Kalamkas Alaydarkyzy
Contact data:
e-mail: Kalamkas_alaidar@mail.ru
Academic position: Master of educational work, senior lecturer
Academic degree: candidate of economic sciences
Name of speciality and code indicated in the diploma of higher education: "5B010800 - Physical education and sports"
Education / qualification (year, country, educational institution):
- 2006-2009 – RK, Kazakh economic university named after T.Ryskulov. date march 19, 2009 (protocol No. 3), academic degree candidate of economic sciences.
- 2019-2021 – RK, Kazakh academy of sports and tourism, master's degree in the educational program "7M01401 - Physical education and sports"
- 2017-2019 – RK, International humanitarian and technical university, bachelor's degree in the educational program "5B010800 - Physical education and sports"
Work Experience:
- 2021-present - senior lecturer, department of "SRS" of the Kazakh national conservatory named after Kurmangazy
- 2017-2020 - associate professor, department of "accounting, audit and statistics", ASEU
- 2000-2017 - associate professor, department of "accounting and audit", Narxoz university
Honors, awards (national, international):
Scientific papers, editions, publications (2019-2024)
Publications (foreign and local):
1. Some physiological states and negative reactions of the body during physical education and sports. Current scientific research in the modern world. Issue 10 (66), part 2, pp. 61-66. October 2020. ISSN 2524-0986
2. Pedagogy, didactics and educational programs. The article "The influence of training on the body" was published on 30 December 2021. Almaty, ASUE. pp. 192-194.
3. The influence of training on the body. Current scientific research in the modern world. Issue 9(77), part 5 pp. 61-66. September 2021. ISSN 2524-0986
4. Organization and management of physical education. Current scientific research in the modern world. Issue 9(77), part 5. pp. 66-72. September 2021. ISSN 2524-0986
5. Physical Education in Ensuring Health. Current Scientific Research in the Modern World. Issue 12(80), Part 10. Pages 107-112. December 2021. ISSN 2524-0986
6. The Impact of Health-improving Physical Education on the Body. Current Scientific Research in the Modern World. Issue 12(80), Part 10. Pages 112-116. December 2021. ISSN 2524-0986
7. Physical Education of Students. Current Scientific Research in the Modern World. Issue 3(83), Part 2. Pages 142-146 March 2022. ISSN 2524-0986
8. Formation of the Personality of the Future Physical Education Teacher. Scientific and Practical Journal Herald of Physical Education. Scientific article "Formation of the personality of the future physical education teacher" No. 3 (71), 2023. Pp. 68-71. November 2023
9. The teacher in the process of interaction with students. Strategy for the formation of a healthy lifestyle of the population: an ecosystem approach. Proceedings of the XXI International scientific and practical conference dedicated to the memory of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor V.N. Zuev. November 9-10, 2023. ISBN 978-5-91409-577-9, pp. 218-221. Tyumen
10. Ondіristіk esepti uymdastyru negіzderi. International scientific and practical conference "Modern trends in science and education", dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. December 11, 2023 ASUE pp. 118-122.
11. Organization of physical education in the university. Current scientific research in the modern world. Issue 4 (108), part 1 pp. 136-140. April 2024. ISSN 2524-0986
12. Defensive actions in modern volleyball Current scientific research in the modern world. Issue 4 (108), part 1 pp. 140-144. April 2024. ISSN 2524-0986
Publications in peer-reviewed journals:
Participation in conferences:
1. Economic development and practical work.
International scientific and practical conference "Efficient management of environmental costs in ensuring environmental safety and human health in the context of digitalization", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Doctor of Economics, Professor Kusnikamal Tortubaevna Taygashinova. ASUE. February 23, 2024, pp. 82-86
2. The main scientific and practical tasks of the environmental protection and human health
International scientific and practical conference "Efficient management of environmental costs in ensuring environmental safety and human health in the context of digitalization", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Doctor of Economics, Professor Kusnikamal Tortubaevna Taygashinova. ASUE. February 23, 2024. 79-82 p.
3. Pedagogy of mindset and pedagogy of categories
VI Republican scientific and practical online conference "Education of the XXI century: problems, trends and prospects", collection based on the Distance educational portal "Eurasian science" April 8, 2024. 9-14 p.
Studies, monographs, textbooks:
Research interests:
Professional development (internships, trainings, seminars, courses):
1. 04.04.-25.04.2024 successfully completed advanced training courses in the amount of 72 academic hours on the topic: "Improving the professional competence and experience of a physical education teacher" (certificate No. 1066)
2. 11.15.-26.11.2022 completed advanced training courses on the topic: Modern approaches and prospects for the development of physical education and sports in colleges and universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the amount of 3 credits, 90 hours. (certificate No. 5916)
3. 10.12.-23.10.2021 - advanced training course in the field of physical education and sports, specializing in volleyball, in the amount of 72 hours (certificate No. 5168)
Foreign Language Proficiency: