Department of Musicology and Composition
History of the departmen
The formation of the Department of Musicology was preceded by a long period of activity of several departments, in which prominent musicologists and composers of the Republic of Kazakhstan participated. At the end of the 1940s, the faculty had departments for the theory of music and composition headed by E.G. Brusilovsky, and the history of music, headed by A.K. Zhubanov. By this time, L.Shargorodsky, V.Sushkov, S.Shabelsky, V.Dernova, as well as young students of the Almaty-Conservatory V.Pismareva, A.Serikbayev and B.Zhusubaliev are invited to teach at the conservatory. Many teachers of the department were major public figures who were directly involved in the musical life of the republic. In particular, S. Shabelsky and L. Shargorodsky actively collaborated with A. Zhubanov during the creation of the orchestra of folk instruments. Kurmangazy, helping to form his concert repertoire.
In 1949, the first graduation of music students took place, among which were Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, composer B. Yerzakovich, and the future professor of the special piano department A. Greenfeld.
A significant event in the activities of the faculty in 1953 was the division of the department of the theory of music and composition into two independent ones. One of the greatest musicologists of the USSR, Professor I. Dubovsky, is invited to guide the newly formed theoretical department from Moscow. Within a short time, he succeeded in reforming its work to a qualitatively new level: curricula and programs are being brought in full compliance with the all-union standards, research and methodological work is activated, the level of the scientific potential of the department and the pedagogical skills of teachers increases. In 1954, graduates of the Alma-Ata Conservatory, A. Baigaskin and M. Maghzumov, began work, and in 1956 - V. Mavridi. Later, young specialists M. Krypman, V. Balabichev, E. Feler, A. Molchanova, A. Yusfin, Z. Weesel, A. Ventskus, B. Bayakhunov and L. Karpova join them.
Since 1961, postgraduate studies were opened at the departments of theory and history of music, the first graduates of which were A. Ketegenova, S. Tezekbaeva, S. Segal, K. Kirina, I. Shkarina, G. Kotlova, L. Bykova.
In these years, in addition to associate professor B. Gulisashvili, teachers Yu. Shlega and A.Rudyansky, graduates of the Moscow and Leningrad Conservatories L.Satylganova, L.Grigorieva and A.Mukhambetova, as well as students of the Alma-Ata Conservatory E. Trembovelsky, L. Tarasova and E. Struchalin. In 1964, N. Tiftykidi, who came to the department in 1956, was appointed to the position of head. A talented leader and erudite musician, Candidate of Art Criticism, Associate Professor NFTiftikidi enjoyed the deserved respect among students and teachers, contributing to the further improvement of the quality of educational and scientific work of the teaching staff. Since 1967, the management of the “theorists” was carried out by Z. Weesel, who was replaced in 1969 by V. Kamensky, who was the head of the department until its division in 1972 into two departments: the department of harmony and solfeggio and the department of polyphony and analysis.
The chair of harmony and solfeggio was headed by one of the leading experts in the field of harmony, associate professor E. Trembovelsky, who devoted himself to the study of symphonic music E. Brusilovsky, and later – S. Prokofyev and M. Musorgsky. During this period, the composition of the department is replenished with young graduates G. Zubkova, V. Novikov, M. Ermolov, R. Bazanova, B. Amanov and A. Kunanbaeva. At this time, along with works on musical theory, studies appear that illuminate various aspects of folk music (I. Dubovsky, N. Tiftikidi, A. Baigaskina) and the works of the composers of Kazakhstan (L. Bykov, R. Bazanov, A. Ketegenova). From 1977 to 1984, the department was headed by a candidate of art history, Professor A. Mukhambetova, whose name is associated with the approval of the principle of profiling musical and theoretical disciplines, the further development of traditional and new courses, and the involvement of teaching staff from among talented young people to ensure the continuity of scientific and pedagogical traditions. Among them were Z.Kunaev, I.Kozhabekov, D.Senkibekov, S.Utegaliyev, G.Omarov. In scientific activity, the proportion of works devoted to Kazakh musical folklore increases (A.Baigaskina, B.Amanov, A.Mukhambetova A.Kunanbaeva, R.Kordabaeva).
From 1984 to 1987, the management of the department goes to I. Kozhabekov, who raised more than 30 musicologists, many of whom, becoming candidates for art history, successfully continued their scientific activities in Russia, neighboring countries and universities of Kazakhstan (S. Kaliyev, G. Kuzbakova, A .Koshimbetova, T.Chernysh, O.Shiryaeva N.Zolotareva and others). Later, I. Kozhabekov also conducted a great organizational activity in the position of dean of the historical-theoretical and piano faculty (1992-1997) and vice-rector for academic work (1999-2001). Being a vice-rector for studies, during the reform of higher education in the republic, he led the work of the pedagogical staff of the conservatory to create new state standards and model curricula for musical specialties.
A. Baigaskina, Professor, Candidate of Art Criticism, the author of the fundamental study “The Rhythm of the Kazakh Traditional Song” (1991) becomes in 1987-1992 the head of the department of harmony and solfegio. During the period of its management, a number of complex disciplines are being tested, regional orientation gradually begins to predominate in the subjects, much work is being done to create original courses in music theory, harmony and solfege in the Kazakh language and on the material of Kazakh music (A. Baigaskina, A. Ketegenova, S. Raimbergenova, S. Kaliev). I. Kozhabekov created the author's special courses "History of musical-theoretical systems" and "History of harmony". The “World of Folk Music” by S. Utegaliyeva, “Jazz Ensemble”, “Jazz Improvisation” by M. Yermolov, “Accompaniment on Keyboard Instruments” by L. Bykova and “The Musical Language of Kazakh Song” for students and post-graduate students I. are very popular among students. Kozhabekova. G. Zubkova, a teacher of the department, is preparing publications on the methods of teaching music and theoretical disciplines in all parts of the music education system. The principle of succession of generations is consistently implemented. So, since 1991, the senior lecturer L.P.Ignatenko begins to work at the department.
The scientific work of the department is determined by the development of the ideas of B.Amanov and A.Mukhambetova in the research activities of their students studying the ancient Kazakh kyuis (S.Raimbergenova), kobyz music (G.Omarov), the dombra tradition of Central and Eastern Kazakhstan (S.Kaliev, M .Gamarnik) and the problems of musical thinking and perception of traditional professional musicians (S.Utegalieva). From 1992 to 1997, the head of the department is a Candidate of Art Criticism, Associate Professor S. Utegaliyeva, whose scientific activity was closely connected with the establishment and development of international scientific and cultural ties with the near and far abroad. The ongoing development of new disciplines at this time creates the necessary conditions for introducing into the practice of practice, on an experimental basis, the diploma research work of students performing the faculty of folk instruments, which opened up the possibility of receiving a second musicological specialty, further education in postgraduate study and scientific activities.
Developed new directions associated with the interaction of musical cultures of the West and East (E. Irzabekova). The issues of musical texture are investigated in the works of Z. Kunaeva. Of particular interest are the studies of monodic formation and the Kazakh song metro-rhythmic system of I. Kozhabekov, which have become widely known in Kazakh musicology. D.Senkibekov develops original theoretical ideas of the harmony of the music of the twentieth century. One of the first textbooks on Kazakh music “Kazakh musical literature”, prepared by U. Dzhumakova and A. Ketegenova, is published.
In 1996 defended three master's theses: G. Begembetova "Life and work of K. Baiseitova" (head. A. Ketegenova), S. Kaliyev "Traditions of Arkin shertpe" (head. A. Mukhambetov) and M. Gamarnik "Life and work of Tattimbet "(Supervised by A. Muhambetova). The scientific activity of B.Karakulov, who prepared the doctoral thesis “Symmetry of the musical system”, became the basis for awarding him the title of “Man of the Year” in Oxford (Great Britain). Later he will head the International Union of Symmetrologists. From 1997 to 1999, before the unification of the departments of harmony – solfeggio and polyphony – analysis, the head was the candidate of art history, professor A.S. Ketegenova. During this period, the department takes an active part in updating the university curricula and programs.
Since 1986, after graduating from the Moscow Conservatory and a PhD thesis (headed by Y. Fortunatov), A. Samarkin began working at the Department of Analysis and Polyphony, specializing in teaching polyphony to composers and musicologists. His scientific activities are related to the study of the problems of orchestral thinking and the national orchestration style of the composers of Kazakhstan. Of particular interest in his works are the manifestations of the national ethnoorganology in contemporary music. In subsequent years, A. Samarkin turned to the study of the role of public (non-governmental) organizations in the development of musical culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, is the initiator of the preservation of ethnic cultures in a multi-ethnic Kazakhstan, conducts important educational work, giving lectures. In addition, A. Samarkin was actively involved in organizational activities, being the head of the department of polyphony and analysis and the department of music theory, vice-rector for scientific work (2000 - 2001).
Creative interest in the national operatic music can be traced in the scientific and pedagogical activity of Associate Professor G.Abulgasina, who has authored many methodological developments, among which are “Minor vocal forms in the Kazakh epic opera of the 1970s”, “Unbelievable and cross-cutting forms on the example of the operas “Zhumbak-Kyz" S.Mukhamedzhanova and "Alpamys" E.Rakhmadiyeva. The work of associate professor S.Shubina is associated with a wide range of problems. Her PhD thesis “The Features of D.Shostakovich's Instrumental Melody Style” determined her interest in the problems of modern polyphony, as well as in the works of Kazakhstani composers G.Zhubanova, B.Bayakhunova, A.Bychkova, E.Rakhmadiyev. S. Shubin is the author of a comprehensive course in music theory for pianists, the history of world musical culture for student managers, as well as the original courses “History of European Culture and Christianity”, “History of liturgical singing”. In accordance with the specializations of performing students, musicologists and composers, associate professors A.Petrov and L.Fedyanina, A.Samarkin developed courses for the analysis of musical works. Practical implementation in the university educational process have research senior lecturer V. Shapilova, developing the theoretical problems of opera drama. The course of special polyphony, along with B. Baikadamova and S. Shubina, led U. Dzhumakova for many years, currently a professor at the Kazakh National Academy of Music.
An important place in the work of the department was occupied by editorial and publishing activities carried out by K. Kirina, B. Baikadamova, G. Kotlova and S. Shubina when publishing materials of university and intercollegiate conferences - “Traditions and innovations in music”, “National and international in music art”. ”,“ Zataevich and the problems of modern ethnosmusicology ”,“ Optimum of knowledge in the course of analysis of musical works for musicologists and composers ”, as well as in the preparation of collective works dedicated to the memory of prominent figures lei of musical culture and art: “Collection of musical-theoretical articles in memory of Professor I. Dubovsky” (compiled by K. Kirin), “Collection of articles and materials of memory of Doctor of Art History, Professor V. P. Dernovoy” (compiled by G. Kotlova).
In 1999, the Department of Harmony and Solfeggio and the Department of Polyphony and Analysis were again merged into one department of music theory, which was headed by A. Samarkin (1999-2002), B. Baikadamova (2002-2003) and S. Utegaliyev (2003-2006). Since 2006, the duties of the head of the music theory department have been performed by the senior teacher V.Shapilov.
