4. Las Vegas, NV, USA. April15,2013p 507)
- Publications in peer-reviewed journals:
- «Theoretical aspects of the study of kobyz as a subject of scientific research» in the scientific journal Correctional Pedagogical Education № 28 (2021) RINC
- Music in the world picture and world pictures in music (co-author Svetlana Sattarovna Dzhanseitova1) impact factor (2) Skopus 2013 (attached certificate from the national center of scientific and technical information about the impact factor of 0.161 and included in the Skopus database of this article)
- EXPRESSIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF MUSICAL REMARQUES (co-author A.Sh. Adyrbekova2) impact factor (1) Skopus 2014 ISSN2308 - 4804 Science and World // Emotional-expressive features of musical remarks. // pp 363,364 co-authored by A.Sh. Adyrbekova
- Path of Science. International scientific journal, № 8 (8) 2014. // ISSN2311 - 2158. The Way of Science 2014. 8/8 Culture as a holistic system of values. Co-authored by Absatarova G.B. Pp 177-179
- Collection of articles on the materials of the international extramural scientific-practical conference; №8 (28) August 2014, Scientific discussion: innovation in the modern world. «Creativity as a core characteristic of competitive creative personality». Co-authored by Janseitova, 2nd the International Conference of Education. London. April 24-25. 2014. ISPC pp. 118-124.
- Development of creative potential of personality in psychological aspects. In co-authors: Balagazova S.T., Borambaeva K.S., Borambaeva A.S DEVELOPING CREATIVE PONENTIAL OF A PERSONAL IN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECT.
- Participation in conferences:
Conference name, institution, country, date
- Studies, monographs, textbooks:
- Textbook approved by the griff of RUMS «Art» «Kobyzga laiyktal'gan dombyra kuleri» (17 kyuys including kyuys of Kurmangazy, Tattimbet, Dauletkerey, Sugur, A. Zhubanov, M. Aubakirov, I. Iskakov K. Akhmedyarov), Almaty, Publishing House «Kursiv» 2024, 39,1 p.p.l.
- Fatima Balgaeva People's Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor / Monograph, Kenzhe Press: Almaty, 2001, reprinted in 2018, 34 p. p.
Research interests:
- The direction of scientific activity is connected with the study of kobyz performance in modern Kazakh culture
Professional development (internships, trainings, seminars, courses):
- 21.05.2021 - Certificate of professional development courses «STEAM БІЛІ БЕРУ - БАҒДАРЛАМАЛАУДЫҢ ЖАҢА МҮМКІНДІКТЕРІ», 80 hours.
- 05.04.2024 - certificate of professional development course «Modern methods and technologies in training specialists of folk instruments departments», 72 hours.
Foreign Language Proficiency: