
Dinara Samanova

Contact details:

Academic position: Senior lecturer

Academic degree:


Name of speciality and code indicated in the diploma of higher education: «6M010300 – Pedagogy and psychology»


Education / qualification (year, country, educational institution):

−      2011-2013, the Republic of Kazakhstan – Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory, master's degree in the specialty "6M010300 – Pedagogy and Psychology";

−      2003-2007 Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory, Bachelor's degree in pedagogy and Psychology of music education;

−      1999-2003 Taldykurgan Music College named after K.Baiseitov, majoring in Dombra.


Work Experience:

−      Since 2023, he has been a senior lecturer at the Department of Music Education and Psychology of the Kurmangazy KNK;

−      2007-2022 - Lecturer at the Department of Music Education and Psychology of the Kurmangazy KNK;

−      2006 -2007 - Laboratory assistant at the Department of Social and Humanitarian Sciences of the Kurmangazy National Research University.


Honors, awards (national, international):

−      2024 - letter of thanks for the high preparation of the participants of the international student scientific and practical conference "Personality in musical culture of the XXI century-education-creativity" dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Music for Gifted Children named after A. K. Zhubanov

−      2023 – letter of thanks for the help in organizing the Student Olympiad /Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory/ Kazakhstan

−      2024 – letter of thanks for the help in organizing the Student Olympiad /Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory/ Kazakhstan


Scientific papers, editions, publications (2019-2024)


Publications in peer-reviewed journals:

−The focus of the work of a social pedagogue in the psychological support of children with special educational needs / Bulletin of KazNU. Pedagogical series/


Participation in conferences:

−      Interest of Primary School students in musical activities through Kazakh National Instruments / I International Scientific and practical conference "personality-education-creativity in musical culture XXI century", Almaty, 2024-STR. 672-676.

−      Formation of the scientific basis for moral education of Primary School students through folk songs and folk songs/I International Scientific and practical conference "personality-education-creativity in musical culture XXI century", Almaty, 2024 – STR. 627-631.

−      Theoretical foundations of psychocorrection of stress/ materials of the IX International Annual Scientific and practical conference "actual problems of communication skills, psychology and social work in medicine: from theory to practice"/11-12.05.2023 - Almaty: S. zh. Kaznmu , 2023. - 172 P.

−      The essence of musical hearing and modern approaches to its classification/ collection of materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference: "GLOBAL SCIENCE and INNOVATIONS 2023: Central ASIA", pp. 70-74. 10.05.2023. Astana

−      Effective ways of forming a research culture of college students/materials of the international scientific and practical conference "development of a research culture of teachers in the system of continuing education: experience and innovations", dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Professor Taubaeva sh.t. 17.02.2023 year. - Almaty: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, pp. 379-383.

−      Directions of adaptation of children with disabilities to society (domestic and foreign legislative documents)/international scientific and practical conference "strategies of pedagogical education at the University: innovations and challenges of time" dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Academician of NAS RK Akhmetova Gulnas Kenzhetaeva. – Almaty, 2022. - pp. 260-266.

−      The role of music education in the formation of tolerance/VII International Annual Scientific and practical conference "acute problems of communication skills, psychology and social work in medicine: from theory to practice". - Almaty, 2022. - pp. 125-

−      Opportunities for organizing independent work of students within the framework of distance learning. (on the example of the topic "musical heritage of Khakim Abai" on the subject of ethnopedagogy)/collection of materials of the International Scientific and practical conference: "spiritual heritage of Abai and actual problems of Modern Art History", dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abai Kunanbayev, Kurmangazy KNK, 2020.-pp. 56-61.; 19.11.2020.

−      Formation of the ethnic component of the identity of the teacher-psychologist in the process of training/ "GLOBAL SCIENCE and INNOVATIONS 2020: CENTRAL ASIA" № 4(9). June-July 2020 series "pedagogical science" / G. Nur-Sultan;

−      Interaction of subjects in the Student Collective/current scientific research in the modern world Issue 1 (57) Part 3, January 2020 G. Journal, G. Pereyaslav Ukraine;

−      Theoretical aspects of personal development of future teachers as subjects of Education / International Scientific and practical conference "professional musical education: theory and practice". Almaty, KNK named after Kurmangazy, November 27, 2019;


- Studies, monographs, textbooks:

−      Anisimov V. P. diagnosis of musical abilities of children: a manual for students of higher educational institutions. - Almaty, 2022. 100 p. translated into Kazakh: Samanova D. B., Gilmanova a.m.


Professional development (internships, trainings, seminars, courses):

−      29.12.2023 - "Methods of pedagogical technique", Institute of Retraining and advanced Training, CPC certificate No. 825, 36 h. Astana.

−      07.02.2023 - "Modern pedagogical technologies in education", Republican Information and methodological Center "Enlightenment", certificate No. 0000229, 36 hours, Astana.

−      06-11.12.2021 – "The use of innovative technologies in the educational process", Al-Farabi Kazakh State University, certificate No. 02, 72 hours, Almaty;

−      13.11.2020 - "Distance learning: from lesson development to the organization of the educational process", JSC National Center for Advanced Training "Orleu", No. 6587040, 40 hours, Almaty;

−      18-24.06.2020 Online course "Online learning: Opportunities and practical application", KNK.Kurmangazy, Almaty, in the amount of 72 hours

−      02-07 May 2020 Webinar "POPPY in the work of a psychologist: Kazakhstani steps", "Jety kazyna" Ullesimdi damytudyn bilim ortalygy", Nur Sultan. In the amount of 56 hours


Foreign Language Proficiency:

English - B1