The traditionally high scientific status of the department was confirmed in the 2000s, when Ph.D. theses were defended by E. Kondaurova (“Process and its foundations in instrumental music: the example of the work of composers of Kazakhstan”, leader K. Kirin, 2002), K. Agoshkova (“On the nature of kyuyev’s nature”, headed by B.Karakulov, 2002), V.Shapilov (“Russian chamber lyrico-psychological opera of the late XIX - early XX century. Problems of specificity of the genre”, headed by B. B. Baikadamova, 2006) , G. Kuzbakova (“The rhythm of Kazakh ritual folklore”, led by A. Mukhambetova, 2007), I. Kozhabeko in ("Ladovaya system of the Kazakh song monodies", the head. B. Erzakovich, G. Omarova, 2010). A special event in the scientific activity of the department was the defense of G.Kotlova's doctoral dissertation, “Küy in the system of genres of Kazakhstan’s compositional creativity” (2006). Published on the basis of this dissertation research, the monograph of the same name by G. Kotlova, the monograph by S. Utegaliyeva “Chordophones of Central Asia” (2006), “Turkmen” kyuis in the Dombrian tradition of Western Kazakhstan (in collaboration with S. Temirgalieva, 2008), “Sound World music of Turkic peoples: theory, history of practice ”(2013), V.Nedlinoy“ Academic music of Kazakhstan and the USA: the crossroads of the turn of the century ”(2011), as well as the reprint of the fundamental works of A.Zataevich“ 1000 songs of the Kazakh people ”and“ 500 Kazakh songs and kyuis ”(ed. the stadent and author of the introductory articles I. Kozhabekov) are the result of many years of scientific work of the members of the department.
At the origin of the lecture historical courses of the department, organized in 1946, stood A.Zhubanov, a large-scale creative and organizational activity which contributed to the formation of the musical art of the republic. People's Artist of the Kazakh SSR, laureate of state awards, academician A.Zhubanov was also the first doctor of art history of Kazakhstan and the supervisor of a number of musicological theses. Among his students are art history candidates A. Ketegenov, Z. Kospakov, T. Jumaliev and other specialists who played an important role in the formation of the Russian school of music. In 1946, E.Girovsky was invited to Alma-Ata, who was invited to head the piano department at the conservatory. Six years later, in 1952, he became head of the department of music history. The “universalism” of E.Girovsky’s pedagogical talent was due to the brilliant education he received at two faculties of the St. Petersburg Conservatory - piano and theoretical-composer. High professionalism and great organizational skills enabled him to approve the fundamental disciplines of the historical cycle in the educational process.
At the end of the 1940s, N. Orlov and P. Aravin began teaching at the Conservatory, who made a great contribution to the development of the basic directions of educational and scientific work of the department, which they alternately supervised: N. Orlov - in 1952-954, P. Aravin - in 1958-1961 and 1974-1979. The author of universally recognized monographs, N. Orlov as the head of the department contributed to the introduction of new historical courses, stabilization of the list of subjects of the curriculum of musicological specializations. So, he taught courses in the history of Russian and Soviet music, and also prepared a large number of first university graduates in musicology. One of his bright students was the candidate of art history, Professor G. Bisenova, who later worked for many years as vice-rector for scientific work at the Alma-Ata State Conservatory. Kurmangazy. Member of the Union of Composers of Kazakhstan, Ph.D., Professor P. Aravin paid much attention to personnel policy issues. During his years in charge, the range of historical disciplines was significantly expanded, courses were read: "History, Theory and Methodology of Music Critics", "History of Music of the Peoples of the USSR", "Opera Dramaturgy", and "Rhetorical Art". P. Aravin, the author of a monograph on the creative work of Kuyshi Dauletkerei, paid much attention to the development of theoretical and aesthetic aspects of Kazakh musical culture, making reports at the All-Union, international congresses of musicologists, plenary meetings of the Union of Composers of the USSR, articles in the republican press, on pages magazines "Soviet Music", "Musical Life". Over the years at the conservatory, he educated more than 20 graduate students, the most famous of which are musicologists A. Kelberg, T. Sapargaliyeva, L. Uzki, composer A. Zatsepin. One of the oldest teachers of the Conservatory, who began her working life in her student years and passed all stages of her teaching career at the department: from a teacher to a leading professor was a student of A. Zhubanov - L. Goncharova. In 1969, she successfully defended her thesis "The Formation of the National Opera on the Example of E. Brusilovsky's Operas of 1934-1940". L. Goncharova taught courses in the history of foreign music and a specialization class, which was completed by more than 30 graduates. Her creative interests were focused mainly on the development of Kazakh opera music, which received coverage in articles of scientific collections, textbooks, encyclopedias.
From 1951 to 1959, a student of P.Aravina, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan A.Kelberg, who later chose the main focus of his professional activity - propaganda of world classical music, working as a lecturer and musicologist in concert organizations, on radio and television worked as a teacher of the department.
In the 60s, teaching activities at the department of the beginning of musicologists, among them were the daughter P.Aravina, the senior teacher N.Melnikova, a graduate of the Leningrad Conservatory, Ph.D. in art history, associate professor L.Podzeme, and a musicologist, a member of the Union of Composers of Kazakhstan , graduate class professors P. Aravin and A. Bychkova - V. Minenko. They were joined by folklorist S.Volozh, as well as associate professor, candidate of art history N.I. Golovneva, whose name is associated with the further stage of the department’s development in the 70s. In 1970 N.Golovneva headed the department of music history, working at the conservatory in 1965-1979. She focused her activities on maintaining the level of professionalism achieved, which was greatly facilitated by her high demands on herself and her colleagues. During these years, the staff of the department is replenished by N. Lapchenkov, who graduated from the Almaty Conservatory in two faculties - folk instruments and historical and theoretical. He led the discipline "Folk musical art." In 1971-1976 S.Petrova worked at the department, she taught courses on the history of Russian music. For the “History of Music” department, the continuity of generations has always been characteristic, and since the mid-70s, representatives of the P.Aravina school - Candidate of Art History, Associate Professor L.Uzkikh and T.Sapargaliyeva organically joined it. From 1979 to 1985 the department was headed by T. Sapargaliyeva, a graduate of the Leningrad Conservatory graduate school, Honored Art Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a well-known critic, secretary of the Board of the Union of Composers. An experienced teacher who provided special courses on the history of foreign, modern music, she managed not only to improve the quality of the educational process, but also to direct the work of musicologists to promote the achievements of world classics among the mass listener. In 1979-1989 A graduate of the postgraduate school of the Alma-Ata Conservatory in the class of B. Erzakovich - Yu. Aravin worked at the department. During this period, he lectured on the history of foreign and Kazakh music, combining teaching with musical education. Subsequently, the Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Cavalier of the Parasat Order, Y. Aravin became the author and host of popular television and radio programs devoted to the life and work of Kazakh folk composers. Since September 1978, L. Goncharova, a student, L. Zykova, a student of art history, has been working at the department. She teaches courses in the history of Russian, Soviet music, teaching methods, and teaching practice. In the period from 1979 to 1998, he taught special and general historical courses, led a class of specialization, which was completed by 36 musicologists, associate professor E.Kabdullin, who studied at the Moscow Conservatory, graduate of which was also a senior teacher, Candidate of Art History A.Petrov, who read in 1982- 1986 general and special courses.
In 1985, T. Jumaliev, a candidate of art history, a graduate of the Moscow Pedagogical Institute named after Gnesinykh, class of professor V. Berkov was moved to be the lead of department. In this position, she worked for fifteen years, showing diverse organizational skills and supporting the initiatives of her young colleagues A. Karamendina, E. Usenova, G. Kalymova, G. Saduahasova to read lectures and prepare diploma works in the Kazakh language. Having passed in 1999-2001. Doctoral studies, she completed the study "The musical culture of the Kazakh people: East - West, in the context of a single cultural space." T. Jumalieva is also the author of 200 publications related to the development of national art, the interaction of various traditions and cultures. Having realized the idea ofpublishing the first musical print organ in the Central Asian region - the “Novaya musical newspaper”, T. Jumalieva, as the chief editor, has been successfully engaged in musical-critical activities. In recent years, Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, professor, member of the Union of Composers of Kazakhstan, academician MAIN T. Dzhumaliyev, who educated more than 50 musicologists, managers, has done a lot of work on creating textbooks, being one of the authors and deputy editor of the two-volume work “History of Kazakh Music” - the first textbook on the history of Kazakh music, as well as the author and editor-in-chief of the textbook “Kazakh chalakyny dusturli muzysy” (together with D. Ahmetbekova, B. Vyskakov, Z. Kospakovym, A. Karamendina). She also has monographs “Kazakh musical culture and the percentage of greatness of the nation”, “Musical culture of the Kazakh people: East - West in the context of a single cultural space”, the book “Creativity of Kazakhstan composers in the mirror of musical criticism” (together with G. Saduahasova).
From the mid-80s and in the early 90s, the composition of the department was significantly updated. In 1984, musicologists — A.Karamendina, a graduate student at the All-Union Institute of Art Studies in Moscow — joined her pedagogical team for the first time to read lecture courses at the Conservatory in the Kazakh language. Associate Professor of the department, conducted special and general historically courses, specialization class. After completing their studies at the Moscow Conservatory, candidates for art history came to the department - G. Dzherdimaliev, L. Kopbaev, and in 1989 - M. Kokishev. For some time she held the position of dean of the faculty of advanced training since 2017 PhD. In 1992, they were joined by D. Akhmetbekova - Associate Professor, a member of the Union of Composers of Kazakhstan, a corresponding member of the IAIN, one of the authors and editors of five textbooks for senior and middle managers in Kazakh music (“Kazakh musical literature”, “Kazakh music of South Ukraine”, I, II), deputy editor-in-chief of the “Novaya Muzikovaya Gazeta”, editor of the journal “Kazakhstan Ballet Alemi”, and also the author of 200 articles on various issues of the history of music and the monograph “Kazakh Mass Song”. In 1994, G.Tampaev became the teacher of the department, which defends his thesis on the topic “Information processes in modern musical culture of Kazakhstan” at the Russian Institute for Cultural Research (supervisor k.isc., associate professor A.Omarova). In 1997-2001 carried out educational activities graduate postgraduate MGK them. P. Tchaikovsky, UNESCO Fellow, Ph.D. in Art History, Senior Lecturer J. Ordalieva, who later headed the Analytical Research Department of the MES RK. In 1997 G. Kalymova, the author of the first master’s thesis in Kazakh language (supervisor T. Dzhumaliyeva) and a graduate of the Moscow Conservatory (class of professor M. Tarakanov), a member of the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan, laureate of the “Man of the Year” award, began the teaching work. the author of the monograph "The Early Operas by G. Verdi" A.S.Platonov. The senior teacher G. Kalymova actively acts as a member of the jury of republican contests for young performers, musicologists, has over 15 publications on her dissertation topic, has prepared three laureates of republican contests RINS, olympiads.
In 1982, at the initiative of the Rector of the Conservatory, People's Artist of the USSR, Professor G. Zhubanova, a department of Kazakh music and folklore was organized at the university, the strategic objective of which was to study the national musical culture and introduce them into the educational process. All the years of the department’s work, the work of the teaching staff was aimed at developing and further improving the courses that determine its national specificity, and the main stages of development were determined not only by internal goals and objectives, but also by the historical and socio-cultural realities of the republic’s life. Since the opening of the department, in 1982-1986. It was headed by Candidate of Art Criticism, Associate Professor A.Temirbekova, who expanded the range of disciplines of the department, introducing in them, apart from "The History of Kazakh Music", first developed and introduced into the educational process by Dr. of Art History, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, laureate of Ch. a professor of arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, professor B. Yerzakovich course "Methods of teaching Kazakh music", as well as "Recording and decoding of folk music", later "Music and ethnographic practice." The core of the department consisted of major music scholars B. Erzakovich, G. Bisenova, as well as young teachers S. Yelemanova, P. Shegebaev, A. Kasymzhanova, Z. Rsaldina. Fundamental works, monographs of B. Yerzakovich "Song culture of the Kazakh people", "Sovettik Kazakh music" (in collaboration with A. Zhubanov and M. Ahmetova), "The musical heritage of the Kazakh people", "At the origins of Kazakh music" and others became the basis of courses of the department. The 2500 musical notes of the ethnographer B. Erzakovich, whose respondents were E. Berkimbaev, K. Azerbaev, K. Baizhanov, Sh. Abenov, N. Bukeikhanov and others, along with the transcripts of other ethnographers, served as the basis for the publication of collections of the classics of Kazakh folk music - Birzhan , Ahana-seri, Zhayau Musa, Ibrai, Estaya, Aset, Abay, Mukhit, Kenen.
A significant contribution to the formation of the department was made by Professor G. Besenova. As vice-rector of the Conservatory for Scientific Work, she contributed to the publication of a number of collections of articles that were the first steps in big science for many young musicologists. The breadth of scientific interests of G. Bisenova, defined by works on the works of Abay, Kurmangazy, S. Seifullin, D. Nurpeisova, G. Kurmangaliev and other figures of the republic, allowed the scientist to build the concept of a special course on the history of Kazakh music. A.Temirbekova, the author of one of the first ethno-music studies works on musical dialectology in the republic - “Kazakh folk songs”, also developed a program of lectures on the history of Kazakh music. Possessing extensive knowledge of field musical-folklore recordings, funds of the folklore study of the conservatory, A.Temirbekova was able to give her lessons a practical practical orientation. In order to diversify the work of musical ethnographic practice, as well as to expand the scope of lectures, she introduced the discipline “Recording and decoding of folk music” for musicologists. P. Shegebaev took an active part in this work, who later defended his thesis on the works of D. Nurpeisova. Later this discipline was proposed for students-composers and performers of the faculty of folk instruments. A. Temirbekova published a number of works of research and musical-ethnographic character, many essays and articles devoted to various issues of musical culture.
The teachers of the department successfully engaged in scientific activities. Thus, along with works on symphonic music of the 40s of the 20th century, Z. Rsaldina began the development of studies of the “azhlen” genre of Kazakh dombra music. The problems of the Kazakh-Russian musical interrelations (A. Temirbekov), the Kazakh musical professionalism of the oral tradition (S. Yelemanov) occupied an important place. A number of reviews and reviews of abstracts of dissertations on the traditional culture of the ethnic groups of Southeast and Central Asia, the Volga region and Transcaucasia were presented. Methodical work has found expression in the preparation of a two-volume textbook on the history of Kazakh music and the development of an updated model program based on it.
During this period, the work on collecting and systematizing musical material was intense - the teachers regularly traveled to folklore expeditions in Kazakhstan, and an invitation to the department of ethno-music scholar A.Nurbayev, who developed the methodology of teaching the Kazakh traditional instrumental music, was significantly expanded. decoding and recording of folk music. " The staff of the department in those years was strengthened by composers, now honored workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan - B. Daldenbayev, K. Shildebaev, who conducted the discipline "Music and Ethnographic Practice", and also in these years, the doctor of philosophy S. Ayazbekov joined the department.
In 1987-1992 the chair of the history of Kazakh music and folklore was headed by Professor B. Karakulov, who directed its activities to expand and strengthen interdepartmental and interdisciplinary relations. During this period, folklore scholars A. Seidimbekov and K.Nurlanova were invited to lecture courses at the conservatory. To carry out practical classes, a specialist in manuscripts based on Arabic script M. Shafigov was recruited to the department, while A. Toktagan, associate professor of the dombra department, conducted an optional decoding kyuev. The new “vector” in the department’s work was reflected in the city conference “Folklore and Cultural Policy in the Conditions of Perestroika”, where, in addition to teachers, graduate students and employees of the Conservatory, scholars from the branches of ethnology and science of science, aesthetics and archeology, participated. The head of the department proposed the concept of the course "Analysis of the works of musical folklore," based on modern methods of studying song forms using a systematic approach. It received its further development in the course “Analysis of Kazakh Traditional Instrumental Music” developed by Associate Professor P. Shegebaev. In order to improve the quality of notations of the Kazakh traditional vocal, vocal-instrumental and instrumental works, B. Karakulov initiated the opening of the specialization of “ethnomusicology" for graduates of folk departments of music schools and students of the faculty of folk instruments of the conservatory, perfectly fluent in their native language and playing dombra, subsequently significantly expanded the field of their subsequent creative and scientific activities through the possibility of obtaining a second specialty. Not by chance, a significant part of the postgraduate students and interns of the department in different years were young musicians B.Tleuhan, B.Muptekeev, A.Baybek, E.Tungyshuly, B. Babizhan, A.Nursultanova, T.Mukushev, E.Janabergenova, R.Amanova , E.Emil, U.Baybosynova, T.Togzhan, who received basic performing education.
The author of works on musical turkology B. Karakulov paid great attention to the study of the culture of other nations. Thus, during the 1988-1989 school year, S. Kibirova, an associate professor of the department, conducted the “Musical Instruments of Central Asia” elective, and the musical decoding of samples of Russian, Uighur and Turkmen folklore was the generally accepted standard for practical studies by music students and composers. On the basis of the department, dissertations on the traditional song art of the Kazakh Tatars (R. Valiullina) and Dungan (R. Yanchinova) were prepared and discussed.
The high scientific potential and active civic stand of the teaching staff of the department, which was joined in the late 80s by a kyueved scholar, Ph.D. in art history P.Shegebaev, an ethno-musicologist from the Leningrad school, a Ph.D. in art history D.Amirova and composer A.Mambetov, manifested in the creation and further development The new structural unit of the conservatory - the department of folk singing. The beginning of the second decade of the department of Kazakh music and folklore coincided with major social and historical transformations caused by the republic’s sovereignty. Since that time, the most important problem of teaching courses and disciplines of the department in the state language becomes relevant. After being invited to work in the late 80s and the early 90s of a new generation of musicologists in the person of A. Berdibay, Z. Masgutova, and later now candidates of art history - R. Nesipbai, A. Sabyrova, fluent in Kazakh, this problem was almost solved. The scientific articles of these young specialists, as well as the works of candidates of art history A.Omarova, author of “Kazakh professional creativity: milestones of development”, “Kazakh competitive art: aytys”, compiler, editor of books, collections of articles - “Ahmet Zhubanov”, “Latyf Hamidi” "," Boris Yerzakovich ", and G. Abdirahman, devoted to a wide range of problems of traditional and modern Kazakh music, filled in the missing links of the material of special courses.
From 1992 to 1996, the leadership of the department passes to the well-known ethnomusicologist, theoretically substantiated the concept of oral musical professionalism of the Kazakhs, the candidate of art history S.Elemanova. The transformations that followed were associated with the expansion and deepening of the educational material of the main discipline of the department - "History of Kazakh music." New disciplines are introduced: “Musical sociology”, “Music of the East”. The teaching activity of Professor S. Yelemanova, started in the late 70s, is being implemented in the development of a new content of the course “Folk Musical Creativity”. Since the mid-1990s, this course has been increasing in volume, thanks to the introduction of a new thematic block on traditional music of the Turkic-Mongolian peoples. Further geographical expansion of the material became the basis for creating a new course, “Music of the East”, a number of topics on which in the first year of its introduction were read by source scholar, art critic A. Jumaev (Uzbekistan). The tendency to humanization of the educational process in these years determined the inclusion of the discipline "Ethnology". The tasks of the special courses on Kazakh music were connected with the scientific-theoretical and scientific-methodical systematization of the material, which determined the research activities of S. Yelemanova and her students. Later, in 2000, the methodological developments of S. Yelemanova were summarized in her monograph “The Kazakh Traditional Song Art”. The head of the department also carried out extensive work on publications of musical, ethnographic and educational literature, combined with intensive organizational activities in holding international festivals of traditional music of the Turkic-Mongolian peoples and participating in various republican and international cultural projects.
Emphasizing the study of the problems of development of national musical culture, great work as the curator of the department for research work in the mid-80s S.Elemanova contributed to the interest of students in the study of little-studied areas of art, determining their choice of diploma works, and later - dissertation research. Among her students are the author of a monograph and a number of scientific articles on amateur songwriting by the composers of Kazakhstan, Ph.D. in art history G. Abdirakhman, who at one time headed the historical-theoretical faculty and the educational and methodical department of the conservatory; D.Amirova, Candidate of Art Criticism, who prepared the program of the new course “History and Methodology of Musical Folklore Studies”; A.Sabyrova - Candidate of Art History, for the first time in the republic, developed a course and a model curriculum for the discipline "Music of the East", as well as S.Ermekova and B. Babizhan. During 2007, the department of Kazakh and foreign music was headed by A.Sabyrova, the author of a monograph on the works of Abai and Shakarim, the scientific director of the encyclopedia "Abai", the author of over 60 publications in Kazakhstan, China, the United States, a participant in international symposia, conferences; Editor of several Ph.D. theses, Editor-in-Chief of the magazine “In the World of Music”, regular participant in television programs, reviewer of books on Kazakh music.
The study of Kazakh music of the twentieth century and the turn of the century is a priority in the musicological activities of the author of a number of teaching aids, articles and reports on topical issues of the musical life of the Republic of Kazakhstan, four books, a candidate of art history, an associate professor (since 1997), a professor (since 2008). Omarov. Having defended her thesis on the theme “The Opera Work of Composers of Kazakhstan in the Context of the Musical-Historical Process” in 1994, she successfully supervises the work of graduate students, graduate students, interns, researchers, and applicants. A.Omarova - supervisor of 8 Ph.D. theses (7 - on art history, 1 - on cultural studies). In 2001-2008 She was the Vice-Rector for Academic and Scientific Work of the Kazakh National Conservatory. Kurmangazy, the author of the idea and implementer of a large number of scientific projects of the KNK.
In 1996, in order to consolidate the structural divisions of the conservatory, the department of Kazakh music and folklore became part of the department of music history. In April 1997, by order of the rector Z.Aubakirova, it was reopened. The head of the department was Associate Professor G. Omarova, who headed it until 1999. Candidate of Art History G.Omarova headed the department during the period of transformations in the system of higher musical education of the republic, due to the transition to a four-year system of education, as well as the intensification of work on the preparation of working curricula. At the same time, the system for training traditional music performers is being reformed. The complex course of traditional music is introduced into the educational process, as well as the Theory of Monody, Instrumental Studies, The Traditional Culture of Nomadic Peoples, and the Sociology of Religion. The composition of the department is expanded by teachers who provide new courses. Among them are the major Kazakhstani scientists, whose activities involve an important stage in the development of higher musical education in the republic - professor, doctor of art history A. Mukhambetova, author of a large number of articles, monographs on traditional instrumental culture; Professor T. Alibakiyeva; Candidate of Art History, Vice-Rector of the Conservatory for Scientific Work in 1998-1999, Associate Professor S. Raimbergenova - one of the authors of monographs on folk instrumental music, who developed the practical course “Ethnosolfedio” for students of the specialty “Folk Singing”, subsequently received a continuation from R. Nesipbai ; B.Amanzhol, a graduate of the Moscow Conservatory, composer, candidate of art history, associate professor, member of the Union of Composers of Kazakhstan, who developed his own courses in Fundamentals of Musical Thinking and taught courses in Music of the East, History of Orchestral Styles, Instrumental Studies; ethnographers A.Eginbaeva and A. Beissenov, as well as graduates of the Conservatory - D. Bakhtigaliyeva, Ph.D., R. Dzhumaniyazova, E. Tungyshuly, candidates of art criticism B. Muptekeev, A. Baibek and T. Mukyshev. In 1999, in order to improve the educational process, the Department of the History of Kazakh and Foreign Music was established, which until December 2001 was headed by S. Elemanov. The peak of creative activity of young teachers of the department coincided with this period, among them was the candidate of art history, associate professor R.Nesipbai, who defended her thesis on the subject of her monograph “Kui-tokpe in the system of traditional world relations of the Kazakhs (problems of the theme, form and composition in kyuy-tokpe)” in 1999. Along with the historical disciplines R.Nesipbay, one of the first in the department, read special courses on "Theory of monody" and "History and methodology of musical folklore" in the Kazakh language. She also carried out the further development of the practical course “Etnosolfedzhio” for students of the specialization “Folk Singing”.
In 2001-2004 The department of history of Kazakh and foreign music is managed by the senior teacher A. Berdibay, who conducts courses in the Kazakh and Russian languages on “The History of Kazakh Music”, “Music and Ethnographic Practice”, specialty. She is the author of the Model Programs in various disciplines in the history and theory of national music, articles and a textbook on the topic of her dissertation, Chorus of Kazakh Songs. Currently PhD PhD A. Berdybay is an assistant professor of the department.
For several years, author's courses have been developed, including: “The History of Musical Styles and Genres” (A. Karamendina), “Contemporary Art Trends” (D. Ahmetbekov), “The Basics of Musical Thinking” (B.Amanzhol), “The History of Musical Theater ”(A.Platonov, D.Akhmetbekova),“ Musical criticism and journalism ”(T. Jumaliev). The teachers of the department are actively introducing into the educational process the results of the author's research, there is a theoretical and methodological update of individual sections and courses readable.
Since 2000, expeditionary work has resumed, which has significantly enriched the stock materials of the Conservatory's folklore research laboratory. The specificity and place of the department in the modern cultural and educational space of the republic are clearly indicated, due to the unique problem perspective of the study of the history and theory of Kazakhstan's musical culture. Among the most important priorities is the task of deepening historical knowledge on the basis of new archaeological and ethnographic information, restoring undeveloped periods, and also correcting most sections of training courses based on artistic and aesthetic evaluation criteria for analyzing the musical and historical process.
As in previous years, the department is replenished by young professionals who contribute to the development of Kazakhstan musicology. Themes of their dissertation research reflect the current trend of uniting related sciences - academic musicology, ethnomusicology, sociology, psychology, cultural studies, philosophy and aesthetics - into a complex methodological complex. In line with these definitions is, in particular, the dissertation work of R. Dzhumaniyazova "Features of the system of musical and aesthetic categories in the Kazakh traditional instrumental music", defended in 2002.
In order to improve the professional level, strengthen the research potential and exchange experience in 2001, the Doctor of Art History, Professor Sh. Gullyev was invited to the Department of the History of Kazakh and Foreign Music, whose doctoral dissertation “Turkmen Music (Heritage)” was defended in 1997 in Tashkent. At the department he began work in the field of interaction of traditional musical cultures of the peoples of Central Asia, which is implemented in the teaching of special courses "Theories of monody", "Folk musical art", "Music and ethnographic practice."
At the department, professors Sh. Gullyev, S. A. Elemanova, T. Jumalieva, Associate Professor D. Ahmetbekova and other teachers were active in the development and implementation of international projects supported by the Soros-Kazakhstan Foundation. Thus, over the past years, the Anthologies of Kazakh Music, Music Phonochrestomacy in five parts and a number of other publications were issued on electronic media. Festivals of traditional music, coordinated by S.Elemanov, have become one of the forms of fruitful international cooperation of the department. The high status of the department is also confirmed by the participation of its teachers in international conferences and various organizations. For example, S. Gullyev is a member of the Makam Research Group of the International Council for Traditional Music at UNESCO and the Council of Founders of the Central Asian Academy of Arts, T. Jumalieva is a member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Style, a member and expert of dissertation, scientific councils; S.Elemanova is an expert of the Asyl Mura International Project and a member of the Intangible International Group at UNESCO, A.Sabyrova is the editor-in-chief of the magazine In the World of Music, etc. The culminating event of the scientific work of the department was the holding in 2009 on the basis of KNK them. Kurmangazy International Scientific and Practical Conference "Traditional musical culture of the peoples of Central Asia."
In 2009, the Department of Theory of Music and the Department of History of Kazakh and Foreign Music were merged into the Department of Musicology, the head of which was appointed Candidate of Art History, Associate Professor V.A. Shapilov. In the new conditions of informatization of education, members of the department actively use digital technologies in new multimedia classrooms and develop teaching materials, including electronic textbooks: Zykova L. “Operas D. Shostakovich”; Shapilov V. “Program Finale. Basic skills "; Shapilov V., Gamarnik M., Zubkov G. “Collection of dictations on solfeggio (based on materials of KNK KNK entrance examinations)”; Sabyrova A. "History of Kazakh music." The development of traditional textbooks and scientific research is also continuing: Begembetova G. “Enharmonic modulation in the course of solfegio”; Nildikeshev T. "Examples of assignments for entrance exams in the theoretical and musical disciplines"; Shapilov A. “Basics of work in music editor Finale 2014”; Akhmetbekova D. “Composer B. Daldenby”; Berdibay A. "Cossacks Worldwide Underground Zertteu Mәseleleri"; Sabyrova A. Electronic textbook and tutorial "Ezhelgі dәuіrdegі қаққ muzysy". The result of many years of work is the monograph of Professor S. Utegaliyeva: “The Sound World of Turkic Peoples: Theory, History and Practice”, the first ethnomusicological work in the history of sovereign Kazakhstan, published in another state (Russia).
In the last decade, in connection with the increase in the number of students studying in the state language, teachers, graduates of the KNK have been invited to the department. Kurmangazy, candidates of sciences A.Mukan, T.Ospanov, A.Imashev.
The members of the department actively participate in the program of the MES RK "Visiting Professors", within which master classes were held by leading professors of the Moscow State Conservatory, doctors of art history A. Sokolov, V. Yunusovoi, I. Kryazhevoy, etc.
From 2013 to 2017, the duties of the head of the department of musicology was performed by the senior lecturer, now PhD Ph.D. A. Berdibay. In the period 2011-2013. At the department, preparations were made for the transition to a credit technology of education: new state educational standards, standard and working curricula, and standard curricula were developed.
In 2017, Candidate of Art History, Associate Professor, author of the monograph “Epos Zane Music” and more than 50 scientific articles A. Bultbayeva were invited to be in charge of the department of musicology and composition.
The Department of Musicology works today in the following composition: A.Z.Bultbaeva - Head of the Department, Candidate of Art Criticism, Associate Professor; TK Dzhumaliyeva - Ph.D., Professor; S.I. Utegaliyeva - doctor of art history, professor; GZ Begembetova - Candidate of Art Criticism, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Science and International Cooperation; AK Omarova - Ph.D., Professor; GB Abdrakhman - Ph.D., professor, vice-rector for educational and methodical work; IKKozhabekov - Ph.D., associate professor; VAShapilov - Ph.D., associate professor; T.U.Ospanova - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor; A.T. Imasheva - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor; A.A. Sabyrova - Ph.D., associate professor; EG Kondaurova - Ph.D., Senior Lecturer; A.S.Nusupova - Ph.D., Senior Lecturer; DA Akhmetbekova - Associate Professor; MTKokisheva - Senior Lecturer, PhD; GD Kalymova - Associate Professor; L.Sh.Gazizova - senior teacher; V.Ye.Nedlina - Senior Lecturer, PhD; G.Zh.Musagulova - Candidate of Art History, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Musicology, Art Management and Social and Humanitarian Disciplines; Sh.A.Tatkenova - Lecturer, Master of Arts; D.E. Mussahan - Senior Lecturer, PhD; D. Bergaprakov - teacher, master of arts.
Composers: Daldenby B.A. - Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor; E.K. Umirov - Associate Professor; V.A. Strigotsky - Professor; graduates of the Moscow Conservatory B. T. Amanzhol - Ph.D. in Art History, Associate Professor and S.S. Baiterekov - Senior Lecturer; N.Nuridin - teacher, master of arts.
Pedagogical Staff:
Gulnar Abdirakhman – PhD in Art Criticism, Professor
Aizada Nussupova – PhD in Art Criticism, Professor
Galiya Begembetova – PhD in Art Criticism, Professor
Gulmira Musagulova – PhD in Art Criticism, Professor
Marlena Koilybayeva – Head of the Department, PhD, Associate Professor
Saida Yelemanova – Doctor of Art Criticism, Professor
Saule Utegalieva – Doctor of Art Criticism, Professor
Tamara Jumaliyeva – PhD in Art Criticism, Professor
Dina Amirova – PhD in Art Criticism, Associate Professor
Baglan Babizhan – PhD, Senior Lecturer
Aizhan Berdibay – PhD in Art Criticism, Associate Professor
Aizada Bultbayeva – PhD in Art Criticism, Associate Professor
Beibit Daldenbay – Honored worker of Kazakhstan, Professor
Raushan Jumaniyazova – PhD in Art Criticism, Associate Professor
Aygul Imasheva – PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Yelena Kondaurova – PhD in Art Criticism, Senior Lecturer
Ilyas Kozhabekov – PhD in Art Criticism, Associate Professor
Meruert Myltykbayeva – PhD in Art Criticism, Associate Professor
Valeriya Nedlina – PhD in Art Criticism, Associate Professor
Aklima Omarova – PhD in Art Criticism, Professor
Togzhan Ospanova – PhD in Pedagogy, Professor
Aliya Sabirova – PhD in Art Criticism, Professor
Almagul Sarymsakova – PhD in Art Criticism, Associate Professor
Vitaly Shapilov – PhD in Art Criticism, Associate Professor
Yermek Umirov – Associate professor
Zulfiya Kassimova – PhD in Art Criticism, Senior Lecturer
Ainur Kaztuganova – PhD in Art Criticism, Associate Professor
Zhaidargul Kazybekova – PhD in Art Criticism, Lecturer
Amangeldi Mukan – PhD in Art Criticism, Associate Professor
Liliya Gazizova – Senior Lecturer
Tatyana Goryacheva – MA, Senior Lecturer
Bayan Igilik – MA, Senior Lecturer
Galiya Kalymova – MA, Associate Professor
Sherkhan Mukhambetzhanov – MA, Senior Lecturer
Bolatbek Nurkassymov – MA, Senior Lecturer
Sholpan Tatkenova – MA, Senior Lecturer
Zhuldyz Tulkubayeva – MA, Senior Lecturer
Nargiza Khinkov-Aitbaeva – MA, Senior Lecturer
Sanzhar Baiterekov – MA, Lecturer
Lyaila Balmagambetova – MA, Lecturer
Daniyar Berzhaprakov – MA, Lecturer
Aizhan Kalibayeva – MA, Lecturer
Yaroslava Krementsova – MA, Lecturer
Nikita Malyukhov – MA, Lecturer
Janelle Safiyeva – MA, Lecturer
Galymzhan Sekeyev – MA, Lecturer
Lyazzat Suleimanova – MA, Lecturer
Saltanat Yermekova – Lecturer
Yuliana Sitnikova – Lecturer